The loadouts should include mount insignias.
Unlike enchantments, they are free to slot in and out.
I cannot think of any reason why insignias should not be a part of a loadout.
Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
They're not leaving those items out just to be mean to players.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
It just irritates me to see "there's no reason not to", when the reason is they tried and couldn't get it done in a reasonable amount of time.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
in the middle of the page
This would be akin to just having additional "gear enchantment slots" similar to how we have armor and ring slots now.
But as has been suggested, that's no small undertaking and it would have the potential to introduce many issues (as do most big systems changes).
That said, we should keep asking for it. No plans on the horizon so far, but we've seen evidence that polite, constructive, and consistent community feedback can be incorporated in feature planning. Adding Mounts, Companions, Enchantments, and Artifact Powers to Loadouts would be amazing, not only as a QoL improvement but also as a way to enable PvE / PvP build swapping, and open up a lot of flexibility / creativity in the viable niche build space.
It would be so cooooooool