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(PS4) Dragon Turtle Moult

valkosvalkos Member Posts: 34 Arc User
Hi guys

I play an OP tank and I've just started to try and restore the oath keeper mace and shield.

I've ran approximately 30 HE's and only received 1 dragon turtle moult. Given that I need 40 I was just wondering how people got theirs?, and does the moult drop from any HE or just the turtle dragon HE?

I enjoy working towards something but at present the drop rate seems crazy, so I'm guessing I'm missing something.

Sir Valkar


  • ragequittingdc#8599 ragequittingdc Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    fish for maps and opening them for treasure is alot faster and how I farmed mine, or if you dont trust the rng trade maps for moult. sometimes you get 2 lanolin instead of moults which are worth more currently on the auction so you could sell those or trade too.
    im actually the gwf carry
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    As far as I know, any HE in SoMI can drop moults, big or small. However, people on PC don't tend to the small HEs as the Fishing Frenzy one is terrible. As noted above, they also come from maps. Most people tend to get what they can from BHE and maps, but the lion's share come from the Auction House.
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