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Feedback: The big problem with loot, and why we would ever think to not take it

imit8rimit8r Member Posts: 74 Arc User
edited October 2016 in Player Feedback (PC)
One of the main reasons we all run dungeons in this game is to get loot so we can advance our characters. To this end if the loot will not advance us why would we want it? Once we have geared up past the point of T2, as it stands the only reason to run T2 dungeons is to get salvage to get AD. I recognize that it is a source of income and that is just fine, and I don't refuse chests in the traditional dungeons, the problem comes with the "bonus chests". These keys all have horridly low chances to get anything good. If you don't get anything good, you completely lose all value of the key spent, and may as well have just thrown it away. This applies to all bonus chests. In endgame content there are 3 main reasons I see that people run dungeons. These reasons are Artifacts, Armor, and +5 rings. I know this is not an all inclusive list, but more of a generality. When you open this bonus chest at the end of the dungeon you get one of 2 outcomes. Either you get what you wanted, or you don't. You can get what you wanted after 1 run, or you may never get it due to RNG. If you don't get what you went there for you are 0% closer to your goal. Gating gear 100% behind RNG is a HORRIBLE strategy for player morale. If you were given some measurable progress towards getting what you want, at least you could see the light at the end of the tunnel. This was not needed in the early game, due to the relatively high drop-rate that armor had. But in the end-game the drop-rates are just plain abysmal.

What I suggest is that these bonus chests, or any chest for that matter (this is already implemented in T1/T2 chests for armor in the form of Protector's seals etc) give you either some form of currency that you can use to buy what you really wanted from that dungeon. This currency does not have to take the form of actual currency, so much as the ability to at least trade in what you don't want (like rings) for ones you do. Let's say for instance you could take 5 of the +1 rings and trade them in to a vendor for a +2 ring. Or say take the +5 ring that you got that you have no interest in keeping could be traded in for one you actually wanted. If I knew that if I ran eDemo 100 times I would be guaranteed to have a +5 ring that I wanted by the end of that time, I would run said dungeon with no feelings of being crushed every time I didn't get that ring because I knew that eventually I would. The same sort of thing could be used for the armors in FBI (although that is a much simpler fix) by just having one armor piece for each slot that drops and you just pick which one you unlock when you repair it.


  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    It's obvious the bonus chest is a grind feature that they'd like to monetize, but it's not working for both the players and the devs. As you laid out correctly, as many systems ins the game, it's poorly thought through and does not what it was intended to do.

    Currently the chests are merely a source of AD/Salvage and hence can directly be valued. If a key costs more than ~3,000 it's definitely not worth it. All campaign keys are not worth the effort because T2s are that much better sources for RADs. With the epic dungeon chest key you're investing 5,000 AD for a chest that's most likely won't even net you that much in CN or FBI.

    To make the system actually useful and beneficial to everyone I would separate the loot in both chests and ask myself what they should stand for. I would make the "Daily Chest" the raid/salvage one. Up the Salvage and RPs in that chest, but do not hand out state-of-the-art gear or the tokens to acquire them (or very little). The value should also always surpass the one from the chest key in the Wondrous Bazaar so people can keep grinding for ADs and RPs with decreased efficiency when they have used all of their free keys.

    The second "Additional Chest" that can be opened with farmable or buyable keys should hand out progression. Tokens to buy state-of-the-art gear, a chance at the gear itself, these 1% Artifacts etc., additional RPs and whatnot.

    That way you can control and monetize the progression, but players always have a significant reward while farming dungeons. There's some balancing to do because Trials and Skirmishes have a guaranteed reward on completion and T2 only one chest, but it's possible.​​
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