I've been getting conflicting answers to this, so I was hoping to ask and have it verify by someone who has bought one of the class booster packs.
For the bag and the companion, it's worth the price comparison wise, so that's good.
However, as I understand it, on the pc when you buy a pack you can claim the companion on all your toons like you can the merc from the heirloom pack.
Is that accurate?
If so, is the ps4 version the same?
Ie, if I bought the Warlock pack, can I get the belial companion on all my toons?
If so, they'd make it an instant purchase.
Otherwise, I'll wait until I actually start playing my lock.
Thanks for the info in advance.
Just be please make sure you can directly confirm it as I've been told both ways thru the game.
The bag and Adventure Pack included are one time claims and are NOT for each character, just whichever one you claim them with.
I found the bag, adventurer's pack, and companion to be well worth it, but I have toons.
If you invoke, you'll get the celestial bags and when you open them, they may contain a coupon. Wait until you get a coupon for a pack or one item and then purchase. I saved 15% with in-game coupons. Or wait for a sale. They were recently 20% off I think so it may not happen again for awhile.
Saving up for an epic bear mount.
1k z to go.
Then I'll start saving for the Warlock pack.
I like the Heirloom, Champion of the North, and the Dragonborn packs. I feel they offer the best bang for the buck out of all the packs.
Though I misunderstood the heirloom items to work like WoW.
None the less great purchase.
If I get a big pack, it'll be the dragon one.
Much more bang for the bug imo.
That said, until it goes on sale, or goes for zen, it won't be happening sadly.
As for a mount, I saved up enough to get the yowler already.
But want to fill my stables with 3 slot mount and then on to companions.
And since the class booster packs have a companion for all toons, and a bag for one, I'll be looking at those very closely.
Thank you for the advice.