Yea, at 43% you are pretty much just tickling enemies lol. So just get it to 60% and you are good. Also it must be said that most of the campaigns, I.E. Dread Ring/Tyranny/Sharandar/IWD, offer Resistance Ignored as one of the options to unlock. So you can look into that as well.
You'll fix that with boons and refining your artifacts. You haven't said how far through the campaigns you are but I'm guessing you still find yourself being quite squishy?
You should be aiming for the following (listed in order of priority) Resistance Ignored: over -60% Critical Chance: Over 50% Critical Severity: 85% not including weapon enchantment bonus Power above 14k Life Steal above 3k
You can boost a lot of your stats with your companion. Make sure you use Bonding runestones, not the other types. You can put double slotted rings/belt/neck on them too & this is very useful but you need Jewelcrafting at 25 to do this. If you're not there put the single slot for now and upgrade them once you hit 25.
Also if you aren't already you should look into joining a guild that has some boons. The first ones usually on offer are defence and armor pen.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I've gotten all the ArP boons already or at least nearly all of them Got my 4th boon in IWD, Dread Ring and ToD, working on my 4th in Sharandar and I should have my 2nd form Underdark by Tuesday
You'll fix that with boons and refining your artifacts. You haven't said how far through the campaigns you are but I'm guessing you still find yourself being quite squishy?
You should be aiming for the following (listed in order of priority) Resistance Ignored: over -60% Critical Chance: Over 50% Critical Severity: 85% not including weapon enchantment bonus Power above 14k Life Steal above 3k
You can boost a lot of your stats with your companion. Make sure you use Bonding runestones, not the other types. You can put double slotted rings/belt/neck on them too & this is very useful but you need Jewelcrafting at 25 to do this. If you're not there put the single slot for now and upgrade them once you hit 25.
Also if you aren't already you should look into joining a guild that has some boons. The first ones usually on offer are defence and armor pen.
True, only one thing though...I am pretty sure that life steal was nerfed big time at some point, so I don't think it is viable anymore. The other things you said are fairly accurate though.
zephyriahMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,980Arc User
You'll fix that with boons and refining your artifacts. You haven't said how far through the campaigns you are but I'm guessing you still find yourself being quite squishy?
You should be aiming for the following (listed in order of priority) Resistance Ignored: over -60% Critical Chance: Over 50% Critical Severity: 85% not including weapon enchantment bonus Power above 14k Life Steal above 3k
You can boost a lot of your stats with your companion. Make sure you use Bonding runestones, not the other types. You can put double slotted rings/belt/neck on them too & this is very useful but you need Jewelcrafting at 25 to do this. If you're not there put the single slot for now and upgrade them once you hit 25.
Also if you aren't already you should look into joining a guild that has some boons. The first ones usually on offer are defence and armor pen.
True, only one thing though...I am pretty sure that life steal was nerfed big time at some point, so I don't think it is viable anymore. The other things you said are fairly accurate though.
Not really nerfed, but significantly changed. It now works best for builds/classes that do many hits.
It was that you got a % of damage returned as life steal based on your stat but it would proc on every hit. Now, you get 100 %, but the stat affects how often it procs. With a high stat, Life steal can be viable. 3000 would be low without boons. I would suggest as a minimum over 4000 (400 is near 1%) to hit 10% chance if you are going to go for life steal.
I have 3075 (7.7%) on my DPS cleric and the 3% boon (Dragon's Thirst-ToD) and an additional 1% that I do not know from where that hits 11.7% chance.
Yeah my CW is getting toward 3k lifesteal and the difference is really noticeable. I still need to get an artifact that gives it - maybe valindras crown for power too...
The thing with the CW is you hit multiple enemies with numerous hits so it triggers often - I do choose all the LS boons plus the 4th on sharandar and dread ring for extra in-fight self heals. My health rarely drops in pve content now.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Yeah my CW is getting toward 3k lifesteal and the difference is really noticeable. I still need to get an artifact that gives it - maybe valindras crown for power too...
The thing with the CW is you hit multiple enemies with numerous hits so it triggers often - I do choose all the LS boons plus the 4th on sharandar and dread ring for extra in-fight self heals. My health rarely drops in pve content now.
Gained another 1% today with the second Underdark boon. In general, life steal works best with any class/build that focuses on AoE type damage. I said many "hits" in many previous post, but should have specified AoE.
DPS Cleric works similar to CW using Chains and Sunburst gives many opportunities to proc. Add in astral seal, and a DPS cleric can keep health up doing most everything in PvE without the need for healing encounters. Not much of a role in dungeons (not wise or beneficial to group to use sunburst there), but questing, HEs and skirmishes are good.
I've focused on Crit/ArP boons when possible. They are much more viable for an endgame toon than a little Life Steal. imo
Same, but I went for RI first to hit 59.5 or about (with the change to elemental drowcraft it slipped to 57.5) and the started building crit and life steal equally as possible and allowing armor to take care of power and defense for the most part.
Finally got my ArP to 61% but I had to sacrifice some power and crit
I not sure if you know or are using the common player terminology, but there is no reason (except PvP) to take ArPen that high. ArPen is only useful for it's contribution to Resistance Ignored (RI). Many play talk like they are the interchangeable/the same. They are not. Your Arpen only needs to be high enough to make your RI 59.5. 59.5 is Tiamat and the highest non-player resistance in the game.
If you actually meant RI, ignore the above. If you did mean your ArPen is 61%, check lower down for the RI stat.
I've focused on Crit/ArP boons when possible. They are much more viable for an endgame toon than a little Life Steal. imo
Same, but I went for RI first to hit 59.5 or about (with the change to elemental drowcraft it slipped to 57.5) and the started building crit and life steal equally as possible and allowing armor to take care of power and defense for the most part.
Finally got my ArP to 61% but I had to sacrifice some power and crit
I not sure if you know or are using the common player terminology, but there is no reason (except PvP) to take ArPen that high. ArPen is only useful for it's contribution to Resistance Ignored (RI). Many play talk like they are the interchangeable/the same. They are not. Your Arpen only needs to be high enough to make your RI 59.5. 59.5 is Tiamat and the highest non-player resistance in the game.
If you actually meant RI, ignore the above. If you did mean your ArPen is 61%, check lower down for the RI stat.
I mean my RI is 61% Had to get my ArP up to 6.6k to hit 60% RI
I've focused on Crit/ArP boons when possible. They are much more viable for an endgame toon than a little Life Steal. imo
Pat, lifesteal is a defence option and most boon options are between lifesteal and regen or deflect so you don't miss out on the dps boons by choosing it. When it comes to enchantments you are choosing between defence and lifesteal. A while back I refocused the defence aspect on my CW and suddenly he was able to solo groups of barbarians in IWD with no loss of health - as such I'm talking from experience. You obviously don't stack it and are therefore working on what you 'think' rather than what you 'know'.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
@armadeonx Never said I "know", thats why the last three letters on my comment were "imo" or "In My Opinion".
I have stacked lifesteal on my TR back before EE. It was horrible, so I just stacked Defense instead. THAT is me speaking from experience. But had nothing to do with a CW, as the OP question did so I didn't bring it up. But since you want to put words in my mouth and be quite rude, I figured I could enlighten you a bit.
From my experience lately, LS is definitely worth it to have. I've only 1,411 which is around 3% and I see a difference when it procs. Actually saved my life a few times.
@armadeonx Never said I "know", thats why the last three letters on my comment were "imo" or "In My Opinion".
I have stacked lifesteal on my TR back before EE. It was horrible, so I just stacked Defense instead. THAT is me speaking from experience. But had nothing to do with a CW, as the OP question did so I didn't bring it up. But since you want to put words in my mouth and be quite rude, I figured I could enlighten you a bit.
Haha, I apologise for my rudeness, it was a reaction to your wording being dismissive with the phrase "a little Life Steal". At 3k LS when using AOE, it triggers frequently enough for a low AC, low Defence CW with no shield to not lose any health.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
I'm stuck at 59%
You should be aiming for the following (listed in order of priority)
Resistance Ignored: over -60%
Critical Chance: Over 50%
Critical Severity: 85% not including weapon enchantment bonus
Power above 14k
Life Steal above 3k
You can boost a lot of your stats with your companion. Make sure you use Bonding runestones, not the other types. You can put double slotted rings/belt/neck on them too & this is very useful but you need Jewelcrafting at 25 to do this. If you're not there put the single slot for now and upgrade them once you hit 25.
Also if you aren't already you should look into joining a guild that has some boons. The first ones usually on offer are defence and armor pen.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Got my 4th boon in IWD, Dread Ring and ToD, working on my 4th in Sharandar and I should have my 2nd form Underdark by Tuesday
True, only one thing though...I am pretty sure that life steal was nerfed big time at some point, so I don't think it is viable anymore. The other things you said are fairly accurate though.
It was that you got a % of damage returned as life steal based on your stat but it would proc on every hit. Now, you get 100 %, but the stat affects how often it procs. With a high stat, Life steal can be viable. 3000 would be low without boons. I would suggest as a minimum over 4000 (400 is near 1%) to hit 10% chance if you are going to go for life steal.
I have 3075 (7.7%) on my DPS cleric and the 3% boon (Dragon's Thirst-ToD) and an additional 1% that I do not know from where that hits 11.7% chance.
The thing with the CW is you hit multiple enemies with numerous hits so it triggers often - I do choose all the LS boons plus the 4th on sharandar and dread ring for extra in-fight self heals. My health rarely drops in pve content now.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
DPS Cleric works similar to CW using Chains and Sunburst gives many opportunities to proc. Add in astral seal, and a DPS cleric can keep health up doing most everything in PvE without the need for healing encounters. Not much of a role in dungeons (not wise or beneficial to group to use sunburst there), but questing, HEs and skirmishes are good.
I not sure if you know or are using the common player terminology, but there is no reason (except PvP) to take ArPen that high. ArPen is only useful for it's contribution to Resistance Ignored (RI). Many play talk like they are the interchangeable/the same. They are not. Your Arpen only needs to be high enough to make your RI 59.5. 59.5 is Tiamat and the highest non-player resistance in the game.
If you actually meant RI, ignore the above. If you did mean your ArPen is 61%, check lower down for the RI stat.
Had to get my ArP up to 6.6k to hit 60% RI
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
I have stacked lifesteal on my TR back before EE. It was horrible, so I just stacked Defense instead. THAT is me speaking from experience. But had nothing to do with a CW, as the OP question did so I didn't bring it up. But since you want to put words in my mouth and be quite rude, I figured I could enlighten you a bit.
I've only 1,411 which is around 3% and I see a difference when it procs. Actually saved my life a few times.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox