Bug: inconsistency with passive bonus for "epic" quality. Example I saw is that one Stag give 10% AP back after a daily and the Gorgon give 15% back after a daily
Feedback; Please consider adding ArP to another mount even if it is +2000 variety.
Yeah, too much inconsistency for AP gains and Health gain.
For Arp, there is 3 mounts ( + 4000 from Axeb. +2000 from White Tiger and +1000 from Worg ) it's not enough for you ?
ahh appreciate the info. I didn't see them. thats enough for me
Bug ? : Insignas : Warlord's inspiration , Protector's Camaraderie and their cheapest variations Protector Friendship and Warlord's Encouragement descriptions said "0%"
Feedback : Zen Market Mounts :
the bonus disparity between different mounts of Zen market seems to be unfair :
Ex : Armored Bear / Heavy Owler / Yeth Hound -> 3500 zens ->3 possible insigna bonuses. Giant Crab / White Tiger /Heavy Worg -> 3500 zens too, but only 2 possible insigna bonuses. Dusk Unicorn / Guard Drake -> 4000 zens and only 2 possible insigna bonuses. Stormraider Clydesdale -> 2500 zens and 2 possible insigna bonuses. Leopard of Chult -> 3000 zens and...Only 1 possible insigna bonus !!!
I could understand if the potential of bonuses was balanced, but, my first impression is that it's not the case.
1 ) Wanderer's Fortune have the same "limits" than Dragon Hoards Enchants ?
2 ) 2 variations of a same bonus can stack ? ( ex : Warlord's Inspi + Waelord's Enc )
We need answers wiht the next M9 preview patchnote.. This mod will be a disaster if you don't take feedbacks in consideration.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
edited February 2016
Feedback : Considering the cost of fury of the feywild pack and Hero of the north pack they mount bonus shoud be a little bit better, those two are the most costing mounts ."Buyed from zen store or from real chash the cost is huge".
If they bonus isnt changed at least those shoud give 1 Insignia Bonus Powers .
ps: Both pack give lvl 60 stuff its a little bit outdated.
Bug: Quest: The Right Horse For You! After talking to the Mount Vendor and purchasing a Waterdeep Horse with the Mount Requisition Token, I was unable to advance the quest. I "opened" the horse, and went to my character sheet's mount page, but the quest was stuck. I tried switching mounts and mount powers. No quest advancement.
Seriously? I still will not be able to buy a 140 account wide mount with cold hard cash? Let me be blunt here. I will not gamble to get one nor will I purchase one via the Auction House from someone who had to gamble to get one.
I will give you money. All you have to do is take it. *rolls eyes*
Devs Here's 3 ways, "How to?" [Of course everything Bound to Character, to not reduce the value of Lockbox Mounts]
a) "Mount Movement-Speed Unlock item" for Zen Store:
- [Unlock 140% Movement Speed to your Stable ] - [Unlock 120% Movement Speed to your Stable ] - [Unlock ...X.% Movement Speed to your Stable ]
b) Release Straight the First "Legendary Mount " to Zen Store.
c) Release "The Legendary Mount Pack" Could contain some things like this:
- Legendary Mount - some insignias *Crescent, Regal, etc. - and other goodies
Post edited by xgrandz02 on
<::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
I'm also willing to fork over for legendary speed directly via the Zen market, but I play 10+ characters. I can't buy them all lockbox mounts. That's flipping ridiculous. And I don't like giving on a major upgrade that the others don't get.
I wouldn't care if it was the equivalent of the Stormraider Clydesdale with +4000 movement and a meh combat power. Budget is fine. I'm looking for a budget option.
Feedback:/The Idea/Suggestion/Question:The new Mount systems
Hi! Propose to introduce the entire account for a new mount-system. Because... It's too expensive to buy a new trusty steeds (Mounts) for each twin ( player character ). :( Or do bind mounts on account, not on player characters. For example, as in the Zen market. Why, for example, I can drag some previously used types of bags and some items for all twins, but my mounts, I can't? Imagine, how much money we will need to buy at least for five player characters: Tether's Floating Disk/Owlbear/Skeleton Steed and more others. In fact, each player character wants to be unique. And it's really so sad. :'( I think that players who play more than one character on accaunt must understand me. My English is very lame. I hope you understand the essence of my thoughts. Thank you. :)
Post edited by annaartifex on
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Feedback: Stable system should be account unlock (except event rewards).
Dead 🔪
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Feedback - mount storage UI I am overall pleased with the system, particularly that you can have a completely different mount as your ride than the five in your stable, so you never have to sacrifice an available insignia bonus for looks.
I bought all the available mounts for gold just to try switching things around. Some of them had the updated UI for adding them and some still acted like opening a bag. They all functioned properly once added though.
The window to swap out mounts cosmetically doesn't have mouseover tooltips (mostly to read flavour text), while the window to change mounts in the stable does (where you really do need it to see their stats). I'd like it if they both supported mouseover tooltips.
It was hard to tell if Underdark Affinity was working from equipping the gas spore's bonus, but I don't know if my methodology was very good.
Feedback: As others have said, it is not feasible to buy multiple lockbox mounts for main+alts. However if they were account bound, I know it would encourage me to buy more mounts. Why don't you sell a Account Unlock token for mounts in the zen store? This way you encourage multi mounts, and lockbox mounts won't lose their value. Plus you make a little extra from people buying the token
Bug: Champion's Armored Bulette model is still small in size.
torontodaveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 992Arc User
bug: the foundry's "silverback bear" isnt a 140% mount. =X
fix: make it 140% legendary and give it HAMSTER abilities. ;D
NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
tonyvincentMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 123Arc User
edited February 2016
Bug: 'Rejuvenation' Mount Equip Power healing half amount
Just wanted to report that both the 'Rejuvenation' Mount Equip Power that heals 10% of max HP over 10 sec for purple mounts and healing 20% of max HP over 10 sec for legendary mounts seem to only heal half of what the description says. This also applies in PvE.
Bug: Small Forest Stag The NW.60.20160216a.0 patch notes state "Small Forest Stag: This mount now has 1x Regal, 1x Barbed, and 1x Illuminated slot, changed from 1x Barbed, 1x Illuminated, and 1x Enlightened." However, this change isn't present on the NW.60.20160216a.0 preview server build and the Small Forest Stag still has Barbed, Illuminated and Enlightened. I assume (hope) the change will come in a later build, as the Small Forest Stag can't match any insignia bonuses on the current build.
Having the insignias drop as BoP from dungeons (and thus probably from nodes and mobs as well) is sort of insane i think. These do not drop very often from what i have seen on preview and with the large number of different insignia bonuses available the odds of being able to complete a specific insignia set are...slim and the grind won't be fun at all. And since the insignias are BoP you have to do this grind again for every single character that you want insignias on...
Making the blue/rare insignias BoA at the very least would make this a bit more palatable, but honestly, making these items BoE so that we can sell them on the AH would be awesome and would be one of the biggest hits that you could make with this mod, even considering the huge campaign rework you have done. Farmable content that we can profit from is our greatest desire. Farming demogorgon/skirmishes for hundreds of runs looking for a specific ring is not that fun. And farming dungeons looking for specific insignia is going to be just as bad. Being able to sell the loot of a "failed" run would go a long ways to keeping people engaged in the content.
The green/uncommon insignias that drop from nodes should be made BoA or at worst be left as BoP since the bots would have a endless supply of these insignias within 2 days of the mod launching.
Guild - The Imaginary Friends We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Feedback: Stable system should be account unlock (except event rewards).
Feedback: Mount button: Proper color code for right mount speed!!! Right-click mount button: swap mount skins. Left-click mount button: open mount storage.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
Last week's patch to Preview fixed a number of things, but one mount bug remains:
Remaining bug: The Heavy Twilight Nightmare still gets the red flame animation (from the inferno nightmare) when you mount it, instead of the blue flames.
As for the insignia, they may be too hard to get, but you have a possibility of killing two birds with one stone here.
Suggestion 1: Give the blue insignia a (low) chance dropping as BoE from the bosses (or the final chest) in the non-epic dungeons. This would give people a good reason to run those dungeons, and reduce some of the criticism you have been getting for not listening to players when you gave us non-epic dungeons, instead of the epic ones 96% of the players wanted.
Suggestion 2: Allow players to craft the insignia through Masterwork crafting. Masterwork is generally considered a failure - it is next to impossible to make anything that cannot be obtained with less effort and at a lower cost elsewhere. This would give people a reason to pursue Masterwork crafting.
Hoping for improvements...
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
Taking the words of Scott Shicoff, lead designer"The reality is NW isn’t the most alt-friendly game" (Latest AMA in reddit related to the Maze Engine module), I would like to propose that the Stable should be account-wide, not like a shared window visible for every alt because it would take a lot of time to design but a similar system like you aplied to the latest Artifact Weapons, where 'speed power', 'combat power', 'equip power' and the mount itself are items that I can send to myself via mail or shared bank . Thanks to new system, they will become very important items for each character, much more than before because it is not only movement speed anymore. The players will still buy other mounts due to their visual/combat power/stats. You have created a system that allow us to switch among every mount and I can use the visual that I want with the powers that I want giving us a new way to customize our characters but if you think about doing it with every alt in our accounts the costs are outrageous.
Additionally, just like you gave special benefits to the guilds who built the 'Explorer's Guild', let the players buy insignias in their 'Stable' or after certain lvl there's a benefit like x% chance to find insignias.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I had already commented on the bug regarding the Heavy Twilight Nightmare (wrong color flames), but here are a few utterly minor issues:
It is very difficult to test any of the insignia-related stuff, as gtting insignia is pretty tedious. However, I noticed one small thing:
Bug: The insignia show the text "Double-click to improve". Well, double clicking them (or at least double-clicking the blue one we get in the campaign does not do anything. Right clicking the insignia brings up the option to "Refine". Can the green ones be refined? At least the blue one cannot, so thould this option be offered at all?
Bug/typo: In the insignia bonus list, the description of "Protector's Friendship" seems wrong. First it says I gain 0% of my power, and in the second sentence the word "Can" is capitalized. You also have "0%" in "Warlord's Encouragement".
Hoping for improvements...
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
It would be nice to be able to use any mount we want, many players will carry a mount for their insignias and not for the visuals....with a price obviously, or i would just carry a green instead a legendary.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Feedback : Zen Market Mounts :
the bonus disparity between different mounts of Zen market seems to be unfair :
Ex : Armored Bear / Heavy Owler / Yeth Hound -> 3500 zens ->3 possible insigna bonuses.
Giant Crab / White Tiger /Heavy Worg -> 3500 zens too, but only 2 possible insigna bonuses.
Dusk Unicorn / Guard Drake -> 4000 zens and only 2 possible insigna bonuses.
Stormraider Clydesdale -> 2500 zens and 2 possible insigna bonuses.
Leopard of Chult -> 3000 zens and...Only 1 possible insigna bonus !!!
I could understand if the potential of bonuses was balanced, but, my first impression is that it's not the case.
I've noticed that those three mounts are labeled as "(Legacy)" on preview. Does it mean they'll be brought in line with other epic mounts?
Dead🔪1 ) Wanderer's Fortune have the same "limits" than Dragon Hoards Enchants ?
2 ) 2 variations of a same bonus can stack ? ( ex : Warlord's Inspi + Waelord's Enc )
We need answers wiht the next M9 preview patchnote.. This mod will be a disaster if you don't take feedbacks in consideration.
If they bonus isnt changed at least those shoud give 1 Insignia Bonus Powers .
ps: Both pack give lvl 60 stuff its a little bit outdated.
After talking to the Mount Vendor and purchasing a Waterdeep Horse with the Mount Requisition Token, I was unable to advance the quest. I "opened" the horse, and went to my character sheet's mount page, but the quest was stuck. I tried switching mounts and mount powers. No quest advancement.
I will give you money. All you have to do is take it. *rolls eyes*
[Of course everything Bound to Character, to not reduce the value of Lockbox Mounts]
a) "Mount Movement-Speed Unlock item" for Zen Store:
- [Unlock 140% Movement Speed to your Stable ]
- [Unlock 120% Movement Speed to your Stable ]
- [Unlock ...X.% Movement Speed to your Stable ]
b) Release Straight the First "Legendary Mount " to Zen Store.
c) Release "The Legendary Mount Pack" Could contain some things like this:
- Legendary Mount
- some insignias *Crescent, Regal, etc.
- and other goodies
I wouldn't care if it was the equivalent of the Stormraider Clydesdale with +4000 movement and a meh combat power. Budget is fine. I'm looking for a budget option.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Propose to introduce the entire account for a new mount-system. Because... It's too expensive to buy a new trusty steeds (Mounts) for each twin ( player character ). :( Or do bind mounts on account, not on player characters. For example, as in the Zen market. Why, for example, I can drag some previously used types of bags and some items for all twins, but my mounts, I can't? Imagine, how much money we will need to buy at least for five player characters: Tether's Floating Disk/Owlbear/Skeleton Steed and more others. In fact, each player character wants to be unique. And it's really so sad. :'( I think that players who play more than one character on accaunt must understand me.
My English is very lame. I hope you understand the essence of my thoughts. Thank you. :)
Stable system should be account unlock (except event rewards).
Dead🔪I am overall pleased with the system, particularly that you can have a completely different mount as your ride than the five in your stable, so you never have to sacrifice an available insignia bonus for looks.
I bought all the available mounts for gold just to try switching things around. Some of them had the updated UI for adding them and some still acted like opening a bag. They all functioned properly once added though.
The window to swap out mounts cosmetically doesn't have mouseover tooltips (mostly to read flavour text), while the window to change mounts in the stable does (where you really do need it to see their stats). I'd like it if they both supported mouseover tooltips.
It was hard to tell if Underdark Affinity was working from equipping the gas spore's bonus, but I don't know if my methodology was very good.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Champion's Armored Bulette model is still small in size.
fix: make it 140% legendary and give it HAMSTER abilities. ;D
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
On the other hand, XBox had it and the book imp in the Zen shop, since they have no Foundry.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Bug: 'Rejuvenation' Mount Equip Power healing half amount
Just wanted to report that both the 'Rejuvenation' Mount Equip Power that heals 10% of max HP over 10 sec for purple mounts and healing 20% of max HP over 10 sec for legendary mounts seem to only heal half of what the description says. This also applies in PvE.
The NW.60.20160216a.0 patch notes state "Small Forest Stag: This mount now has 1x Regal, 1x Barbed, and 1x Illuminated slot, changed from 1x Barbed, 1x Illuminated, and 1x Enlightened." However, this change isn't present on the NW.60.20160216a.0 preview server build and the Small Forest Stag still has Barbed, Illuminated and Enlightened. I assume (hope) the change will come in a later build, as the Small Forest Stag can't match any insignia bonuses on the current build.
And since the insignias are BoP you have to do this grind again for every single character that you want insignias on...
Making the blue/rare insignias BoA at the very least would make this a bit more palatable, but honestly, making these items BoE so that we can sell them on the AH would be awesome and would be one of the biggest hits that you could make with this mod, even considering the huge campaign rework you have done. Farmable content that we can profit from is our greatest desire. Farming demogorgon/skirmishes for hundreds of runs looking for a specific ring is not that fun. And farming dungeons looking for specific insignia is going to be just as bad. Being able to sell the loot of a "failed" run would go a long ways to keeping people engaged in the content.
The green/uncommon insignias that drop from nodes should be made BoA or at worst be left as BoP since the bots would have a endless supply of these insignias within 2 days of the mod launching.
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Mount button:
Proper color code for right mount speed!!!
Right-click mount button: swap mount skins.
Left-click mount button: open mount storage.
@amenar FIX double-click on mount button.
Dead🔪Remaining bug: The Heavy Twilight Nightmare still gets the red flame animation (from the inferno nightmare) when you mount it, instead of the blue flames.
As for the insignia, they may be too hard to get, but you have a possibility of killing two birds with one stone here.
Suggestion 1: Give the blue insignia a (low) chance dropping as BoE from the bosses (or the final chest) in the non-epic dungeons. This would give people a good reason to run those dungeons, and reduce some of the criticism you have been getting for not listening to players when you gave us non-epic dungeons, instead of the epic ones 96% of the players wanted.
Suggestion 2: Allow players to craft the insignia through Masterwork crafting. Masterwork is generally considered a failure - it is next to impossible to make anything that cannot be obtained with less effort and at a lower cost elsewhere. This would give people a reason to pursue Masterwork crafting.
Taking the words of Scott Shicoff, lead designer"The reality is NW isn’t the most alt-friendly game" (Latest AMA in reddit related to the Maze Engine module), I would like to propose that the Stable should be account-wide, not like a shared window visible for every alt because it would take a lot of time to design but a similar system like you aplied to the latest Artifact Weapons, where 'speed power', 'combat power', 'equip power' and the mount itself are items that I can send to myself via mail or shared bank . Thanks to new system, they will become very important items for each character, much more than before because it is not only movement speed anymore. The players will still buy other mounts due to their visual/combat power/stats. You have created a system that allow us to switch among every mount and I can use the visual that I want with the powers that I want giving us a new way to customize our characters but if you think about doing it with every alt in our accounts the costs are outrageous.
Additionally, just like you gave special benefits to the guilds who built the 'Explorer's Guild', let the players buy insignias in their 'Stable' or after certain lvl there's a benefit like x% chance to find insignias.
It is very difficult to test any of the insignia-related stuff, as gtting insignia is pretty tedious. However, I noticed one small thing:
Bug: The insignia show the text "Double-click to improve". Well, double clicking them (or at least double-clicking the blue one we get in the campaign does not do anything. Right clicking the insignia brings up the option to "Refine". Can the green ones be refined? At least the blue one cannot, so thould this option be offered at all?
Bug/typo: In the insignia bonus list, the description of "Protector's Friendship" seems wrong. First it says I gain 0% of my power, and in the second sentence the word "Can" is capitalized. You also have "0%" in "Warlord's Encouragement".