So I am trying to figure out something here. I am wanting to know what the Damage Resistance caps are for Bosses, Ads , etc in the game. I am also looking for links to this information from Dev's or even Cryptic themselves. The most current information as well. MOD7+ please. I have tried researching and am finding so much conflicting information and when I ask people where they got there information from, the answer is always (someone told me) . Hard data, links from Dev's etc only please.
Dungeon and Skirmish mobs and bosses have less DamRed, 40-45% AFAIK, though Demagogon might have more...
Hard data: Grab yourself ACT (Advanced Combat Tracker) and its NW extension, e.g. here and generate your own.
Dev replies to questions like this one? Unheard of...
...nomen est omen with this company.
critical chance is always better than power, probably on par (without a vorpal) after 50% critical chance because statistically you would crit anyways.
devs do not answer to question about min maxing and hidden cooldowns.
I guess this goes to show why they are called Cryptic :P
Time to start playing more with ACT to run my own tests.
he did the work for armor pen levels at least.