Is funny to read GWF talking of skill. And someone saying that ur build is HAMSTER if someone kills u i guess he ends all his match at 0 deaths. All of u speak of the perma stealth many rogues dont want to go permastealth... And doing BnS SS roll walk roll spam cos smoke bomb then repeat needs a lot of skill for sure.
You could say that "if you die, ever, you are doing something wrong" just as easily about the SW and GWF (and to a lesser extent the CW). The trick is balancing contribution risk to death chance.
A dead tr is a bad tr. I Dont think theres much of an argument to be made. The only time you die is if you over extend yourself and get cocky and stay too long before leaving and regrouping. The death is almost always the tr's fault.
TR is cheap in most aspects in case you have patience and know the opponent class a bit, unstoppable/sparks is a mechanic very easy to avoid or conter
and all 12,5 sec SE is by sure spamming, its all 12,5 seconds a oneshot or near oneshot , its cheap and not worth any discussions, same as running a perma daze hunter and wearing AP drain glyphs, cheap, broken skilless, nothing else
facetanking a GWF is by sure not the best idea, same against warlock .. but in case tahts your playstyle you should run another class like GWF /GF
Man the truth is i do more than the double of that damage ... But i have no defenses a DF can one hit Kill me with his Daily too... So is fair u may complain about perma-stealth that is the True ridiculous.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Cesuke thats because once again, you dont know enough about your own class. A good TR can have both High Damage and Superior Surviability both at the same time. Like many people above said, TR really only dies when they choose to, a TR dying to a GWF is pretty disgraceful, a good TR should be able to beat GWF/SW 99.99% of the time, definitely not like me beating you to death 100% the time...
Once again, please dont use your crappy skill/build as a reason, cus your skill hasn't even reached the 'average' level of a TR...
@icyphish i dont spit in ur face just because u are BIS and had defeated me (with cheats) so u have right to speak. Other wise can u Tell me what are the Rogues that dont die? And this is not about of skill League of Legends is about of skill.... So STFU
Well using the bugged ap drain / dont know is stamina drain or ward but at that time i even knew that exist. I have evolved a lot since then now i use SE a lot thanx to u men But dont change the theme u say rogues are inmortal even More than The Paladín so i wanna know what is that build (Perma doesnt count).
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
I used stamina ward and ap drain at the time, but if you know how AP drain works you would know how it wouldnt have made any difference to you, why? cus half of the fights you died without me casting daily. For fights that I casted daily you died right after anyway, hows stamina ward and AP drain gonna make any difference to you? so what is the cheats? I only see incapables making excuses.
You are a 4k TR and being beaten by a GWF 6 times in a row with every single fight ended within 20 seconds, so whats there to say Mr Bronze? Or would you prefer me to publish the video to allow the audience to see if AP drain has made any difference for those fights? Btw last fight ended in 8 seconds.
Do it plz ... I just went in melee with u... Really got surprized how u didnt took damage.
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Btw @Cesuke you did really well fighting against us in SH PVP few nights ago, scoring like 0 kill with 10 deaths each game, and whats even more awesome, you did it a few games in a row... the free glory really helps, thank you.
Ps: Its very unfortunate your SEs wasnt able to kill me even a single time, and then watching you trying to run away then get hunted down that was just priceless:)
@icyphish i must tell u ur guild invited me for playing good XD... And what i wanna know is what is the fun of teaming 15 + ppl with 4K IL drain wards and potions to kill small groups of 3 PUGs or less with 2k IL. And i killed many of u XD so dont lie even one of ur guild (that have good ppl and idiots like u)... Pmed me to rant about how i killed him while he was running after me when i was 5% to try to get a Kill (like a lol Bronza).
That dialog here reminds me of pmvspm channel. Good old flaming times. Now, there is so less life left in the game, Nubsolute and Essence of Depression arent een trying to flame each oter anymore :-(
What has the world become?
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
sounds about right, Cesuke is only capable of taking ppl with only 5% HP left. Good job Cesuke you have improved a lot!
I was the one with 5% hp left... Since ur 15 ppl gang was shotting/ccing/healing at the stronghold main entrance so nobody could go for that way. I could scape and kill ur Warlock Waifu :v
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
I was the one with 5% hp left... Since ur 15 ppl gang was shotting/ccing/healing at the stronghold main entrance so nobody could go for that way. I could scape and kill ur Warlock Waifu :v
Oh really, must be a lot of skill using SE on a class that cannot dodge it... oh wait... you did say all classes can dodge, I must be wrong...
We are always looking for new models --- Borderline Fashiondolls ---
and all 12,5 sec SE is by sure spamming, its all 12,5 seconds a oneshot or near oneshot , its cheap and not worth any discussions, same as running a perma daze hunter and wearing AP drain glyphs, cheap, broken skilless, nothing else
facetanking a GWF is by sure not the best idea, same against warlock .. but in case tahts your playstyle you should run another class like GWF /GF
See how ridiculous SE it is-
What's the point of being a TR?
Just press one button and that's it...?!
Once again, please dont use your crappy skill/build as a reason, cus your skill hasn't even reached the 'average' level of a TR...
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
But dont change the theme u say rogues are inmortal even More than The Paladín so i wanna know what is that build (Perma doesnt count).
You are a 4k TR and being beaten by a GWF 6 times in a row with every single fight ended within 20 seconds, so whats there to say Mr Bronze? Or would you prefer me to publish the video to allow the audience to see if AP drain has made any difference for those fights? Btw last fight ended in 8 seconds.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Ps: Its very unfortunate your SEs wasnt able to kill me even a single time, and then watching you trying to run away then get hunted down that was just priceless:)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Now, there is so less life left in the game, Nubsolute and Essence of Depression arent een trying to flame each oter anymore :-(
What has the world become?
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
This thread. lol
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas