So, I have been level 70 on my Devotion Paladin for a couple months now. I have made it to 2.3k item level. I am starting to run dungeons and skirmishes to achieve better gear. However, EVERY single dungeon boss (only the bosses for some reason) lag without fail. The only level 70 content I have been able to complete is Kessel's (no lag there ever for some reason). Managed to do one Shore of Tuern simply because we glitched the boss...every other time - lag lag lag. Is there a way to avoid the lag? I know it isnt my connection because everyone is experiencing the same issue in my parties. Does forming ur own group instead of relying on the dungeon finder help with this issue? Any help appreciated.
Here is the issue with lag. I have been dissecting what is going on and when it is going on. I have been lag free in every dragon zone... until the dragon drops. Then I lag for the entire fight... barely able to move and I may get off a couple of hits.
A fellow Anarchist and I have been thinking it was Negation, because of our tests in PvP zones. So I looked for this when I enter the dragon fights. The only time I see the Negation animation is during the Herald runs. So the cause of the lag is not that. So now we are thinking that a boon, or boons, is/are causing the lag. Someone has recently brought up that the issue may be the large number of calculations that are being attempted at the same time... since this game is full of % to proc calculations and RNGesus attempts.
The ONLY dragon that does not lag for me, is Charthraxis. Oddly enough, despite all of the negation during the Herald runs... there is no lag. There are graphics issues and rendering issues where the background disappears and sometimes the dragons... lol. But never any lag