Hi there. Ill be running MI Sabo build because I love the look of the heavy stealth aspects and I was wondering which at wills I should focus on. Im lvl 32 at the moment so I am wondering if i should put points into Duelist's Flurry or just run Sly Flourish for the moment. Also what is the best set of at-wills for lvl 70.
All i do is pvp really so my question is geared towards that. Any advice on power sets would also be appreciated. tyvm!
I suggest starting to play something a little more damage producing, which would be an MI/Exec.
TRs are very strong in the lower brackets, but just that the way how it is "strong" is different from lv60~70 PvP. As a general rule of thumb the TR's damaging capacity in relation to opponent's defense capabilities goes lower as you near max level.
This is because:
(a) TR's get their strongest encounters and class features of major importance relatively earlier on, and in case of defense "stealth" is already solid and penultimate form of defense starting from the moment it is enabled. As the level grows higher most of the powers/features added to the TRs are extra utilities or force multipliers
(b) compared to TRs, most other classes receive their stronger encounters/powers later on, and their mode of defense is finished as they meet max level. For example a GWF or DC or even OPals, in early/low brackets are simply every bit as tofu/butter/pudding/whipcream/you-get-the-picture as any other class. GFs are an exception, since their mode of defense, shield up, sorta like stealth, is ready from the get-go the moment they're able to use it.
Therefore, in the highest brackets TRs are more 'node disruption, tactical infilitration' type than pure DPS. In the lower PvP brackets, the ability for the TR to contest/backcap nodes is quite a bit lower than its max potential, but then the damage is relatively much stronger than in higher brackets (where mode of defense is completed for other classes).
So naturally, TRs in that bracket can gain quite a bit of success if he focuses on gaining kills, especially since the PvP skill level as well as gear/preparation level of players in lower brackets are abysmally PHAIL in most cases. Most of the players in lower PvP brackets (even at 60~69 bracket) are little more than moving combat dummies. They're that bad.
This is usually why TR wannabes are so often mistakenly lured into thinking kill-focused gameplay = skill. They usually grow fat with pride since they're so used to getting 20kills 0 deaths so long as they just invest a little into gear every 5~10 levels. They don't really give a shi* about how the team loses or wins, and just simply think that everyone else sucks. They always get huge kills low deaths, while other teammates die a lot, so if the team loses it must be because everyone else sucks. They think this way.
...until they walk into lv70 bracket where they can't one-shot people with LB any more, where experienced people exist, actually fight back aggressively, and then realize they can't kill anyone, and they are totally ill-prepared to contest nodes, much less even have a concept of node-contesting.
So it's at this point where the hammer falls, and its decided who is going to be a "decent, talented TR", and who is gonna be "just a player that has a TR character"
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Your at-wills are CoS / DF.
Gloaming cut could be a secondary option to DF, but despite being a nicely damaging power, it actually takes just as much skill as DF to make good use of it, and generally, for combat purposes DF is considered better.
Especially since SO is now properly nerfed, you can't just rely on CoS spamming from stealth anymore, so you need to practice using DF in combat.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
...and we're supposed to be impressed by you being able to solo normal classes with the most blatantly broken OP class in the game?
Ever consider the possibility it's not the TR, nor any other class for that matter, but rather the OP full of its bugs, exploits, and plain poorly designed mechanics that is the abnormal exception?
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Yes, the OP is pretty easy to play - their survivability is very OP. Doesn't take a lot of skill for an OP to survive.
Did I use OP enough?
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
This is why i suggested him to skip these brackets and just do story quests. TR is much better later on.