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keaixian Arc User



  • This does nothing but bring the skill and ability of their coders into question, as well as the quality of their tools and the general structure of the code. If there is a problem with some of these elements it is their own fault and no one else's.
  • I am sure someone did already say this on the previous twenty seven pages but I do believe it can't hurt for it to be said again given your responses: The actual point is that Alerts are not the kind of content you do seem to expect them to be. Most players I did talk with do see Alerts as a grind and little else. After…
  • @ drreverend: There is Baron Nihil, who goes around dressed in a SS uniform and rules an all Aryan pocket plane or something. From what little I do remember about him no one does seem to like him in-universe. Not even his allies from Viper. He is not very important and does hate Canadians instead of minorities, probably…
  • It seems not wearing velvet gloves equates trolling around here, yet the delicious butthurt and impotent rage more than makes up for the misunderstanding. I am amused.
  • "Someone believes us to be wrong and laughs at us when we are unable to reply without pulling stuff out of our behinds. Obviously a troll, even when no other post by the user was ever considered trolling. It's not that we are butthurt, no sir." Penetrating intellects at work. :rolleyes: Let us leave this be. I do not want…
  • I am truly impressed. I have to wonder what kind of educated person can believe the logical processes that lead from my post to "So, Keaixian, I presume you've liquidated your assets, canceled any subscriptions, sent all the money to feed African orphans, and are posting this from a library computer? Because unless you can…
  • Every day horrible things happen all around the globe. Truly horrible things, with complete impunity. Yet here you are creating drama and fighting the powers that be because a game is being shut down as all online games eventually will be. Worse yet, here you are all acting like this is some kind of accomplishment: A fist…
  • Either they nerfed wormie or I have been having very good luck with the PUGs I have been getting. Back when I started playing the game I did a couple of his alerts and swore never again to do so, yet this last week I did pick a couple of those out of boredom and we slaughtered him very easily. Give him a test run when you…
  • Gravitar was designed to be an endgame boss in a game that includes Skarn's Bane and Smoke Grenade as valid, and in some cases forced, character options. The problem lies not with the skills but with Gravitar not being designed while taking them into account. Last time I did check she was perfectly able to walk. Why is she…
  • Some new alert locations would be nice. The idea of villains attacking the bases in Canada and the desert could also be used to make Alert scenarios in which the heroes must protect the gate for a given length of time against endlessly spawning enemies that get harder and tougher as time passes. That would be fun, and I…
  • The fake difficulty thing is just a gaming term, and I meant no offense by using it. I always see it used for difficulty that does not come from the game mechanics themselves but from gimping the player characters or making abilities useless for no good reason: The difficulty of a boss that has an instakill move that…
  • I seem to remember reading that the Jets do scale with your level but not with the stats themselves or the gear. I may be wrong on it, though.
  • The difficulty is both unfair and lazy as two skills are being nullified for the battle, and as such the difficulty does not come from the design of the battle itself but from arbitrarily taking away the skills the player has. As a point of reference I have never said anything about Sigils being useless in the battle, for…
  • Not really. There is a difference between not wanting any challenge and not wanting the archetypes we like to play to become useless for the content. There is also a difference between difficulty and difficulty both unfair and lazy. No gamer will say DMC3 in Dante Must Die mode is not beyond hard, yet it is fair in its…
  • Smoke Grenade and Skarn's Bane no longer work on her. :tongue:
  • Bat Flight is a bit harder, or at least slower, to unlock than the others as you need, I believe, 40 UNTIL recognition for it. But it is really cool looking. Worth every minute I spent farming Monster Island for it. :tongue:
  • You can tell a good and serious story without being solemn about it, and I believe you can make a deep and meaningful tale in a rocketships and rayguns world as much as you can turn the most street savvy and hardboiled elements into adolescent trite that tries too hard. I see the problem with Champions' stories as being…
  • It also has a damage resistance debuff.
  • I believe this is the worst problem with the mission, as all of a sudden you are stuck with powers you do not really know working under mechanics you are not familiar with. If you are using the option to deactivate the pop ups during battle you are pretty much flying blind. And it is a design choice that the players are…
  • I believe it is activated right after the tutorial, but that you have to log off and relog for it to show the options in the tailor.
  • I do not know whether it was this patch or the previous one, but making Gravitar's energy form impossible to strip by means of Skarn's Bane pretty much turned Grimoires into dead weight for that alert. Way to go.
  • Champions is unique, that's why I believe people is willing to either forgive the bad or put up with it. I used to play MegaTen, which was also unique. We played for years a game that had much less content than Champions has (MUCH less content) just because the combat system was delightful (It was a very tactical system…
  • I would like a pure control caster, having a spell for almost every type of hold and the manipulator form. Other than that give her an energy builder, a single target heal, an a pet for solo purposes (the idea being she has to control the battlefield to ensure her pet can clear the mobs itself, otherwise she's toast). She…
  • I believe the last patches broke the system further. If the mission is being broken by the same bug that's breaking the nemesis alerts then all sets, or at least all I have seen since, are broken in the way darkness and dual blades used to be. Sometimes I wonder how do they manage it.
  • The Unleashed has no lunge move. In this case it is not about a lack of foresight but about the way the archetype is designed. The closest thing they can do is to use teleport to close in quickly, but for many players that depends on whether or not the travel power itself fits their concept. An amusing little fact I…
  • The Unleashed has no lunge move, I think. And melee aside you should try playing a Grimoire on an alert with people who either throws the villain around every ten seconds or runs around like a headless chicken when they get agro. Much of both your utility and your DPS is static.