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A quick link to a guide for my general gearing mentality for FreeForms in CO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyWu7WcIy1UVBb-6kl0yA5937rL2ch-HfUu0N5mVUmU/



  • Well, they can still be fine (and fun) to use outside of stuff like Cosmics. I would say that it can be worth it to have at least one character on your roster that employs a pet build, just to see what it's like (and even if that character doesn't get used as much), but it is ultimately up to you if you want to devote time…
  • Well, you can read the Petco guide in my sig if you want more general info for them. Regardless, you can make a pet build using any powerset(s) as a backbone (and just cherry-picking pet powers from the various sets they are in), so it can help narrow things down if you want to specify a theme or certain powersets you'd…
  • Alright, well build looks alright, considering the odd theme. I may move R2 in the confuse power to Resurgence, but that's up to you. Also note that Confuse's duration isn't affected by most CC bonuses (including Battle of Wits and Stalling Tactics), though they can still affect the AoE stun from Skarn's adv (and that's…
  • I'd only consider End SS if you're having energy issues, but stronger gear (and ally buffs) can also fix that (and you can talent for some End anyways, as I did here). I guess you could just take Ego SS as a 'default' choice (even if the final dmg boost will be small); that or Int SS if you also get an Ult and/or other…
  • Eh, the other 2ndary SS options for Dex PSS aren't that strong here either, but yea you could get one of them if you wanted. Ego SS would grant a minor dmg boost (and some hold resist), but at the high-end the effect of this bonus will be quite small due to the general dmg bonus DR and the strength of your gear + ally…
  • Celestial doesn't have much in the way of powers in general atm, and its options for dmg aren't that great. I guess you could throw Expulse and one of Celestial's AOs in there, though. For example: (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Melee Damage) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary)…
  • Alright. You could still opt for Collective Will for the theme instead. Maybe Ball Lit could potentially fit the bill visually as well? I dunno, but in the end it's your choice on what to take for the extra power, since you'd have most other things covered in the build.
  • In CO, you can't have optimal melee dmg and ranged dmg at the same time. You can still mix melee and ranged just fine, but one of them isn't going to be doing nearly as much dmg in a dps build. Fortunately, w/ the Force revamp they added Singularity Bomb, and that power seems like it could fit the theme well, while also…
  • Yea, I don't really get this revamp atm. So you went for more of a 'Wisp' theme, w/o taking the Wisp power itself? One confuse power was already iffy, so I prob wouldn't add a 2nd one. You also don't need Mystical on Skarn's Bane, since you're still using Spellcaster as the toggle/form, and you wouldn't normally use…
  • Outside of TK ranged builds, I'd prob pass on TK Strike (and you should have enough self-healing sources w/o it). The 2nd set of sigils can be okay for casual content (though if taking an Inner Peace adv, then you'd prob want it on the one w/ Mystic Transference, so its cd is shorter), but I'd prob still favor the earlier…
  • Alright, for the 1st build: you dropped Hex, and you prob want to add that (or Wisp + Cursed adv) back in for the easy Hexed (can replace something like Arcane Vit), and that can also roll Conjuring on its own. You also don't need a separate Enchantment in the build if using Spellcaster as the toggle/form, since it counts…
  • Okay, if taking the three suggested powers, then I guess you can use Eye Laser for CC (with it's KD/stun adv), Hyper Voice for AoE, and Sundering Breath for single-targets (w/ something like Ball Lit and/or Storm Cloud to apply NI)- though LArc itself can also be made to emanate from the head, as another option there.…
  • For the 1st build, I prob would just make it a normal ranged dps build w/ a slotted passive like Enchanter (or Ego Form or Shadow Form), instead of using something like Hybrid role w/ AoED. The build overall looks alright, considering the theme parameters. I don't see much use in Eld Blast here, since Mystified on Pillar…
  • A major reason PA tanking can be an issue is that slotted PA attacks tend to have a notable delay before they start dealing dmg, and that can be a problem in a situation where you're constantly interrupting their channeling w/ blocking. Procing PA's standard ranged toggles (Conc or Chilled Form) could also be a pain w/…
  • Yea, all those suggestions that Carrion made can be good, depending on what you want to do w/ the character atm. I wouldn't normally recommend a pet like Summon Shadows in a build, but in the older thread the OP said that he really liked the power, so I just kept it in. Since threat wipes are more important in harder…
  • They haven't made any major changes to Darkness as a set since then, so you can use that same build just fine, if you still like it.
  • Well, none of the powers in my build are from Gadgeteering, so nothing would necessarily have to change (assuming you want to keep the original focus of a Flamethrower + CC/debuff build). One update you could do, however, is get the Single-Minded adv on Flamethrower. This will lower its upfront dmg (vs. R2), but will…
  • That build can still work fine, though you may want to drop one of the On-Next Hit powers, since they share a cd now (could replace it w/ a Particle debuff to help Exp Blaster's dmg, like the Disintegrate adv from Particle Blaster). With the Int PSS update, you'll also prob want to max Tactician and Preparation in t1,…
  • Well, Ego is generally associated w/ ranged builds (TK Blades also scale innately w/ Ego, but that scaling is limited, and the best toggle/forms for TK Blades scale w/ Dex anyways), and the only melee-focused toggle/form that scales w/ Int is Particle Accel (from Laser Sword). I guess I can just give you a Laser Sword…
  • Those are two general stats that could be incorporated into tons of different builds, so you'll need to be more specific in your request. What role do you want (I assume Ranged dps) and what powerset(s) do you want to use? If you are uncertain about a set, you can instead specify what type of attacks/powers you'd like,…
  • Yea, as long as you get the AoE heal adv on Medical Beam (Field Medic) and the AoE dmg adv on Eye Lasers (Radioactive Decay), then they are pretty easy replacements to make, since they would be filling similar functions to the powers they are replacing then.
  • Well, there's not much reason to have two heavy single-target attacks like DW and DC. I suppose you could use one for Rush and the other at R3 for the main attack, though. I'm also not sure what help Thundering Kicks can supply here, since neither DC nor DW is Crushing dmg for TK's Demolish adv. Here's an example build…
  • Sure thing. Have fun out there 8)
  • Okay, well prob the best functional way to do that then is just the usual Unarmed stuff (BCF or DU for single-target, DK for AoE and Rush) and then I guess you can just layer Sparkstorm's toggle and Ball Lit on top. Here's an example of that: (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Melee Damage) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Dexterity…
  • Well, you can mix Elec w/ any melee set by taking Sparkstorm's 3-pt toggle adv and having it run in the background, while you do any melee attacks on top of its maintenance. I'm not sure if that's the playstyle (or look) you're going for, though. I don't know much about the character, but at a quick glance she seems to…
  • Well, the build will have pretty weak single-target dmg and threat gen. That may not matter much for easier content, but it may matter if you group up w/ stronger tanks and/or strong dps. I guess the build is meant for casual_solo content, since it's not really built for good dmg/threat gen and has a self-rez as a tank. If…
  • The new forms are okay if you take enough short cds, but like w/ MSA you don't have as many short cd options w/in the set for a given role. You can ofc outsource to other Tech powersets to help there, though. Fortunately, I also somewhat recently made a full Sonic dps build w/ the new powers. It's the 1st build I gave in…
  • For the ranged dps, I'll just refer to a build I made recently for it in another thread: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/championsonline/#/discussion/1219245/the-fissile As for a healer based on the set, here's one example for it (not including a link, since the PH Planner hasn't been updated yet): Super Stats Level 6:…
  • The 1st build is mainly lacking in AoE (you have three healing powers here, and you may not need all of them), and I'd prob get the Stress adv on MStorm. The build seems to be pretty good otherwise (for a pet-based one, at least). The 2nd build may not work well energy-wise since LArc and LStorm are kinda costly, LArc…
  • Okay, well some aspects of the build seem fine. Single-target dmg is going to be a bit low w/ R1 Ice Blast for that. You can get by w/ just one spam-able AoE attack (Avalanche or Frost Breath), and dropping one of them could let you get Icicle Lance to pair w/ Ice Blast for more single-target dps/threat. Ice Burst is…
  • You can still proc Compassion w/ Conviction (though not always if you're not healing enough_any health, but the AoE adv w/ pets makes that easier to fulfill in combat), but yea most passive aura-style heals were changed to not proc it. Mend from Illum's debuff version does still proc it (which can be nice, since that works…
  • Yea, considering PBR's new cost, it can be fine to instead take Exp Blaster for the pet build (though you could try using AoPM or AoAC to make PBR more affordable that way), and maybe save PBR for a more standard ranged dps build. But it is up to you, ultimately. Avalanche will indeed be expensive w/ the pets out, but it…
  • The build doesn't have to change much for the Support/pet aspect, unless you want it to become more of an actual healer, rather than a pet build w/ some passive heals. If the pet aspect is still the main draw for it, then you can keep it mostly as is, though if using a charged paralyze like Taser Arrow then I may get…
  • I guess you could just use Ranged Earth primarily, since Quicksand is already part of that and you have enough characters using other sets. Here's an example build: (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Ranged Damage) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution…
  • np, have fun out there 8)
  • Since the PH Planner hasn't been updated to include the Gadgeteering revamp, I won't be providing a link to it and instead just use its layout for a custom build. Regardless, here's an example FF build for it: Super Stats Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)…
  • Alright, well hope the build works well for you, and have fun w/ it.
  • That's a bit of an odd set of powers/devices to have, but I guess keeping Power Bolts and Mini Mines is fine since one is just an energy builder (which you shouldn't be using that much anyways) and the other is a cd power that can be another self-heal. I assume you only have access to the three PVDs you listed, and not any…
  • Yea, I'm focused on building for pve and am not that familiar w/ pvp, sorry. Perhaps others can help here, and/or you could ask for help in-game if you want some pointers on pvp and how to build for it. Good luck w/ it, either way.
  • Dex and crit rating both increase crit% generally (and both are on the same DR curve for it), while some specs like Vindicator or Ego PSS's 6th Sense also increase crit% (usually by flat amounts). The 1st build has Dex as its main stat already and Vind spec; while the 2nd build also has Dex SS'd + Expertise (though Int is…
  • Fortunately, TK Blades can switch its normal toggle/form (Mental Disc) to FotTempest w/o any major changes to how its own set of powers play (both toggle/forms even use the stat- Dex). That can make sticking in MA stuff even easier, since Dragon Rush's energy also scales up w/ MA forms (like FotT). Here's an example build:…
  • Okay I guess I'll make some basic DB and Archery builds then: (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Melee Damage) v3.45:38 Super Stats Level 6: Dexterity (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Constitution (Secondary) Talents Level 1: The Samurai (Dex: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8) Level 6: Impresario (Dex: 5, Rec: 5)…
  • Could you be more specific about any themes or powersets you're looking for here, and/or if there's any other goals you have as far as content or gameplay? After the revamps (so far), most of the powersets can have workable melee and/or ranged builds associated with them, so it'd be nice to narrow it down even a bit.
  • Yea, it's actually been known for a while now (at least by some vets) that resistance penetration stuff (like Detect Vuln) and general -resist stuff (like Rend or Demolish) aren't the same and work on different mechanics, despite both nominally being related to 'resistances'. For the former, 'resistance' is prob referring…
  • Yea, I'd only go for the AoPM route if you made your main stat Pres and went w/ the Support role (at least for groups). Same is true for any of the major aura passive in Sorc (AoED, AoAC, etc). If going that route, you may want a Pres-scaling toggle/form (like Compassion). Also, despite being in the Support role, the build…
  • Spellcaster is a toggle/form, whereas AoPM is a slotted passive, so they don't really replace each other. I guess you mean using Enchanter instead of AoPM? That works fine (esp since you aren't using Pres for AoPM's effect on allies), but then I'd use the Ranged dps role, since there's not much use in playing on the Hybrid…
  • Int PSS can mostly work the same for dps after the updates, so if you were using it in your SS setup before then it should still work fine now. And yea the Gadgeteering revamp came w/ many changes to the powerset, and among them was having the On-Next-Hit powers trigger a shared cd. You can always change one of those two…
  • Yea if you want CtB instead for the theme and for Reckless/Bastion then that's okay too. Hope the three builds work well for you, regardless.
  • Yea that setup can work if you want to use Uncomp on AR. For Dex vs. Ego, either work fine in most cases. Dex PSS will be better for sustained dps overall (since it relies pretty heavily on Expose Weakness), while Ego PSS can give you more defense and cost discount.
  • The Muni part of the build seems okay, though you could consider getting the Uncomp adv for more sustained dmg from AR, and pair that w/ the Breaching/Furious refresh adv on Shotgun to keep 3x Furious rolling (which would be stacked up initially from Bullet Hail). That setup does require more build up, though, and isn't as…