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Teleport: A viable tactic

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited September 2009 in The Hero Games
I would consider myself a pvp novice having not played it much in CoH but I did play WAR alot and mostly PvP there and I don't understand why people are crying about teleport.

Why is it not scene as a viable tactic to teleport in or out of combat and disappear? Why can't I vanish out of a hold to save myself?

I played PvP during most of my morning play time w/ my lvl16 Custom Frame toon w/ Teleport. I used it several times to save myself and nobody sent me angry messages or screamed out in Zone chat about it. Also I went up again a team of five where 3 people had teleport. It was a real challenge and alot of fun.

I hope what ever changes come to PvP are minimal.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Stanito wrote:
    I would consider myself a pvp novice having not played it much in CoH but I did play WAR alot and mostly PvP there and I don't understand why people are crying about teleport.

    Why is it not scene as a viable tactic to teleport in or out of combat and disappear? Why can't I vanish out of a hold to save myself?

    I played PvP during most of my morning play time w/ my lvl16 Custom Frame toon w/ Teleport. I used it several times to save myself and nobody sent me angry messages or screamed out in Zone chat about it. Also I went up again a team of five where 3 people had teleport. It was a real challenge and alot of fun.

    I hope what ever changes come to PvP are minimal.

    Because teleport makes you nearly invincible, it is the best travel power, and best click defense in the game.
    Coupled with regeneration teleport makes the user unbeatable 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1, or 5 on 1.

    The only way that you will die using combos like that is if:
    1. You screw up.
    2. You want to die.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hyperlian wrote:
    Because teleport makes you nearly invincible, it is the best travel power, and best click defense in the game.
    Coupled with regeneration teleport makes the user unbeatable 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1, or 5 on 1.

    The only way that you will die using combos like that is if:
    1. You screw up.
    2. You want to die.

    Um, your wrong. My team beat up on the team with the multiple teleporers and I died several times w/ regen and teleport. Its wasnt because I wanted to or because I messed up either. It was because my opponents worked together and took me down.

    Instead of wanting to wittle the powers down to nothing, why don't people work on their tactics instead?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Stanito wrote:
    Um, your wrong. My team beat up on the team with the multiple teleporers and I died several times w/ regen and teleport. Its wasnt because I wanted to or because I messed up either. It was because my opponents worked together and took me down.

    Instead of wanting to wittle the powers down to nothing, why don't people work on their tactics instead?

    Screw up is probably the wrong term, because you could simply be playing agressivly and get overwelmed. Play Defensivly, pick your battles, focus on the loners/straglers, and you never have to die in PvP with Teleport.

    ...and it really shouldn't take most of a group to take down 1 guy simply because his travel power is Teleport. No other power, even Regen, has that kind of power over everything else.

    and don't say Taser Arrow, because Taser Arrow is broken and doesn't apply Hold Resist.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hyperlian wrote:
    Because teleport makes you nearly invincible, it is the best travel power, and best click defense in the game.
    Coupled with regeneration teleport makes the user unbeatable 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1, or 5 on 1.

    The only way that you will die using combos like that is if:
    1. You screw up.
    2. You want to die.

    Hyperlian you should really change your name to Hyperbole...

    If you take the time to understand the mechanics of the game you would know that confuse and travel removers stop TP all together.

    You would know that AoEs hit TPers while phased and maintained powers hit TPers while phased as well.

    You would have figured out how to beat TPers and you wouldnt be thinking TP = God mode.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Tp is a serious pain in the rear when you're in tier 1 matches. Most people don't have the abilities to counter them in those areas. T2 is also annoying with tp, but if your team works together or has a combination of cc and dps, it's not all that bad. Tier 3 is basically cake against tpers unless you happen to find yourself in a pug with people who don't understand how tp works. Otherwise it's difficult to find people without crippling challenge and/or confuse and/or holds and/or travel power removals.

    I've often found myself against teams of 5 teleporters. It's not impossible, but it's infuriating in the low level zones as you are very limited in how you're able to counter it. That's probably a large reason for all the outrage being thrown its way.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    IanTheRed wrote:
    Hyperlian you should really change your name to Hyperbole...

    If you take the time to understand the mechanics of the game you would know that confuse and travel removers stop TP all together.

    You would know that AoEs hit TPers while phased and maintained powers hit TPers while phased as well.

    You would have figured out how to beat TPers and you wouldnt be thinking TP = God mode.

    1. Try to nail a TP'er who is actually teleporting with those AE's.
    Yes, you can do this, if you hit them right off the bat. But it doesn't kick them out of teleport (I do it with Force Eruption actually) and usually they can then get up and run off, also you can't hit them with maintained abilities unless you click them before they teleport.

    This means that you can kill a teleporter if they wait until they are nearly dead to teleport. However they don't. They wait until they are at about 1/2 so if you do nail them with a power to remove travel powers, or a confuse (I have and use both actually) they are still able to survive until it wears off. The only way to actually stop the teleporter is to keep spamming a power that removes travel powers or keep spamming confuse and that rarely works.

    I agree if they wait until they have low health your ideas work. If they teleport when they are at 1/2 health though, IE as another poster pointed out they fight defensively, they will not die.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Screw up is probably the wrong term, because you could simply be playing agressivly and get overwelmed. Play Defensivly, pick your battles, focus on the loners/straglers, and you never have to die in PvP with Teleport.

    But if you're on a pug you're team is prolly gettin stomped while you do this ahahahah I love telenoobs.

    If you're using it for anything more than a phase to avoid a spike or to escape a hold you're a telenoob. Gonna be alot of blood on the floor after this gets adjusted. That dumbass stratigy only works against other bad pugs. Fight a team who at least has a clue and you'll be a sorry boy.....never die? ahahahahah yeah good way to score points
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    Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    HamboJones wrote:
    But if you're on a pug you're team is prolly gettin stomped while you do this ahahahah I love telenoobs.

    If you're using it for anything more than a phase to avoid a spike or to escape a hold you're a telenoob. Gonna be alot of blood on the floor after this gets adjusted. That dumbass stratigy only works against other bad pugs. Fight a team who at least has a clue and you'll be a sorry boy.....never die? ahahahahah yeah good way to score points

    Did I say you would score points doing this? I just said you'd never die.

    I'm not so naive to not notice that most TPers who run at the first sign of trouble... also have no more than 1 or 2 kills to thier name.

    It's when the entire team does this that it gets crazy...

    P.S. Main's Flying Disc

    P.P.S. I can't wait for the blood to flow when the Teleport fix comes to live either.
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