So I have finally decided to start a thread of some of my favorite characters. These are just a small few of all of my alts. I plan to add more as time goes on. I apologize ahead of time for the randomness of the photo sizes.
Now edited to use the new image code!
Rugby The Gun-toting Rhino - My main and the one with the most costumes. You can read more about him
Christmas RugbyPatriot RugbyModern Age RugbyPolice Officer Rugby
The Night Skunk - My "vigilante" type homage/parody. A former baseball player turned crime fighter. Yes, he uses stink bombs. That's the smell.....of JUSTICE.
Titanium Tick Bird - A power armor concept. I haven't really gotten around to a bio for this guy yet. The idea for a Tick Bird came about because they are the birds that hang out on Rhinos all the time.
The Snob Goblin - Just a weird concept I came up with.
The Brimstone Kid - A mix of earth, heavy weapons and fire for a "lava" style hero. I went with a homegrown look for his main costume. The horns are just part of the hood, and an ongoing theme throughout most of his costumes.
Johnny B. Goo - A slime based character. Quicksand is fun
Star Shot - A former action movie star who's corrupt senator ex boyfriend tried to have her killed. She was assumed dead and is now out for vengeance.
Masquerade - Playwright and vigilante.
Kyrin the Great - A former con woman/gypsy turned legit stage magician/gadget using hero. She doesn't have real powers but she has convinced everyone otherwise.
War Caster - My attempt at a serious fantasy style character. A mix of fire and support.
Slingshot - Ranged earth character. She throws rocks
Bass Line - A force cascade spammer. She is supposed to be an audiokinetic, though I haven't really thought much of a background for her.
SunbeamProton PeteSkyboltMale Slingshot and Johnny ZippoM95 BulldogThe Fissioneer
Melanie Richards
Necromancer Concept
Pill Bug
i liked
Honestly, I could do an entire thread just for Rugby (and I might at some point, don't know) since he has nearly 50 different costumes at the moment.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
And, its a long shot, but would anyone happen to know if riot shields are available as costume pieces?
No riot shields sadly. The shirt is under chest wear >polo shirt>officer pattern.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I think I saw Officer Unfriendly while playing around with one of my other alts :biggrin:
Oh, and BTW, the badge is from one of the recog vendors and is also a drop from the robot cowboys I believe.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Rats, I can't find that one on female characters.
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Toons and costumes thread
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My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
And here is Masquerade. A former detective turned playwright turned vigilante. He also has a Primus page
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Toons and costumes thread
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Toons and costumes thread
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Toons and costumes thread
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Toons and costumes thread
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Thank you very much
And yeah, the male Slingshot with his huge gloves is fun to see him throwing huge rocks.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Humanoid Animals for the win!
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Toons and costumes thread
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And a link for bigger view since the forums shrunk it down.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
That costume looks epic, I like transformers!
And this is my fire concept. Johnny Zippo
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Heroic Roleplayer @epelesker | PRIMUS Database Moderator | Brigade Advocate
Johnny Zippo's costume is very clever as well - I'm just not feeling the colours though. Purely for concept I would have tried a silver / chromed look personally. Don't take it as harsh criticism, merely my personal opinion and preference.
Great stuff overall !
Champions Online has the best character creator - check out some of my creations in Killi's Consolidated Costume List !
Alley Cat
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My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
First up is an alt costume for my radiation concept character sporting a new name, The Fissioneer.
Next is my gun-mage/space pirate Captain Melanie Richards.
This is a necromancer hero concept I had worked on. Never did figure out a name for her.
And lastly is my newest character, The Stunning Pill Bug.
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Rumbelina, an earthquake based toon.
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Is it a smart thing to place the power armor on/off button on his chest?
I get asked that one alot lol. Let's just call it a power indicator LED
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
It is, indeed, the virus helmet. As soon as I saw that helmet I wanted to do something fire themed.
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Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
First up is a tech based fire toon that I like a lot. I still haven't been able to come up with a suitable name for him.
Next is a Spider Man/Girl/Gwen homage. I wanted it to look like part of the spider family, but definitely not clone it.
Here is Hourglass
And finally, a Canadian based teen hero with light manipulation powers, Northern Light.
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Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
Posted that one a little while back. She is only level 30 at the moment but is generally what I have been working with. Fault Line and Shockwave are the two offensive powers I use the most. Thunderclap is just for the daze. Still might tweak it a bit, force wave is another thematic power I have considered but Fault Line is definitely a fun power and fits the theme well without actually throwing rocks/making rocks come from nowhere.
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes