You may recall
a month or so back I posted this thread.
Well I went off and did other things and games. Did some DCUO and Guild Wars 2. But darn it, I was missing my Starships and character creation fix. (DCUO is some nice Superheroing - but the customization options are... limited.)
I had been thinking about outright uninstalling both games, but hadn't gotten around to it. While contemplating the back-up folders for the stuff that would be lost if I just uninstalled and shredded the folders (the screenshots and costume designs mainly) I thought to give the situation a more thorough attempt at a fix.
And thus the "Nuke the Site from Orbit" protocol was initiated.
I uninstalled both games after backing up the screenshot folders elsewhere. Then I also uninstalled ALL my other Steam games. Then I uninstalled Steam itself. And then used some System care tools to "deep clean" the remaining folders, scramble and randomize the data and the registry bits. ("Carthage delenda est!" )
Then I did a full defrag on my drives and a systemcare sweep, then rebooted the computer an extra time on top of the standard reboot - just to be thorough.
Next I reinstalled Steam. But placed the game archive on my 1TB external USB drive. Then I re-installed Star Trek Online and Champions and let them fully update. in the process I followed the install process carefully and made sure my anti-virus "got to know" both games as they installed with new protocol and exceptions in place.
Then I rebooted the computer again. THEN I crossed my fingers and launched STO - if I got the black screen of death on the launcher, that would be the end for real and I'd have to walk away from both games permanently.
Well - no black screen of death. It launched just fine with no complaints and no hiccups.
Same with CO. After rebooting again and making sure, I can safely say that both games are working like a charm now.
I can't tell you what exact part of the above process was the actual "fix". I just took a shotgun approach and tried EVERYTHING all at once. But something obviously worked.
So - if all else fails - remember the final option - "Nuke the Site from Orbit. It's the only way to be sure!" :P
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
Steam using Program files is a huge disaster, yeah.
How so exactly? Do you think that was the key to the problem? If so - might there be an easier solution I could use in the future?