Hm.. what is going to be ur rotation for single targets? I assume Viper's Fangs is there for Shredded, but DW and DC are a bit redundant. Ya did include Brawler, so I assume you'll be alternating VF and something else? If so then I'd prob rank up VF more. Also keep in mind that Brawler is going to considerably lower the Defense and Offense that ya could have gotten from Vindicator (Brawler is not a bad spec option- its just not what most people would take for a tank build).
Also, for tanking I'd prob take CS and skip Butcher's Blades on Sword Cyclone (for R3)- the maintain is easier on energy (relatively), and w/ CS applies threat more rapidly in AoE. Ya may have issues affording Sword Cyclone either way, but MSA could help- as could dropping Str 2ndary SS for Int SS. STR/Dex/Con would be a good alternative SS setup for that that also has Physical Peak and Juggernaut.
If you are sticking to Con PSS, though, I'd advise taking Adren Rush over Armored for a high-crit/Dex build, and prob take FMF over Tough (since the latter only gives half the benefit its intended to and thus ends up not being very good).
Lastly, I wouldn't take a potential threat wipe in a tank build, but I'm not sure what ya plan on doing with Elusive w/ SoM. The build has a pretty solid base, though.
I used the build on the 100% dodge thread, I believe the build was called will-o-wisp, just made a cpl changes... i put the threat wipe in temp while leveling, when leveling which i tend to do solo, i hold off on adding CS til the end if that makes any sense... once in mid 30s i'll add the CSs and replace the threat wipe
I could easily replace DW with something like EotS
Try Con / dex / End with Fuel My Fire if you need more energy. Since you're a tank (or while solo), you should be getting hit in the face plenty. Take all 3 points so that you don't need much end. I have 110 end and it's enough to power Sonic Boom Generator spam.
If you're using EM to keep your dodge up, consider switching to Crashing Wave Kick w/ Subtlety of the Tides. Not sure if the dodge buff is the same, but it does damage, unlike EM.
Resurgence is a good "oh ****" heal that scales with Con.
If you really hate knocks: Circle of Primal Dom. Even though it might be theme breaking, not getting punted all over the screen in Gravitar makes up for it.
For a dodge tank, I'm guessing you'll be going crazy with the dex, so Resilient is going to suck. 2pts in Tough is fine. That extra .5 HP per secondary stat probably won't be more than 300 ish HP, which can be picked up in secondary defense gear.
If you're using EM to keep your dodge up, consider switching to Crashing Wave Kick w/ Subtlety of the Tides. Not sure if the dodge buff is the same, but it does damage, unlike EM.
Subtlety if tines will get you only a few percent dodge chance. Thundering Kicks is a better alternative, but EM still gives significantly more dodge chance.
It's worth noting that Monsterdaddy's Will-o-Wisp build used very high-end gear to achieve 100% dodge, which protects the build's otherwise low resistance. Frosticus would give the build problems with less than 100% dodge, potentially one-shotting it with an undodged Frozen Dagger. But if you don't plan on tanking Frosty, I think you'll be fine against other content.
I don't think you'll get much use out of STR as a secondary superstat, since you'll want to use your mods/gear to stack DEX (and some CON). STR's damage boost is significantly reduced by diminishing returns. STR would offer a bit more knock resist, but you already have some from Resilient (and at a low STR value, it wouldn't make much of a difference).
I find that CON/DEX/END (with modding/gearing focused on DEX with some CON) works well in a setup like this. The larger energy tank gives you some extra juice to weather the droughts from Form of the Tempest's fickle triggering. The Tough spec is currently bugged, only giving half of its listed value. With an eye to that END superstat, I would swap out Tough for Fuel My Fire, to act as a surrogate energy unlock.
I would advise Rank 3 Dragon's Claws, rather than Crippling Challenge. Dragon's Claws hits very hard, especially when prefaced by Setup. You'll likely end up generating more threat (and damage) with Rank 3, and you still have Viper's Fangs For Crippling Challenge spam.
I would recommend swapping out Tiger's Bite for Thundering Kicks, to get your dodge chance above 90% (potentially 100%, with the optimal gear). That would make your single target chain Full Combo (VF or TK) > Dragon's Claws, making sure to use the Thundering Kicks combo often enough to maintain the buff.
As Flow mentioned, Rank 3 Sword Cyclone plays a little better with Form of the Tempest, but Butcher's Blades still does quite well if you want to keep it. And with the END superstat, it'll be easier to afford a full charge.
I agree with Flow that Adrenaline Rush is more desirable than Armored, to work alongside BCR between your Resurgence spikes.
All together, that might look something like this (I'm assuming this is a retcon build, so the power placement is kinda random):
Powers: Level 1:Hawk's Talons Level 1:Viper's Fangs(Rank 2, Crippling Challenge) Level 6:Lightning Reflexes(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 8:Thunderbolt Lunge Level 11:Form of the Tempest Level 14:Dragon's Claws(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 17:Bountiful Chi Resurgence(Resurgent Reiki) Level 20:Thundering Kicks(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 23:Ego Surge(Nimble Mind) Level 26:Eye of the Storm(Blade Beyond the Veil) Level 29:Masterful Dodge Level 32:Resurgence(Rank 2, Rank 3) You could drop a rank or two here to place elsewhere, if you prefer. But Rank 3 Resurgence is rather handy as an emergency heal. Level 35:Sword Cyclone(Rank 2, Rank 3) Or Butcher's Blades, if that's more your style. In my opinion, Rank 3 Cyclone usually does enough damage to hold threat. But you could add Challenging Strikes if you prefer. Level 38:Parry(The Elusive Monk)
Specializations: Constitution:Fuel My Fire(3/3) Constitution:Resilient(2/2) Constitution:Deflection(3/3) Constitution:Adrenaline Rush(2/2) Warden:Fortified Gear(2/3) Elusive and Upper Hand are also reasonable alternatives. Warden:Slaughter(3/3) Warden:Ruthless(2/2) Warden:The Best Defense(3/3) Brawler:No Escape(1/3) Just filler. Could also be The Glory of Battle. Brawler:Penetrating Strikes(2/2) Brawler:Ruthless(2/2) Brawler:Finishing Blow(3/3) Brawler:Setup(2/2) Mastery:Warden Mastery(1/1)
It's worth noting that Monsterdaddy's Will-o-Wisp build used very high-end gear to achieve 100% dodge, which protects the build's otherwise low resistance. Frosticus would give the build problems with less than 100% dodge, potentially one-shotting it with an undodged Frozen Dagger. But if you don't plan on tanking Frosty, I think you'll be fine against other content.
I don't think you'll get much use out of STR as a secondary superstat, since you'll want to use your mods/gear to stack DEX (and some CON). STR's damage boost is significantly reduced by diminishing returns. STR would offer a bit more knock resist, but you already have some from Resilient (and at a low STR value, it wouldn't make much of a difference).
I find that CON/DEX/END (with modding/gearing focused on DEX with some CON) works well in a setup like this. The larger energy tank gives you some extra juice to weather the droughts from Form of the Tempest's fickle triggering. The Tough spec is currently bugged, only giving half of its listed value. With an eye to that END superstat, I would swap out Tough for Fuel My Fire, to act as a surrogate energy unlock.
I would advise Rank 3 Dragon's Claws, rather than Crippling Challenge. Dragon's Claws hits very hard, especially when prefaced by Setup. You'll likely end up generating more threat (and damage) with Rank 3, and you still have Viper's Fangs For Crippling Challenge spam.
I would recommend swapping out Tiger's Bite for Thundering Kicks, to get your dodge chance above 90% (potentially 100%, with the optimal gear). That would make your single target chain Full Combo (VF or TK) > Dragon's Claws, making sure to use the Thundering Kicks combo often enough to maintain the buff.
As Flow mentioned, Rank 3 Sword Cyclone plays a little better with Form of the Tempest, but Butcher's Blades still does quite well if you want to keep it. And with the END superstat, it'll be easier to afford a full charge.
I agree with Flow that Adrenaline Rush is more desirable than Armored, to work alongside BCR between your Resurgence spikes.
All together, that might look something like this (I'm assuming this is a retcon build, so the power placement is kinda random):
Powers: Level 1:Hawk's Talons Level 1:Viper's Fangs(Rank 2, Crippling Challenge) Level 6:Lightning Reflexes(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 8:Thunderbolt Lunge Level 11:Form of the Tempest Level 14:Dragon's Claws(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 17:Bountiful Chi Resurgence(Resurgent Reiki) Level 20:Thundering Kicks(Rank 2, Rank 3) Level 23:Ego Surge(Nimble Mind) Level 26:Eye of the Storm(Blade Beyond the Veil) Level 29:Masterful Dodge Level 32:Resurgence(Rank 2, Rank 3) You could drop a rank or two here to place elsewhere, if you prefer. But Rank 3 Resurgence is rather handy as an emergency heal. Level 35:Sword Cyclone(Rank 2, Rank 3) Or Butcher's Blades, if that's more your style. In my opinion, Rank 3 Cyclone usually does enough damage to hold threat. But you could add Challenging Strikes if you prefer. Level 38:Parry(The Elusive Monk)
Specializations: Constitution:Fuel My Fire(3/3) Constitution:Resilient(2/2) Constitution:Deflection(3/3) Constitution:Adrenaline Rush(2/2) Warden:Fortified Gear(2/3) Elusive and Upper Hand are also reasonable alternatives. Warden:Slaughter(3/3) Warden:Ruthless(2/2) Warden:The Best Defense(3/3) Brawler:No Escape(1/3) Just filler. Could also be The Glory of Battle. Brawler:Penetrating Strikes(2/2) Brawler:Ruthless(2/2) Brawler:Finishing Blow(3/3) Brawler:Setup(2/2) Mastery:Warden Mastery(1/1)
I hope that helps!
actuallky, it's a brand spanking new lvl 6 character
actuallky, it's a brand spanking new lvl 6 character
Ah, I see. Here's a link to the same build, with some powers shuffled around (earlier Dragon's Claws for Rush energy, earlier Eye of the Storm for AoE): Jade Tiger
Wouldn't really recommend Quick Healing- its values are pretty low for the HoT. STR PSS is still the better choice all around, imo.
Also, ya have 3 forms/toggles, which is wasteful. Ya could keep one of Enrage or AotB (Enrage more for Pounce and Massacre use; AotB more for Shred and Frenzy use) and drop the MA toggle (and also not need Dex SS). One of the free power slots could go to MD or Unbreakable, and/or Unleashed Rage.
R3 is generally more dps than Blood Mess on Massacre, since the 30% is not fully multiplicative.
Wouldn't really recommend Quick Healing- its values are pretty low for the HoT. STR PSS is still the better choice all around, imo.
Also, ya have 3 forms/toggles, which is wasteful. Ya could keep one of Enrage or AotB (Enrage more for Pounce and Massacre use; AotB more for Shred and Frenzy use) and drop the MA toggle (and also not need Dex SS). One of the free power slots could go to MD or Unbreakable, and/or Unleashed Rage.
R3 is generally more dps than Blood Mess on Massacre, since the 30% is not fully multiplicative.
how's this? as it's obviously not a tank, and is DPS, I added Palliate w/ absolve as well
oh aand Flow, what's your thoughts on the latest post of my DB? I posted a second possible build for her, and playing with the idea making her passive regen at least while leveling her
Supernatural Power scale with Recovery, I believe. You have a lot of powers on CDs. Maybe swap out Dex for Int and take MSA? Or stay with Supernatural power and get some for Recovery?
It's really unfortunate that in most cases, INT makes for a much better energy-related secondary stat than either REC or END. There are few cases where I can justify taking either over it, as neither is anywhere near as versatile. It's usually preferable to gear for them if desired.
oh aand Flow, what's your thoughts on the latest post of my DB? I posted a second possible build for her, and playing with the idea making her passive regen at least while leveling her
It's really unfortunate that in most cases, INT makes for a much better energy-related secondary stat than either REC or END. There are few cases where I can justify taking either over it, as neither is anywhere near as versatile. It's usually preferable to gear for them if desired.
Yeah, part of that is MSA's ubiquity, other is that MSA does actually scale well w/ Int (whereas many other EUs have annoying 4 sec icds for bursty energy). Rec and End not having the greatest PSS trees nor any innate effects besides affecting energy also doesn't help matters..
the one in reply #16? Its alright. I wouldn't rank up most end builders, though, since ya shouldn't be using them much.
I assume w/ AotB you'll be using Shred and/or Frenzy periodically even when using Massacre- it or Enrage can work, but they'll differ in how ya gain stacks of Enraged a bit. Also, if ur leveling w/ the build then you'll want to get the Energy Unlock earlier, but if its a retcon build then that doesn't really matter.
So far so good... almost lvl 14, 1 more alert, andI'll b there... very minor energy issue, decent damage, playing on hard and soloing is survivable, but of a challenge but hey who has fun when everythings easy, right... ☺
yeah but I find EGO REC CON to be a pretty effective stat combo for maintain based overdrive builds.
Even so, I would argue that EGO/CON/INT with tertiary REC is better. Yes, you won't get quite as much energy return from Overdrive, but you won't need as much, plus you'll have lower cooldowns to boot.
I wish it weren't so, but it is. If only Cryptic could have reworked energy and the associated stats/unlocks before we went into maintenance mode...
Also, for tanking I'd prob take CS and skip Butcher's Blades on Sword Cyclone (for R3)- the maintain is easier on energy (relatively), and w/ CS applies threat more rapidly in AoE. Ya may have issues affording Sword Cyclone either way, but MSA could help- as could dropping Str 2ndary SS for Int SS. STR/Dex/Con would be a good alternative SS setup for that that also has Physical Peak and Juggernaut.
If you are sticking to Con PSS, though, I'd advise taking Adren Rush over Armored for a high-crit/Dex build, and prob take FMF over Tough (since the latter only gives half the benefit its intended to and thus ends up not being very good).
Lastly, I wouldn't take a potential threat wipe in a tank build, but I'm not sure what ya plan on doing with Elusive w/ SoM. The build has a pretty solid base, though.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Yeah good catch- I missed that. I think he meant to take FotTempest (though FotTiger or FotM could work as well).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I could easily replace DW with something like EotS
If you're using EM to keep your dodge up, consider switching to Crashing Wave Kick w/ Subtlety of the Tides. Not sure if the dodge buff is the same, but it does damage, unlike EM.
Resurgence is a good "oh ****" heal that scales with Con.
If you really hate knocks: Circle of Primal Dom. Even though it might be theme breaking, not getting punted all over the screen in Gravitar makes up for it.
For a dodge tank, I'm guessing you'll be going crazy with the dex, so Resilient is going to suck. 2pts in Tough is fine. That extra .5 HP per secondary stat probably won't be more than 300 ish HP, which can be picked up in secondary defense gear.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Subtlety if tines will get you only a few percent dodge chance. Thundering Kicks is a better alternative, but EM still gives significantly more dodge chance.
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Name: Jade Tiger
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
Level 15: Strength (Secondary)
Level 1: The Master
Level 6: Agile
Level 9: Enduring
Level 12: Mighty
Level 15: Tireless
Level 18: Physical Conditioning
Level 21: Covert Ops Training
Level 1: Hawk's Talons
Level 1: Viper's Fangs (Crippling Challenge)
Level 6: Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Thunderbolt Lunge (Essence Assault, Nailed to the Ground)
Level 11: Form of the Tempest
Level 14: Dragon's Claws (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)
Level 17: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
Level 20: Tiger's Bite (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 26: Eye of the Storm (Blade Beyond the Veil)
Level 29: Masterful Dodge
Level 32: Resurgence
Level 35: Sword Cyclone (Rank 2, Butcher's Blades)
Level 38: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Displacement Acrobatics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Ninja Vanish (Rank 2)
Constitution: Tough (3/3)
Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
Constitution: Deflection (3/3)
Constitution: Armored (2/2)
Warden: Fortified Gear (2/3)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Brawler: No Escape (1/3)
Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
Brawler: Finishing Blow (3/3)
Brawler: Setup (2/2)
Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)
I don't think you'll get much use out of STR as a secondary superstat, since you'll want to use your mods/gear to stack DEX (and some CON). STR's damage boost is significantly reduced by diminishing returns. STR would offer a bit more knock resist, but you already have some from Resilient (and at a low STR value, it wouldn't make much of a difference).
I find that CON/DEX/END (with modding/gearing focused on DEX with some CON) works well in a setup like this. The larger energy tank gives you some extra juice to weather the droughts from Form of the Tempest's fickle triggering. The Tough spec is currently bugged, only giving half of its listed value. With an eye to that END superstat, I would swap out Tough for Fuel My Fire, to act as a surrogate energy unlock.
I would advise Rank 3 Dragon's Claws, rather than Crippling Challenge. Dragon's Claws hits very hard, especially when prefaced by Setup. You'll likely end up generating more threat (and damage) with Rank 3, and you still have Viper's Fangs For Crippling Challenge spam.
I would recommend swapping out Tiger's Bite for Thundering Kicks, to get your dodge chance above 90% (potentially 100%, with the optimal gear). That would make your single target chain Full Combo (VF or TK) > Dragon's Claws, making sure to use the Thundering Kicks combo often enough to maintain the buff.
As Flow mentioned, Rank 3 Sword Cyclone plays a little better with Form of the Tempest, but Butcher's Blades still does quite well if you want to keep it. And with the END superstat, it'll be easier to afford a full charge.
I agree with Flow that Adrenaline Rush is more desirable than Armored, to work alongside BCR between your Resurgence spikes.
All together, that might look something like this (I'm assuming this is a retcon build, so the power placement is kinda random):
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Name: Jade Tiger
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
Level 15: Endurance (Secondary)
Level 1: The Glacier
Level 6: Acrobat
Level 9: Accurate
Level 12: Boundless Reserves
Level 15: Impresario
Level 18: Quick Recovery
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Hawk's Talons
Level 1: Viper's Fangs (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)
Level 6: Lightning Reflexes (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Thunderbolt Lunge
Level 11: Form of the Tempest
Level 14: Dragon's Claws (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
Level 20: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 26: Eye of the Storm (Blade Beyond the Veil)
Level 29: Masterful Dodge
Level 32: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3) You could drop a rank or two here to place elsewhere, if you prefer. But Rank 3 Resurgence is rather handy as an emergency heal.
Level 35: Sword Cyclone (Rank 2, Rank 3) Or Butcher's Blades, if that's more your style. In my opinion, Rank 3 Cyclone usually does enough damage to hold threat. But you could add Challenging Strikes if you prefer.
Level 38: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Displacement Acrobatics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Ninja Vanish
Constitution: Fuel My Fire (3/3)
Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
Constitution: Deflection (3/3)
Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)
Warden: Fortified Gear (2/3) Elusive and Upper Hand are also reasonable alternatives.
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Brawler: No Escape (1/3) Just filler. Could also be The Glory of Battle.
Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
Brawler: Finishing Blow (3/3)
Brawler: Setup (2/2)
Mastery: Warden Mastery (1/1)
I hope that helps!
actuallky, it's a brand spanking new lvl 6 character
Ah, I see. Here's a link to the same build, with some powers shuffled around (earlier Dragon's Claws for Rush energy, earlier Eye of the Storm for AoE): Jade Tiger
I went with PSS CON for more durability and quick healing, plus regeneration and resurgence
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
Level 10: Strength (Secondary)
Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary)
Level 1: The Master
Level 6: Tireless
Level 9: Energetic
Level 12: Brilliant
Level 15: Accurate
Level 18: Impresario
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Bestial Fury (Rip and Tear)
Level 1: Shred (Rank 2, Penetrating Strikes, Accelerated Metabolism)
Level 6: Pounce (Furious Rush)
Level 8: Form of the Tiger (Rage of the Beast)
Level 11: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Aspect of the Bestial
Level 17: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 20: Supernatural Power
Level 23: Frenzy (Rank 2, Fear Sense)
Level 26: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Howl (Make them Tremble)
Level 32: Massacre (Rank 2, Blood Mess)
Level 35: Enrage (Rank 2, Endorphin Rush, Giant Growth)
Level 38: Retaliation
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Teleportation
Constitution: Fuel My Fire (3/3)
Constitution: Tough (2/3)
Constitution: Quick Healing (3/3)
Constitution: Armored (2/2)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (2/3)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)
Also, ya have 3 forms/toggles, which is wasteful. Ya could keep one of Enrage or AotB (Enrage more for Pounce and Massacre use; AotB more for Shred and Frenzy use) and drop the MA toggle (and also not need Dex SS). One of the free power slots could go to MD or Unbreakable, and/or Unleashed Rage.
R3 is generally more dps than Blood Mess on Massacre, since the 30% is not fully multiplicative.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
how's this? as it's obviously not a tank, and is DPS, I added Palliate w/ absolve as well
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Strength (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary)
Level 1: The Master
Level 6: Tireless
Level 9: Energetic
Level 12: Brilliant
Level 15: Accurate
Level 18: Impresario
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Bestial Fury (Rip and Tear)
Level 1: Shred (Rank 2, Penetrating Strikes, Accelerated Metabolism)
Level 6: Pounce (Furious Rush)
Level 8: Aspect of the Bestial
Level 11: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 20: Frenzy (Rank 2, Fear Sense)
Level 23: Howl (Make them Tremble)
Level 26: Supernatural Power
Level 29: Palliate (Absolve)
Level 32: Massacre (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Unleashed Rage (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38: Retaliation
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Teleportation
Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
Strength: Quick Recovery (2/2)
Strength: Brutality (2/2)
Strength: Overpower (3/3)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (2/3)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Mastery: Warden Mastery (1/1)
oh aand Flow, what's your thoughts on the latest post of my DB? I posted a second possible build for her, and playing with the idea making her passive regen at least while leveling her
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Strength (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)
Level 1: The Master
Level 6: Brilliant
Level 9: Energetic
Level 12: Mighty
Level 15: Bodybuilder
Level 18: Boundless Reserves
Level 21: Amazing Stamina
Level 1: Bestial Fury (Rip and Tear)
Level 1: Shred (Rank 2, Penetrating Strikes, Accelerated Metabolism)
Level 6: Pounce (Furious Rush)
Level 8: Aspect of the Bestial
Level 11: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 20: Frenzy (Rank 2, Fear Sense)
Level 23: Howl (Make them Tremble)
Level 26: Supernatural Power
Level 29: Palliate (Absolve)
Level 32: Massacre (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Unleashed Rage (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38: Retaliation
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Athletics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Teleportation
Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
Strength: Quick Recovery (2/2)
Strength: Brutality (2/2)
Strength: Overpower (3/3)
Warden: Slaughter (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Upper Hand (2/3)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Mastery: Warden Mastery (1/1)
Yeah, part of that is MSA's ubiquity, other is that MSA does actually scale well w/ Int (whereas many other EUs have annoying 4 sec icds for bursty energy). Rec and End not having the greatest PSS trees nor any innate effects besides affecting energy also doesn't help matters..
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
the one in reply #16? Its alright. I wouldn't rank up most end builders, though, since ya shouldn't be using them much.
I assume w/ AotB you'll be using Shred and/or Frenzy periodically even when using Massacre- it or Enrage can work, but they'll differ in how ya gain stacks of Enraged a bit. Also, if ur leveling w/ the build then you'll want to get the Energy Unlock earlier, but if its a retcon build then that doesn't really matter.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Even so, I would argue that EGO/CON/INT with tertiary REC is better. Yes, you won't get quite as much energy return from Overdrive, but you won't need as much, plus you'll have lower cooldowns to boot.
I wish it weren't so, but it is. If only Cryptic could have reworked energy and the associated stats/unlocks before we went into maintenance mode...