A special event to be held over one weekend (Friday 10 AM - Monday 10 AM), every two months. This is infrequent enough to feel special, but frequent enough that the dev time is not wasted.
(Eighteen days per year is comparable to other events). The Nemesis Event has three components:
1. Perma-Alerts
2. There is a new Nemesis based team alert: Super Nemesis Showdown
3. There is a minor overhaul of the Nemesis system.
A. Alerts
Dockside Nemesis runs all weekend as the Smash Alert, and Bank Robbery Nemesis runs all
weekend as the Grab alert.
It should be straightforward. You might also, time permitting, look into having a Pyramid Power Nemesis alert added as well.
B. Super Nemesis Showdown
"Who needs Destroyer? We can gather our enemies and destroy them in one fell swoop! Let us form... the New League of Destruction!" - someone's nemesis
Super Nemesis Showdown takes place in one of the unused arenas (see Brou's Gallery of Lost Potential thread).
It requires five characters of L25 or higher to run. The hero must have an active nemesis.
There are two stages. In the first stage, the heroes need to defeat all five of their nemesii and a few minions/nemesis in five minutes. The mobs will be spaced reasonably close together so it should be hard to avoid aggroing multiple mobs. Defeating them in five minutes gives everyone a Stage 1 reward.
The second stage is a bonus stage that unlocks if the heroes defeat all five nemesii in under three minutes, a random nemesis is reborn as an archnemesis. He has 300% health, and does 500% damage to all attacks. Defeat him in two minutes for a stage 2 reward. Stage 2 should be HARD.
Stage 1 reward: 2 Globals, 1 random rank IV mod, a Box of Questionite, and 20-50 Nemesis tokens. Random chance of one of four new costume pieces, or one of two new action figures.
Stage 2 reward: 3 globals, 1 random rank V mod, and a 5% chance of one of the following: 1d3 Drifter salvage, or one cosmic key (allowed once per account per event) a 20% discount coupon on any costume set, vehicle, or hideout (only one coupon per account per event) or a random Justice gear component or Nemesis Special ability token (see below).
Option: Supergroup challenge. If (a) all five alert team members belong to the same SG, (b) the team leader is a member of Leader rank, (c) difficulty is set to Elite (finally, difficulty levels matter again!), the alert enters Supergroup Challenge mode. Being on Elite, the game will be tougher, but all rewards are doubled. Also, every member gets a special perk "Team Supreme".
This is unlikely, but I'll throw it out: The Stage 2 alert reward for Supergroup Challenge is a Team Lounge. This could be one of two environments:
1. A bar, similar to the bar in Gateway, but with a selectable vista (city, wilderness, jungle, undersea, or space), and a team logo displayed prominently on the wall. There would also be access to the SG bank here, a tailor, a hanger door (to any zone) and an exit (back to the spot where the player came from).
2.A Tropical island resort (cut out a bit of beach on MI, remove mobs, and add an outdoor wet bar and campfire.)
This is added to the Hideout list of anyone who wins the challenge.
C. Nemesis system overhaul
Not much of an overhaul, but a few additions and amendations that can be used to hype the event, especially when first launched.
1. Nemesis bios
Fix the bug that prevents them from being displayed.
2. New Nemesis Powersets
Add Wind, and Heavy Weapons to the Nemesis power sets
3 Nemesis Aura system
Give your nemesis an aura, if you dare.
4 Nemesis Faction Contest
On the forums, hold a contest to design a nemesis faction. Include a one paragraph background, and four designs (melee Henchman, melee villain, range Henchman, range villain). Each winning entry is gathered into a pack for sale at the C-store for a low price (150-200 Zen).
5. Optional: Nemesis special ability.
By expending a Nemesis Special Ability token. you can purchase a bonus ability once for your nemesis (each special ability may be purchased once per nemesis):
(a) +15% Health
(b) +30% damage buff
(c) one special attack form: triggered every 30 seconds. This includes:
- Super-haymaker (small AE haymaker with a damage bonus)
- Super-rimfire burst (extra strength rimefire burst)
- Hellfire sorcery bolt (powerful dark lightning gigabolt)
- Hellfire inferno (a very powerful flashfire)
- 10 second super life force leech (drains from all folks within 20', block will negate per character)
(d) one especially tough Lieutenant/villain-in-training minion.
Edit: some changes to the optional special ability.
I love this. Good idea to bring back one of the coolest features of the game, and it looks like it'll have enough interesting rewards to get players to try and pound this thing into the ground all weekend.
Other than that, consider this idea fully endorsed. (My endorsement and a buck and a half should be enough to get a bottomless cup of coffee at Denny's.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Your proposed design seems to run a pretty substantial risk of either being really easy (most timed Smash alerts are finished in under half their time limit) or becoming a frustrating dps race like the much-reviled Forum Malvanum round 8.
/sighed The Nemesis system needs to be touched on again at some point, and the Q from the nemesis alerts can be used for auras and such. I am behind this anything to give Kristine's doopleganger some spotlight.
Your proposed design seems to run a pretty substantial risk of either being really easy (most timed Smash alerts are finished in under half their time limit) or becoming a frustrating dps race like the much-reviled Forum Malvanum round 8.
This is certainly a risk. The major appeal of the event is "fight five nemeses at once", but I keep thinking it needs something more, hence I added a Stage 2. We already have Grab and Red Winter for multi-person fights, so once the lure of fighting multiple nemeses wears off, this is just another battle. Stage 2 also adds the same cool "am I going to get my nemesis or not" feeling of uncertainty you get going into a normal Nemesis alert.
I wouldn't mind some other mechanic that needs to be dealt with during Stage 2 (such as buffing objects that periodically appear and which need to be destroyed, or the arch-nemesis becomes even more dangerous) similar to the sphere in NemCon. But the more complicated the fight, the longer it takes to develop, and dev time and resources are the enemies of this game.
Then again, the simple fact that Nems in Alerts usually drop a Q-box for each participant should provide sufficient motivation - five Q-boxes for running a multiple-Nemesis Alert or Rampage? I'm in!
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
The basic problem with a buffed super-nemesis is that nemesis power sets aren't very interesting. The other problem is that there's significant power level variance in nemeses.
You can maybe do something about both of these things by adding powers and/or adjusting them, rather than simply giving a flat buff. Probably multiple techniques -- say:
Elemental Ultimate Power (used by Ice, Electricity, Force, Fire)
Spawns an invisible entity (the power source). It will cycle between Ball Lightning (Triplicity), Fire Snake, Containment Field, Snow Storm (eye of the storm; at instant max duration) on a random target.
Grants buffs to the owner, cycling between Field Surge (Power Swell), Immolation (Blazing Body), Electric Sheath (Matter-Energy Union), and Ice Sheath (Supercooled). Use a 6s tic, so it will actually generally have two in effect at once.
Technology Ultimate Power (used by Archery, Gadgeteering, Munitions, Power Armor)
Spawns a Doomday Device. This is a super-powered version of the Implosion Engine (100' radius, increased damage, increased pull strength, increased durability, cycles Reversed Polarization Field every 6s). In order to win you have to destroy the device.
Buffs the owner, cycling between Unbreakable, Lock & Load, Resurrection Serum, and Bionic Shielding (this makes beating the boss while the machine is up impossible).
Martial Arts Ultimate Power (used by Martial Arts, Dual Blade, Single Blade, Fighting Claws).
Constantly maintains the villain at 8 focus stacks.
Constantly grants the villain Masterful Dodge (Unfettered Strikes).
Constantly grants the villain Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki).
Constantly grants the villain Intensity.
Adds each of Lightning Reflexes, Way of the Warrior, and Night Warrior, if not already present.
Creates an invisible entity that follows the villain and occasionally triggers Fury of the Dragon.
Psychic Ultimate Power (used by Telekinetic and Telepathic)
Creates an invisible entity which cycles between Mindful Reinforcement, TK Maelstrom (100' radius), Collective Will, and Summon Nightmare r3.
Buffs the villain in some way
Might Ultimate Power: not much inspiration here. This may be a case for 'pile on the damage'.
Supernatural Ultimate Power: used by Darkness, Infernal Supernatural, Celestial, Sorcery
Creates a visible Planar Fracture. Aside from its normal effects, it also summons pets, cycling between Ritual of Radiant Summoning, Pyromancer's Blades, Summon Shadows, and March of the Dead.
Gains each of Shadow Form, Pestilence, Seraphim, and Aura of Primal Majesty, if not already possessed.
Will cycle (alternating) between Shadow Shroud and Ascension.
4 Nemesis Faction Contest
On the forums, hold a contest to design a nemesis faction. Include a one paragraph background, and four designs (melee Henchman, melee villain, range Henchman, range villain).
I think it should be four default but optionally up to eight. Some of the Nemesis types have deceptively more variance than they seem at first, ranging from skin tone variance to the select few that have female members. Technically, there's more range than just villain and henchman as well.
"Interesting builds are born from limitations not by letting players put everything into one build."
Love, love, love it.
Other than that, consider this idea fully endorsed. (My endorsement and a buck and a half should be enough to get a bottomless cup of coffee at Denny's.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
The nordic people support this!
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I hope someone with the power to make stuff happen has read this.
Hell they could make a Nemesis lock-box if a reason is required to justify it to the higher-ups.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
This is certainly a risk. The major appeal of the event is "fight five nemeses at once", but I keep thinking it needs something more, hence I added a Stage 2. We already have Grab and Red Winter for multi-person fights, so once the lure of fighting multiple nemeses wears off, this is just another battle. Stage 2 also adds the same cool "am I going to get my nemesis or not" feeling of uncertainty you get going into a normal Nemesis alert.
I wouldn't mind some other mechanic that needs to be dealt with during Stage 2 (such as buffing objects that periodically appear and which need to be destroyed, or the arch-nemesis becomes even more dangerous) similar to the sphere in NemCon. But the more complicated the fight, the longer it takes to develop, and dev time and resources are the enemies of this game.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
You can maybe do something about both of these things by adding powers and/or adjusting them, rather than simply giving a flat buff. Probably multiple techniques -- say:
Elemental Ultimate Power (used by Ice, Electricity, Force, Fire)
Technology Ultimate Power (used by Archery, Gadgeteering, Munitions, Power Armor)
Martial Arts Ultimate Power (used by Martial Arts, Dual Blade, Single Blade, Fighting Claws).
Psychic Ultimate Power (used by Telekinetic and Telepathic)
Might Ultimate Power: not much inspiration here. This may be a case for 'pile on the damage'.
Supernatural Ultimate Power: used by Darkness, Infernal Supernatural, Celestial, Sorcery
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I think it should be four default but optionally up to eight. Some of the Nemesis types have deceptively more variance than they seem at first, ranging from skin tone variance to the select few that have female members. Technically, there's more range than just villain and henchman as well.