It's time for everyone to scream "
Medic!", a theme we are sorely lacking powers in (among other things like a Supernatural Plant Set that has yet to exist). Some of these things I've tried to bring attention to a while ago and need to be brought back from the grave.
Last updated: 7/29/2015
Nanite Capsule (50 Foot Target, 10 Foot Sphere Click)
+Applies a HoT to allies in the affected area which becomes stronger over time.
+Applies an Electric DoT to enemies in the affected area.
-Short Cooldown.
Advantage (2) - The Electric DoT effect has a chance to Paralyze the target.
Nanite Sprayer (50 Foot Single Target Maintain)
*Introduces new "Weapon" costume pieces for use by this power and others in this set.
+Healing amount ramps up as this power is maintained and persists 20 seconds after stopping, refreshing as stacks are gained. This buildup reaches full capacity after 5 full maintains of this power, capping at 100 stacks of Nanite Buildup providing .33% Bonus Healing per stack.
+If triggered while under the effects of the persisting Nanite Buildup, the startup energy cost is halved.
+Unlike other Heal-other powers, this power inflicts a self-snare instead of locking the character in place, giving the character mobility.
Advantage (1) - Gives the power a 30 Degree Cone AoE. Healing amount is split among affected allies.
Nanite Shield (Block Replacer)
*Uses Nanite Sprayer Weapon Costume Pieces
+Better Resistance to Energy Damage Types than other Block Powers (Electricity, Particle, Sonic).
+Taking damage from a Single Target attack has a chance to heal allies within 15 Feet of you.
+Allies within 10 Feet of you have their Resistances increased by 20% of what you receive from this power.
Advantage (3) - Healing an ally with Nanite Sprayer triggers this ability, giving you and any affected allies this power's benefits while active. Energy Cost of the Nanite Sprayer is increased, but energy is still returned when struck as if you were blocking normally.
Advantage (2) - Benefits become more powerful the longer you are actively blocking and persist a short time after finishing.
Triage Beacon (Uncontrolled Pet Summon)
+Deploys a Healing Station at your feet which Pulses every 3 Seconds, healing allies within a 25 Foot Sphere.
+Can remain out until you move 100 Feet away from it or for 30 Seconds, whichever comes first.
-Short Cooldown.
-A Deployed Beacon will increase your energy costs as if it were a Controlled Pet.
-Can be attacked.
Advantage (2) - Allows you to deploy up to two additional beacons, but all beacons will heal at 40% of the original amount. The Cooldown is Removed.
Nanite Infusion (Active Offense)
+You deal 21%/25%/29% Additional Damage and 42%/50%/58% Additional Healing.
+You and Allies in a 25 Foot Sphere around you are healed every 2 seconds for the duration of the power.
-Medium Cooldown.
Advantage (2) - Halves the Charge Time and removes the Cooldown on Resurrection Serum while active.
Medical Nanites (Support Passive Update)
+Heals in a 50 Foot Sphere constantly every 3 Seconds. The time between healing ticks decreases (As low as a Tick every 1 Second) based on how much health is missing from a target affected by your Medical Nanites. (Max rate of healing when Health is below 50%)
Advantage (2) - Allies taking damage have their defenses adapt to the Damage Type for 5 seconds, taking the same type of damage refreshes this effect. At most one Damage Type can be resisted, if another Damage Type strikes the target while it is resisting a different Damage Type, there will be no effect.
-New Additions 1/4/2014-Nanite Cannon (50 Foot Target, 5~15 Foot Sphere Charged)
*Uses Nanite Sprayer Weapon Costume Pieces
+Charging increases Heal Amount and Heal Radius.
+Can move while charging (Self-Snare).
+This Power grants stacks of Nanite Build up based on how long it was charged and the number of allies affected.
Advantage (2) - If Fully Charged, the power will also heal in a 5 Foot Cylinder between you and your target, will inflict a small Cooldown on itself when Fully Charged.
Nanite Disruption/Nanite Purification (50 Foot Single Target Maintained, Dual Power)
*Uses Nanite Sprayer Weapon Costume Pieces
+When used on an Enemy, snares the target and reduces their resistances as the power is maintained. Effectiveness increasing as the rank does.
+When used on an Ally, attempts to remove Debuffs on the target.
-Short Cooldown.
-New Additions 3/4/2014-Overclocked Nanotech (Buff Self)
*Requires the Nanite Sprayer Power before being available
+The user consumes 100 stacks of Nanite Buildup and is granted 1 stack of Overclocked Nanites. Overclocked Nanites is a buff that lasts 60 Seconds and causes Nanite Sprayer's next activation to cost 0 Energy to cast and maintain and provides the target a large bonus to Damage, Resistance, and Energy Generation for the duration of the maintain.
+If your target is in the Melee or Ranged Damage Role, the Damage Bonus is significantly stronger and the target's Critical Chance is improved.
+If your target is in the Tank Role, the Resistance Bonus is significantly stronger and any time the target receives damage, they receive a stacking Defense buff for the duration of the charge.
+If your target is in the Support Role, any healing the target receives from all sources, whether it heals any damage or not, is shared among allies within 15 Feet of them.
+If your target is in the Hybrid Role or is an NPC, all of the bonuses they receive are slightly stronger.
-Nanite Buildup must be at 100 Stacks before this power can be activated.
-Only affects the Nanite Sprayer Power and is only available if you have the Nanite Sprayer Power.
-If your Nanite Sprayer has the Cone AoE Advantage, this overrides it back to a Single Target heal for the duration.
-While this buff is active, the user will be unable to stack Nanite Buildup.
-New Additions 3/7/2014-Nanotech Pistol (50 Foot Single Target Energy Builder)
*Uses Gadgeteering Pistol Weapon Unlocks
+Using this power on an ally heals them, you receive energy if you actually heal damage the target has taken.
+Attacking enemies deals Particle Damage, has a 10% chance on the initial attack to apply a Toxic DoT.
Advantage (2) - The Attack will have a 15% Chance to apply the Toxic DoT on all attacks. Healing your targets also has a 15% chance on the initial hit to grant a small absorption shield, reducing incoming damage by a flat amount for a short period.
Nanite Shot (100 Foot Single Target Charged)
*Uses Gadgeteering Pistol Weapon Unlocks
+Using this power on an ally heals them, enemies and other objects will otherwise be dealt Particle Damage.
+Fully Charging this power which heals an ally to their Max Health gives the target a Shield based on the amount overhealed, fully charging will otherwise apply a Heal over Time.
+Fully Charging this power against an enemy will cause the target to receive a DoT, this DoT will deal Electrical Damage.
+Using this power on yourself is instant, and provides a HoT buff for 10 seconds. You cannot use this power on yourself more than once every 10 seconds.
Advantage (2) - Give the power a 10 Foot Sphere AoE if Charged at least half way. the Fully Charged Shield and DoT will only apply to the main target, but the HoT will affect allies in 15 Feet of the main target if they receive it.
-New Additions 7/6/2014-Shield Generator (Uncontrolled Pet Summon)
+Deploys a Shielding Station at your feet which Pulses every 5 Seconds, shielding allies within a 25 Foot Sphere.
+Allies with a Personal Force Field will have their Rate of Shield Regeneration increased when in the generator's area of effect.
+Can remain out until you move 100 Feet away from it or for 60 Seconds, whichever comes first.
-Moderate Cooldown.
-A Deployed Beacon will increase your energy costs as if it were a Controlled Pet.
-The Generator does reduced Shielding based on its Health.
-Can be attacked.
Advantage (3) - Allows you to attach the Shield Generator to a target on cast, having it follow them around for the duration. Area of Effect is reduced to a 15 Foot Sphere.
Nanohex Shielding (50 Foot Single Target Click)
+Applies an absorption buff to the target to absorb incoming damage for 10 seconds. The absorption's strength is low to start, but increases as the target receives damage.
+When using this on a friendly target with a Shielding effect, their Shields are also repaired over time.
-Medium Cooldown.
Advantage (2) - Whenever a target takes damage, the damage absorbed by this ability is returned to their attacker.
Amplifier (Uncontrolled Pet Summon)
+Deploys an Amplifier at your feet which increases allies' Critical Chance and Damage in a 15 Foot Sphere.
+Can remain out until you move 100 Feet away from it or for 15 Seconds, whichever comes first.
-Moderate Cooldown.
-A Deployed Beacon will increase your energy costs as if it were a Controlled Pet.
-Can be attacked.
-New Additions 1/28/2015-Nanite Wave (50 Foot Target, 90 Degree Cone Charged)
*Powered Armor Ability, utilizes Emanation Points.
+Heals allies in the area, strength of this ability increases as the power is charged.
+When charged at least 50%, enemies in the area have a chance to be knocked down. At 100% charge, they are also snared.
-Short Cooldown.
Advantage (2) - Affected allies receive a Heal over Time component.
Versatile unique power, always like more of those. The advantage confused me at first, but then I drank some coffee and understood it
Another cool power. I don't think "Fully Charged" really clicks though. I would instead replace it with an Advantage that builds up an absorb shield on the target, with a graphic similar to Bionic Shielding, like you're spraying a thin layer of nanites over the person. Also for the 3 pt advantage, I think it would be safe to make it be triggered by all healing, so it's not so restricted.
This sounds really neat! Not sure about the 2 point advantage... but it's interesting and cool, so whatever.
I just like this.
You forgot the offense part
The only thing I'm gonna be down on. I don't like any of this part.
I can see one massive glaring problem with this that you obviously have not considered... and that is that if this were implemented, no one would want to use any of those other boring old fashioned heals anymore xD
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Yes please, those powers are PROPER Gadgeteering Healing :eek:
Bionic Shielding and Medical Nanites are NOTHING compared to what the Celestial has to offer! But a proper Gadget healer can't use Magic!
Also I do love the Maintance Healing Gun idea
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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There, I just bought you like 3 weeks worth of bumps.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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The devs have seen your thread... bumping it more won't do anything.
Your part in this is over... now go eat pie.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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Aye, my main being stuck with "Only Healing" (and on top of all of the good heals are Magic Based) isn't my favorite thing in the world. Hopefully these powers will come out and we'll have more scientific support heroes. Have I told you how much I absolutely HATE magic? :rolleyes:
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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My "Medivac" character is pretty much as close to a tech healer - as i cold get. I still had to dip into Force (Protection Field + IDF) and Celestial (AORP + Arcane Vitality) for him to be a functional healer.
But having actual heals in the Gadget pool would be a dream come true.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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But yeah, chances of TT, saying this is going to be a thing, is me getting an Xeno as an girlfreind, just settle with Cel Powers
Have you pointed this out to TT yet?
I've poked him with it in other threads with no reaction. I can't tell whether or not he has taken a look at this, and I don't want to pester him too much about it by sending a PM in case he already knows. If a PM is what it takes, then that's what I'll consider.
In the meantime, who wants to help push this cart?
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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I found these in Talos's Warehouse. I know they're Geometry objects and not actual Weapon Models... but ah, one can dream. They would make great Nanite Sprayer Weapon Options in addition to whatever Cannons they were going for.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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Also: An advantage that replaces the Muni-Bot's gatling form with a heal form.
Body is 4111 characters too long.
I am now sad.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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