Did this most recent 150mb patch contain any bug fixes, or is it just the lockbox?

Considering the other updates we've gotten in the past few months, I'm guessing the answer is no.
I know that bug fixes don't directly improve profits, but come on. Other developers would be ashamed to have this many bugs swept under the rug and ignored for this long.
And in any event, it's not "just the lockbox"; there are now Imaginary Weapons and the Cowboyification Ray available at the Foxbatcon vendor table. (May not sound like much to you, but I think they're pretty cool.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Just the few I could think of in 5 minutes.
The "Hide and remove unowned costume parts" checkbox does not work when creating a costume at hero creation.
I have no idea what Super Group chat bug you're discussing; so far as I know, SGs can chat among themselves just fine. I know that all my chat channels are working perfectly (except for those rare occasions when the chat server is down, at which time none of them do anything).
Never experienced any issues with Recognition Vendors, nor have I heard of anyone else having such a problem.
Haven't heard any complaints about the queue bug lately, am assuming it's taken care of.
Let's just sum up your list by saying that I've only even heard of a few of these; the one with the shipping crates actually has an easy workaround (just move to the end of the crate and you pop out), and the one with display of costumes on new toons in the Creator isn't really that big a deal. (If it bothers you, log into one of your existing toons first, then log back out to Character Select and create the new one - the box works correctly then.) Perhaps there have been "stealth fixes", as someone once dubbed them?
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No, lets not sum up my list just because you've never personally encountered some of them. That's no reason to dismiss them as a whole so easily.
Easy steps to replicate the Super Group chat bug:
1. Play as a character in an SG.
2. Change Character
3. Play as a character in a different SG.
4. You now see both SGs chats in the same Super Group window. Only the latest SG will see your chat.
And don't assume that issues can be ignored because there is a wonky "workaround" the players can do to fix them. Players shouldn't fix these issues, devs should. For example: if you're forcibly knocked back into a metal crate, you'll be stuck there indefinitely until the crate is broken by something else.
I've seen the queue bug occur earlier this week, when a Kevin Poe Smash alert stayed active for 6 hours because no one could enter it. So no, it's not fixed.
It is a very big deal considering that all new players will run into it without any knowledge of a workaround. Making my first costume was a very confusing experience because of this, so I settled with something simple just to get the costume creator over with, and I am a person who loves to make costumes. I imagine that this is a spot where many potential new players gave up on the game.
What wonky workaround do you have to fix this?
I can list a few more (fourth color in the Tailor doesn't display what it changes unless accepted, Nemesis saved costumes do not load properly, etc etc etc) but we all know how this ends.
No, no bugfixes. We've had numerous bugs since On Alert (released three years ago?) that haven't been fixed. Just get used to them.
Kermit, plz fix all bugs kthxby till den i call u bad :<
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(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
I'm not a programmer, no. But assumptions can be made.. I'd be very surprised if all the issues listed were super complicated programmation wise. If someone can prove me wrong I'm down for it.
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
Software engineering and 3D modeling are separate disciplines practiced by different specialists, so why not both?
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Also with all the dev rotations we've had I would understand that the code is now a mess and that the new ones are afraid to touch it to fix bugs. Hm.. still, it would be nice \o/
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
Considering how small our dev team supposedly is, this may not be as crazy as it sounds. Thing is, even if that is the case I have faith that the guy who's primarily a programmer would be focusing on that part because he's a programmer and he knows how important it is to remove the bugs.
The fact that he's not doing it...
...is probably related to that ^
Wanna know what it's like to try to "add simple changes" and "fix easy bugs"? Ask some Skyrim modders about it, they'll tell you what a nightmare the simplest thing can be, and Bethesda tried to make their game easy to make changes to. You think oh so many years ago anyone even thought they'd be doing the stuff to the game that they are now? Oh sure, you're supposed to make your code modular and organized and resistant to change... but they didn't, and that's why you're right.
Everybody agrees with you, including every single developer who works on the game. There is literally nobody anywhere going "No. I don't want the bugs fixed.
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(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
Will CO finally be taken out of cruise-control? :biggrin:
Well it hasn't been in cruise-control... so the answer to that is no.
As for those bugs being tackled, how many years has it been since these guys were involved with the game? Only time will tell if the whole "was there at game launch" thing has any real meaning.
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Good point. I bet none where even working on that game that was a thing but now isnt that was out before CO but NCsoft killed it cause guild wars 2 is s**t.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Like I said, time will tell if it means anything.
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