I agree with nextnametaken, you are getting a lot better with your comics flow, they used to be really choppy in sequence and timing. My only real suggestion would be to get a proof reader to re-read your dialogue before you edit all the screen caps together as a lot of the typos that could've been avoided without massive editing.
Yeah, try to take more of my time now and days. Yeah the proof reading is in the process actually, what happens is post it, the editor downloads them, and then reap loads them, but he's in Asia right now. But thanks for the comments AC and Nextnametaken. The infinity universe thread has real great comics leaning into some champions lore. Also trying to have team ups happen. Thanks Bronx and thundrax.
I love it, i'll feature it as a variant in my next issue^^. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7Ea_DvGyz0wVDlZTjFwTkROLXM/view?usp=sharing
If you wanna do more future art pieces colored or not for fun just let me know and I could have em as covers rather than just having me being the only doing the art, that's of course if you want to. Same goes for anyone else if they do.
Issue 25 is here! Shout out to @Hope1 for helping me with the comics and joining in the future. Shout out to Agent Canada for the art too. Thanks guys.
Comic Update: Now working on dialogue. A villian returns from one of the early issues, and there is a lot of pop art, splashes, a new spectacular killer spider logo. Trying to make the comics more like the characters are punching or flying at you kind of. I will do this for future comics in infinity universe.
Feel free to edit or colour it,
If you wanna do more future art pieces colored or not for fun just let me know and I could have em as covers rather than just having me being the only doing the art, that's of course if you want to. Same goes for anyone else if they do.
That was quick, I was only talking with you a few hours ago. Still, doing good so far! :cool:
@Hope1 ingame. PRIMUS Database Characters
URL="https://www.google.com/search?q=Free+explosion+sprites&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=izooVcDlJoytogT_74GIBA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1088&bih=767"]Try some free explosion sprites[/URL for your future explosion effects.
It' going to be intressting.