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Spiderman-type build

illay75749illay75749 Posts: 26 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Builds and Roles
Hey guys. Well, i decided to make Spiderman-inspired build. I wanted to mix PVE and PVP in one build. Damage and dodges is here! Sure thing you can criticize it. I'd be glad to hear your opinions and correctives :smile:

Notice: Not a Leveling build.

PowerHouse (Link to this build)

Name: Spiderman build

Archetype: Freeform

Super Stats:
Level 6: Strength (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)

Level 1: Superhuman
Level 6: Mighty
Level 9: Enduring
Level 12: Brilliant
Level 15: Physical Conditioning
Level 18: Body and Mind
Level 21: Healthy Mind

Level 1: Vicious Strikes
Level 1: Way of the Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Thunderbolt Lunge (Essence Assault, Crippling Challenge)
Level 8: Entangling Mesh (Nailed to the Ground)
Level 11: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
Level 14: Masterful Dodge
Level 17: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2)
Level 20: Form of the Master (Storm's Eye Prana)
Level 23: Haymaker (Rank 2, Nullifying Punch)
Level 26: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
Level 29: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 32: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)
Level 35: Evasive Maneuvers (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38: Molecular Self-Assembly

Travel Powers:
Level 6: Swinging
Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2)

Strength: Physical Peak (3/3)
Strength: Aggression (2/2)
Strength: Brutality (2/2)
Strength: Juggernaut (3/3)
Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
Warden: Elusive (2/2)
Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Mastery: Strength Mastery (1/1)
Post edited by illay75749 on


  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Looks okay for the theme (key word here will be 'inspired' and not a copied concept, for obv reasons). Binding Shot could prob fit as well.

    What is ur main attack, though- DU or Haymaker? Ur also lacking an AoE dps attack.

    Also, ya took an MA from as ur toggle, but those scale off of Dex, and ya don't have Dex as an SS here. Enrage could work here w/ the attacks taken, but isn't as thematic and precludes you from taking advantage of Rush.

    Lastly, keep in mind that although Elusive Monk and BCR/RR are good for dodge builds, it'll be a total ~18-20% base dmg penalty for having both running.. which is pretty hefty.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • illay75749illay75749 Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    1. Too lazy to lvl Automaton. My Automaton is lvl 26 and i don't really want to lvling him anymore xD

    2. I want to get my enemy with haymaker, that's why dragon uppercut. He will run way. Also, haymaker has decent advantage, and dragon uppercut has decent energy gain, so that's why i took those 2 attacks.

    3. I'd take enrage, but i think it's only for UR builds. I don't really want to make another UR build,because i already have speedster that use it.

    4. Yeah it will be, but that's why i've got WoTW. I will have pretty good damage and not bad dodge. + i'll run it in DPS role.

    P.S.: or i'll delete parry and i get... suriken storm! That's looks like he spins and shoots web.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    illay75749 wrote: »
    1. Too lazy to lvl Automaton. My Automaton is lvl 26 and i don't really want to lvling him anymore xD
    Fair enough. Ya can always use a re-train token on a lvl 40 character and make them the Automaton to unlock the new powers, but if ya wanted to change that character back it'd take another re-train.
    2. I want to get my enemy with haymaker, that's why dragon uppercut. He will run way. Also, haymaker has decent advantage, and dragon uppercut has decent energy gain, so that's why i took those 2 attacks.

    Kinda makes sense, but if both DU and Haymaker are going to be ur main attacks, then you'll want Rank3 in both of them, so ya get the most dps from them. If ya need more adv points, ya can prob get rid of the small stun adv on the lunge.
    3. I'd take enrage, but i think it's only for UR builds. I don't really want to make another UR build,because i already have speedster that use it.

    Enrage isn't just for UR builds- UR is just a good cd to use w/ Enrage.
    But if ur keeping a MA toggle (which is good w/ DU) then you'll still want Dex as one of ur main stats, and it'd be better if it was an SS then. Ya could go for a STR/Con/Dex (recommended, ya dun need Int SS w/ Rush and Physical Peak), DEX/Con/Int, INT/Dex/Con, DEX/Str/Con, or CON/Dex/Int SS setup to cover that.
    P.S.: or i'll delete parry and i get... suriken storm! That's looks like he spins and shoots web.

    Parry isn't bad to keep, though a block enhancer isn't essential either. Ultimately up to you.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • illay75749illay75749 Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well. I think D-Uppercut would be my primary attack. Haymaker will be my auxiliary attack, so i'll just use adv for it, no ranks. Int helps me with cooldown reduction and lower energy costs. I'll test two builds with Int and Dex later.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    illay75749 wrote: »
    Well. I think D-Uppercut would be my primary attack. Haymaker will be my auxiliary attack, so i'll just use adv for it, no ranks. Int helps me with cooldown reduction and lower energy costs. I'll test two builds with Int and Dex later.

    Alright. Well, Haymaker is more dps on knock-immune mobs, due to its 50% base dmg bonus on full charge. But DU gets a ~10-15% KI bonus on charge too, and is way better for energy when using a Focus toggle (plus it doesn't knock enemies far out of reach). If ya want to use Haymaker more for Trauma and/or the fun of knocking something far away, but use DU as ur mainstay attack otherwise, then that should work just fine.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I just want to bring something up, "inspired" toons from marvel and such are generally not accepted anymore in CO, Spiderman,Iorn Man,Hulk, Dead Pool.

    As long your toon looks nothing like spiderman at all in any shape or form, your fine.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    cryneting wrote: »
    I just want to bring something up, "inspired" toons from marvel and such are generally not accepted anymore in CO, Spiderman,Iorn Man,Hulk, Dead Pool.

    As long your toon looks nothing like spiderman at all in any shape or form, your fine.

    That's not quite true, mate. I have a few toons who are heavily inspired by existing DC/Marvel characters and have never had any problems from other players or from our GM for them.

    As long as you don't make a clone (total copy of name/costume) then you'll be fine. Just make sure that you make some differences to the costume and use a different name.

    Just to illustrate this here are a couple of my homages........

    Doctor Kabbala


    And they all use builds that the characters they are inspired by would use.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    That's not quite true, mate. I have a few toons who are heavily inspired by existing DC/Marvel characters and have never had any problems from other players or from our GM for them.

    As long as you don't make a clone (total copy of name/costume) then you'll be fine. Just make sure that you make some differences to the costume and use a different name.

    Just to illustrate this here are a couple of my homages........

    Doctor Kabbala


    And they all use builds that the characters they are inspired by would use.

    Huh, I like the look of all of them and yeah, its what I ment, as long they not a full on copy your fine :biggrin:

    I have a few toons inspired too, not from DC but other games and such
  • cptmillenniumcptmillennium Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I use something like this:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Recluse

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Strength (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Master
    Level 6: Martial Focus
    Level 9: Physical Conditioning
    Level 12: Acrobat
    Level 15: Covert Ops Training
    Level 18: Paramilitary Training
    Level 21: Survival Training

    Level 1: Righteous Fists
    Level 1: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Floating Lotus Blossom)
    Level 6: Night Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
    Level 11: Thunderbolt Lunge (Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 14: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Inexorable Tides (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 23: Form of the Tempest
    Level 26: Masterful Dodge
    Level 29: Lock N Load (Two Smoking Barrels)
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Rank 2, Sleight of Mind)
    Level 35: Demolish (Below the Belt)
    Level 38: Binding of Aratron

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Energy Swinging (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2, Versatility)

    Constitution: Unyielding (2/2)
    Constitution: Fuel My Fire (1/3)
    Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
    Constitution: Deflection (3/3)
    Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)
    Brawler: No Escape (1/3)
    Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
    Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
    Brawler: Setup (2/2)
    Brawler: Flanking (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)

    I wanted a fighting style and concept similar to Spider-Man's, with some unique mechanics. Recluse is highly acrobatic, typically hitting his opponents with a charged Demolish and a trio of Thundering Kicks before backflipping away with Evasive Maneuvers to activate stealth, then returning for a Setup-buffed Shadow Strike.

    Stan Lee's original idea for Spidey had him get his powers from a magic ring, which I adopted to use Binding of Aratron and Energy Swinging together, giving Recluse great looking web-like abilities.

    You could swap out Night Avenger for Way of the Warrior and keep almost everything else as-is. Depending on your thematic preference you could go more gadets than magic and use Binding Shot and Entangling Mesh along with the original Swinging power.
    The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
  • illay75749illay75749 Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I use something like this:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Recluse

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Strength (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Master
    Level 6: Martial Focus
    Level 9: Physical Conditioning
    Level 12: Acrobat
    Level 15: Covert Ops Training
    Level 18: Paramilitary Training
    Level 21: Survival Training

    Level 1: Righteous Fists
    Level 1: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Floating Lotus Blossom)
    Level 6: Night Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
    Level 11: Thunderbolt Lunge (Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 14: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Inexorable Tides (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 23: Form of the Tempest
    Level 26: Masterful Dodge
    Level 29: Lock N Load (Two Smoking Barrels)
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Rank 2, Sleight of Mind)
    Level 35: Demolish (Below the Belt)
    Level 38: Binding of Aratron

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Energy Swinging (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2, Versatility)

    Constitution: Unyielding (2/2)
    Constitution: Fuel My Fire (1/3)
    Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
    Constitution: Deflection (3/3)
    Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)
    Brawler: No Escape (1/3)
    Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
    Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
    Brawler: Setup (2/2)
    Brawler: Flanking (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)

    I wanted a fighting style and concept similar to Spider-Man's, with some unique mechanics. Recluse is highly acrobatic, typically hitting his opponents with a charged Demolish and a trio of Thundering Kicks before backflipping away with Evasive Maneuvers to activate stealth, then returning for a Setup-buffed Shadow Strike.

    Stan Lee's original idea for Spidey had him get his powers from a magic ring, which I adopted to use Binding of Aratron and Energy Swinging together, giving Recluse great looking web-like abilities.

    You could swap out Night Avenger for Way of the Warrior and keep almost everything else as-is. Depending on your thematic preference you could go more gadets than magic and use Binding Shot and Entangling Mesh along with the original Swinging power.

    Looks nice! Well, i used binding of Araton before, but now it has smoke-like aura, so i changed build. By the way, did you change you Downshift's build? I saw you had a great build on him, but mb you changed something in it
  • illay75749illay75749 Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I use something like this:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Recluse

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Constitution (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Strength (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Master
    Level 6: Martial Focus
    Level 9: Physical Conditioning
    Level 12: Acrobat
    Level 15: Covert Ops Training
    Level 18: Paramilitary Training
    Level 21: Survival Training

    Level 1: Righteous Fists
    Level 1: Thundering Kicks (Rank 2, Floating Lotus Blossom)
    Level 6: Night Warrior (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
    Level 11: Thunderbolt Lunge (Nailed to the Ground)
    Level 14: Dragon Uppercut (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Inexorable Tides (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 23: Form of the Tempest
    Level 26: Masterful Dodge
    Level 29: Lock N Load (Two Smoking Barrels)
    Level 32: Evasive Maneuvers (Rank 2, Sleight of Mind)
    Level 35: Demolish (Below the Belt)
    Level 38: Binding of Aratron

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Energy Swinging (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2, Versatility)

    Constitution: Unyielding (2/2)
    Constitution: Fuel My Fire (1/3)
    Constitution: Resilient (2/2)
    Constitution: Deflection (3/3)
    Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)
    Brawler: No Escape (1/3)
    Brawler: Penetrating Strikes (2/2)
    Brawler: Ruthless (2/2)
    Brawler: Setup (2/2)
    Brawler: Flanking (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Mastery: Constitution Mastery (1/1)

    I wanted a fighting style and concept similar to Spider-Man's, with some unique mechanics. Recluse is highly acrobatic, typically hitting his opponents with a charged Demolish and a trio of Thundering Kicks before backflipping away with Evasive Maneuvers to activate stealth, then returning for a Setup-buffed Shadow Strike.

    Stan Lee's original idea for Spidey had him get his powers from a magic ring, which I adopted to use Binding of Aratron and Energy Swinging together, giving Recluse great looking web-like abilities.

    You could swap out Night Avenger for Way of the Warrior and keep almost everything else as-is. Depending on your thematic preference you could go more gadets than magic and use Binding Shot and Entangling Mesh along with the original Swinging power.

    Nice one! I was using Binding of Araton before devs nerfed it and made it smoke-like power. Btw, did you change Downshift's build? Dodge is a bit nerfed now, lolz
  • cptmillenniumcptmillennium Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hm...I wasn't aware Dodge took a hit. I just logged Downshift in and see that he's still sitting at 98.7% Dodge after a full combo of Thundering Kicks. If it dropped, it wasn't by more than a percentage point. I could close that gap by working Crashing Wave Kick into the build, or maybe with some gear improvements.

    Recluse gets to 95% Dodge after a full combo of Thundering Kicks, although he'll lose a lot of that on a successful dodge due to Floating Lotus Blossom. Still pretty good odds overall for using an Offensive Passive. He requires a very particular and careful playstyle to maintain his buffs and set up his attacks, but I like that he feels very different from anything else, and very Spidey-esque.
    The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
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