Hay people, so after a long time I finally decided to make this build, that I've been trying to work myself in doing it. So here it is.
Not much about this role/thame, but its inspired from the Orokin from warframe, how Captain Vor saw the Orokin as, this build/theme is that my toon Spirits sees the Orokin as godly beings of pure angelic healing, she has become an Celestial at healing.
The Build
So, the build is pretty simple, I've gone for an pure healing build, all Celestial powers, however I am thinking in adding some pure damage attacks, as well but I'm unsure where to put them or how to build it, but this build is moreless going to be an pure healing.
I am thinking to add Corrupted like powers, from the game warframe, like Corrupted Vor has, but still unsure. However I mostly want this build to be an pure healing build, and I whuold like it to as powerful as an healer can get.
I've left out 2 slots, because I am unsure what else to put in there, but I got most of the healing powers there, so let me kown what you think.
Name:The Orokin Healer
Super Stats: Level 6:Presence(Primary) Level 10:Recovery(Secondary) Level 15:Constitution(Secondary)
Talents: Level 1:Incandescent Level 6:Intimidating Level 9:Tireless Level 12:Enduring Level 15:Shrug It Off Level 18:Lasting Impression Level 21:Quick Recovery
I have created several healers while playing champions. My first healer was something similar to what you have (Celestial didn't exist). I ran into two issues, glass cannons and big hits in nemesis conflict. When I am healing, and someone dies on my watch, I get pretty upset. There are times, you can't really help it, like when the group splits, or when line of site issues occur. Pick up groups, where you are not guaranteed the worlds most awesome tank that can maintain threat at all time, are a pot luck of danger. You will have low level tanks who can die in one shot, a full group of dpsers who don't have any defenses or con, and of course the worst possible situation where you have nothing but support players.
To step up to the plate and really save your team you will need to have either Aura of Radiant Protection or Shields, or both of these things.
The least obtrusive of these two power types is the Aura of Radiant Protection, there are no spell effects and when in support mode it gives everybody great damage resistance, when in hybrid its less effect for others and more effective for you. What this one power does is make your fellow players who have no defenses survive direct attacks long enough for you to heal them. It will also bolster your tanks making them waaaaaay less squishy.
Shields have a physical effect, and in a game where costumes are uber important, covering them up might be considered a crime, or a public service, depending on the costume. Regardless, shielding all players or just the ones taking damage, can give you enough time to heal the players up when they take damage.
My main healer has both of these abilities. I can keep my teams alive through hell and back, of course I went con as my primary because I get so much agro. It is funny when you are in a group and nobody will take the first shot, as a healer I took powers that protect everyone else, but I use the con stat and defense options to boost my own survival as well. I run in, drop an area, and wait for everyone else to get agro. I even had a glass canon range dpser stay still during a particularly nasty melee boss alert, they took alpha crits and between my passive, shields and heals, they never came close to dieing.
If I was to make a major suggestion it would be to choose Aura of Radiant Protection as a passive.
While leveling you may want to get a damage passive just in case you are in an all heal group.
So... some min maxing things. Theme concepts are cool, and these suggestion are merely about maxing your potential and not so much about themes or concepts.
Celestial Conduit - The range is 50, and it heals every second. A variation of this power in the empathy line is called Empathic Healing, which has the same range, about the same energy cost but its heal happens every .5 second and slowly increases the longer you maintain it. Between the two powers, Empathic Healing will heal for more if you maintain it at least half way. However, Celestial Conduit can also do damage, but honestly, it's damage sucks.
Sigils of Ebon Weakness is a good debuff that lowers the incoming damage from mobs. It does require you to place it where the action is taking place, and it may not match up with your concept.
Skarn's Bane This power will remove energy forms, and drop 1 buff. It doesn't work on everything, but when it does work, it can make your damage dealers rip through things super fast. The effects on this shouldn't mess with your concept...
Circle of Arcane Power can be situationally useful, like when channeling Skarn's Bane.
Teleportation is great! It allows you to catch up when you fall behind, or get past enemies during the beginning of nemesis conflict.
Radiance as a power builder is a great choice. Doesn't heal for much, but it generates energy when attacking or healing.
I have created several healers while playing champions. My first healer was something similar to what you have (Celestial didn't exist). I ran into two issues, glass cannons and big hits in nemesis conflict. When I am healing, and someone dies on my watch, I get pretty upset. There are times, you can't really help it, like when the group splits, or when line of site issues occur. Pick up groups, where you are not guaranteed the worlds most awesome tank that can maintain threat at all time, are a pot luck of danger. You will have low level tanks who can die in one shot, a full group of dpsers who don't have any defenses or con, and of course the worst possible situation where you have nothing but support players.
To step up to the plate and really save your team you will need to have either Aura of Radiant Protection or Shields, or both of these things.
The least obtrusive of these two power types is the Aura of Radiant Protection, there are no spell effects and when in support mode it gives everybody great damage resistance, when in hybrid its less effect for others and more effective for you. What this one power does is make your fellow players who have no defenses survive direct attacks long enough for you to heal them. It will also bolster your tanks making them waaaaaay less squishy.
Shields have a physical effect, and in a game where costumes are uber important, covering them up might be considered a crime, or a public service, depending on the costume. Regardless, shielding all players or just the ones taking damage, can give you enough time to heal the players up when they take damage.
My main healer has both of these abilities. I can keep my teams alive through hell and back, of course I went con as my primary because I get so much agro. It is funny when you are in a group and nobody will take the first shot, as a healer I took powers that protect everyone else, but I use the con stat and defense options to boost my own survival as well. I run in, drop an area, and wait for everyone else to get agro. I even had a glass canon range dpser stay still during a particularly nasty melee boss alert, they took alpha crits and between my passive, shields and heals, they never came close to dieing.
If I was to make a major suggestion it would be to choose Aura of Radiant Protection as a passive.
While leveling you may want to get a damage passive just in case you are in an all heal group.
So... some min maxing things. Theme concepts are cool, and these suggestion are merely about maxing your potential and not so much about themes or concepts.
Celestial Conduit - The range is 50, and it heals every second. A variation of this power in the empathy line is called Empathic Healing, which has the same range, about the same energy cost but its heal happens every .5 second and slowly increases the longer you maintain it. Between the two powers, Empathic Healing will heal for more if you maintain it at least half way. However, Celestial Conduit can also do damage, but honestly, it's damage sucks.
Sigils of Ebon Weakness is a good debuff that lowers the incoming damage from mobs. It does require you to place it where the action is taking place, and it may not match up with your concept.
Skarn's Bane This power will remove energy forms, and drop 1 buff. It doesn't work on everything, but when it does work, it can make your damage dealers rip through things super fast. The effects on this shouldn't mess with your concept...
Circle of Arcane Power can be situationally useful, like when channeling Skarn's Bane.
Teleportation is great! It allows you to catch up when you fall behind, or get past enemies during the beginning of nemesis conflict.
Radiance as a power builder is a great choice. Doesn't heal for much, but it generates energy when attacking or healing.
Holy Molly, thats alot to read, but thanks for this, I'll see if I get flowcyto to respond to see what she/he thinks
"Holy Molly, thats alot to read, but thanks for this, I'll see if I get flowcyto to respond to see what she/he thinks "
I'm a dude :x
I'd mostly agree w/ going for AoRP or shields to supplement Celestial. Conventional Celestial builds are a bit squishy and more reactionary healers, since the tree focuses more on direct/burst healing and not on mitigation (also has some good AoE CC options, and ofc some handy reses).
My fave power setup for healing is AoRP + Compassion + Iniquity + Selfless Ally (Pres PSS) + Conviction + Sentinel Aura + MSA + Ascension. Ur heal is very strong (can either be long range or a shorter-ranged AoE cone) and doesn't take energy, and the self-dmg is easily healed by Conviction + Selfless Ally. AoRP means ya can mitigate dmg to allies passively, and Sent Aura handles smaller/minion dmg passively as well.
Other combos can be great, ofc, but are a bit less Celestial-focused since ya'd prob want to incorporate a shield power (or two). AoPM + Int PSS + PF + Compassion + any good direct heal is a great backbone for boosting ally performance overall, while still being able to protect them and keep them alive. Its a very good setup for general Support, and ur allies will love AoPM's buff.
Seraphim builds can work too, ofc, but I'd use them more as hybrid healer/dps builds since they can boost ur own Paranormal dmg well (and the passive heal aura can proc Honor in the specs), while still having strong bonus heal. Since Seraphim builds are more squishy, I'd add more defenses (ADs, ranked blocks, sigils, threat drops, etc) and higher Con/maxHP gearing to give ya more leeway to stay alive. You'd also prob want a ally shielding power as well, just like w/ AoPM.
As far as attacks: you'll want mostly Paranormal dmg attacks for Seraphim builds, but for AoPM and AoRP builds ya can get w/e ya think is fitting- regardless of dmg type.
For any of these build setups, you'd want an ally res (AoE Redemption, prob), which is good to pair w/ Ascension, and R3 Conviction can be ur main self-heal to keep you alive pretty easily. Rebirth or CoRG are also advised, in case ya worry about dying urself (more applicable to AoPM or Seraphim builds, imo, or for anyone pugging Rampages).
"Holy Molly, thats alot to read, but thanks for this, I'll see if I get flowcyto to respond to see what she/he thinks "
I'm a dude :x
I'd mostly agree w/ going for AoRP or shields to supplement Celestial. Conventional Celestial builds are a bit squishy and more reactionary healers, since the tree focuses more on direct/burst healing and not on mitigation (also has some good AoE CC options, and ofc some handy reses).
My fave power setup for healing is AoRP + Compassion + Iniquity + Selfless Ally (Pres PSS) + Conviction + Sentinel Aura + MSA + Ascension. Ur heal is very strong (can either be long range or a shorter-ranged AoE cone) and doesn't take energy, and the self-dmg is easily healed by Conviction + Selfless Ally. AoRP means ya can mitigate dmg to allies passively, and Sent Aura handles smaller/minion dmg passively as well.
Other combos can be great, ofc, but are a bit less Celestial-focused since ya'd prob want to incorporate a shield power (or two). AoPM + Int PSS + PF + Compassion + any good direct heal is a great backbone for boosting ally performance overall, while still being able to protect them and keep them alive. Its a very good setup for general Support, and ur allies will love AoPM's buff.
Seraphim builds can work too, ofc, but I'd use them more as hybrid healer/dps builds since they can boost ur own Paranormal dmg well (and the passive heal aura can proc Honor in the specs), while still having strong bonus heal. Since Seraphim builds are more squishy, I'd add more defenses (ADs, ranked blocks, sigils, threat drops, etc) and higher Con/maxHP gearing to give ya more leeway to stay alive. You'd also prob want a ally shielding power as well, just like w/ AoPM.
As far as attacks: you'll want mostly Paranormal dmg attacks for Seraphim builds, but for AoPM and AoRP builds ya can get w/e ya think is fitting- regardless of dmg type.
For any of these build setups, you'd want an ally res (AoE Redemption, prob), which is good to pair w/ Ascension, and R3 Conviction can be ur main self-heal to keep you alive pretty easily. Rebirth or CoRG are also advised, in case ya worry about dying urself (more applicable to AoPM or Seraphim builds, imo, or for anyone pugging Rampages).
Thanks for this, you mind posting an build?, so can read of that too, not so great with walls of text
Alright so, looking at the builds you shown, don't really match up with the theme/role I'm going for, but I've taken some of the SS and Passives from there tho. Here is the updated build, with changed passive, its now got itself a shield and an EU.
I wouldn't have all three of Iniquity, Conduit, and Rebuke- that's a bit too much overlap. I'd pick 1-2 of them depending on what ur using them for. Iniquity is a very strong main heal on its own, but doesn't have an attack/damage component. Conduit is best paired w/ Illumination + adv and can also serve as a (costly) nuke (w/o Conduit, I wouldn't bother w/ Illumination, though). Rebuke is alright as a weaker (but cheaper) heal + nuke that's also long range (if you take Rebuke alone, which can work fine for healing and attacking, I'd pair it w/ PF or MF for a shield to makeup for the lower hps).
Celestial Cleansing also isn't really that good for its cd, but if ya got no other powers for the slot then its fine.
Most of the build looks good for a healer Support, thus far.
I wouldn't have all three of Iniquity, Conduit, and Rebuke- that's a bit too much overlap. I'd pick 1-2 of them depending on what ur using them for. Iniquity is a very strong main heal on its own, but doesn't have an attack/damage component. Conduit is best paired w/ Illumination + adv and can also serve as a (costly) nuke (w/o Conduit, I wouldn't bother w/ Illumination, though). Rebuke is alright as a weaker (but cheaper) heal + nuke that's also long range (if you take Rebuke alone, which can work fine for healing and attacking, I'd pair it w/ PF or MF for a shield to makeup for the lower hps).
Celestial Cleansing also isn't really that good for its cd, but if ya got no other powers for the slot then its fine.
Most of the build looks good for a healer Support, thus far.
Humm alrighty, I'll see what powers I can change around. I might just consider removing Iniquity, due to don't really enjoy the fact it takes HP away from me, as I like the basic 3 attacks, Bolts,Blast and Beam.
As for Cel Cleaning, I'll see what I can do to replace it, and might keep Illumination tho, but have to see what else I can cook up.
Alright, so all I really done is removed the one power, I find Illumination to useful, and can't think of any good power to put in to replace Cel Cleaning. So I've done this. Not so sure about the ranks now tho.
Personally I have a tough time using celestial clensing. If you aren't caught up in the hold and you can see others being held, with the area effect advantage it could be situationally useful. Your playstyle might also aford you more opportunity, I tend to run in with the pack, sounds like you might hang back. Still... You may want to consider swapping it for seraphim, so you can switch to a dps layout when needed.
Alright, so all I really done is removed the one power
You removed the most useful of the heals and kept the less useful. I would remove both iniquity and celestial conduit. Perhaps something like this: PowerHouse(Link to this build)
Super Stats: Level 6:Presence(Primary) Level 10:Constitution(Secondary) Level 15:Intelligence(Secondary)
Talents: Level 1:The Radiant Level 6:Intimidating Level 9:Brilliant Level 12:Enduring Level 15:Diplomatic Level 18:Shrug It Off Level 21:Jack of All Trades
You removed the most useful of the heals and kept the less useful. I would remove both iniquity and celestial conduit. Perhaps something like this:
I think ya meant that you'd want him to remove Rebuke and Conduit, not Iniquity :x
Sigils are good. Other powers to consider over Cleansing and/or Illumination: a cheap ST attack, Vengeance w/ adv, a block enhancer, Palliate/absolve (threat wipe), Protection Field or Mindful Reinforcement, Mental Storm (for dps/interrupts), Shadow of Doubt / Mini Drive / Ego Sleep w/ adv (-dmg debuffs), Radiant ritual, Redirect Force, Nanobot Swarm.
Prob some others I missed. I dunno what all is going to be thematic, so I'm just looking at most of the other non-melee centric powersets here.
My warrior/healer has served me well. Often the primary healer in Fire and Ice Rampages. To make him a pure healer I'd take out the attacks and add Celestial Conduit, Illumination and Ascension. I'd also rank up Arcane Vitality, which I find very useful in Rampages, even unranked.
Name:Black Seraph
Super Stats: Level 6:Presence(Primary) Level 10:Constitution(Secondary) Level 15:Intelligence(Secondary)
Talents: Level 1:The Radiant Level 6:Healthy Mind Level 9:Shrug It Off Level 12:Diplomatic Level 15:Physical Conditioning Level 18:Body and Mind Level 21:Relentless
You removed the most useful of the heals and kept the less useful. I would remove both iniquity and celestial conduit. Perhaps something like this:
Yeah, well I don't like the idea of removing my own HP from myself to heal another, and 2ndly, the powers you picked there goes aginest the thame/role.
Anyways, the powers are set now, all I need to do is sort out the ranking, as well I'll like to bring up that "most useful, and most useless" is different to other people.
Yeah, that heal is great, it heals for alot, kinder adds the thame to beening a Celestial, take your own life blah blah. Yet my toon or even myself, if I had this power will not use it.
I'm working on reworking all my other toons powers, so I got alot more coming.
If you swap Arcane Vitality for Celestial Cleansing you could do an AoE heal, which is very handy when a bunch of heroes are all gathered around one villain (e.g. in Fire and Ice).
If you swap Arcane Vitality for Celestial Cleansing you could do an AoE heal, which is very handy when a bunch of heroes are all gathered around one villain (e.g. in Fire and Ice).
Wow thats creepy, I was just thinking the same I've sadly already locked her powers now, but I'll see how it plays out so far. then I'll change them around.
I play several healers and I don't think MSA is necessary unless you are going to be attacking quite a bit. If you are actually healing then the energy return from compassion will be more than sufficient, assuming you are in support role.
If you are worried about it you can take iniquity with the advantage as well as the presence tree 'selfless ally' for one level and get a free heal that actually generates energy whenever you need it. That will free up one power slot for...whatever you want.
I play several healers and I don't think MSA is necessary unless you are going to be attacking quite a bit. If you are actually healing then the energy return from compassion will be more than sufficient, assuming you are in support role.
If you are worried about it you can take iniquity with the advantage as well as the presence tree 'selfless ally' for one level and get a free heal that actually generates energy whenever you need it. That will free up one power slot for...whatever you want.
Well yeah, I am in Support Role, the build is already kinder finished now so, any changes will have to be made if im unhappy with it and got the money
Hay people, small note just to bump this a little.
I'm going to remake this Build/Role, due to a few of you pointed out a few flaws, in the build and as I'm trying to bacily trying to make her an very powerful healer toon.
Ones who can help in 5-man missions and even scale them on her own, but as usual I'll wish to stick with the Theme/Role as much as possible.
it'll be something close to this, but with a few powers swaped around, due to Thame.
To step up to the plate and really save your team you will need to have either Aura of Radiant Protection or Shields, or both of these things.
The least obtrusive of these two power types is the Aura of Radiant Protection, there are no spell effects and when in support mode it gives everybody great damage resistance, when in hybrid its less effect for others and more effective for you. What this one power does is make your fellow players who have no defenses survive direct attacks long enough for you to heal them. It will also bolster your tanks making them waaaaaay less squishy.
Shields have a physical effect, and in a game where costumes are uber important, covering them up might be considered a crime, or a public service, depending on the costume. Regardless, shielding all players or just the ones taking damage, can give you enough time to heal the players up when they take damage.
My main healer has both of these abilities. I can keep my teams alive through hell and back, of course I went con as my primary because I get so much agro. It is funny when you are in a group and nobody will take the first shot, as a healer I took powers that protect everyone else, but I use the con stat and defense options to boost my own survival as well. I run in, drop an area, and wait for everyone else to get agro. I even had a glass canon range dpser stay still during a particularly nasty melee boss alert, they took alpha crits and between my passive, shields and heals, they never came close to dieing.
If I was to make a major suggestion it would be to choose Aura of Radiant Protection as a passive.
While leveling you may want to get a damage passive just in case you are in an all heal group.
So... some min maxing things. Theme concepts are cool, and these suggestion are merely about maxing your potential and not so much about themes or concepts.
Holy Molly, thats alot to read, but thanks for this, I'll see if I get flowcyto to respond to see what she/he thinks
I'm a dude :x
I'd mostly agree w/ going for AoRP or shields to supplement Celestial. Conventional Celestial builds are a bit squishy and more reactionary healers, since the tree focuses more on direct/burst healing and not on mitigation (also has some good AoE CC options, and ofc some handy reses).
My fave power setup for healing is AoRP + Compassion + Iniquity + Selfless Ally (Pres PSS) + Conviction + Sentinel Aura + MSA + Ascension. Ur heal is very strong (can either be long range or a shorter-ranged AoE cone) and doesn't take energy, and the self-dmg is easily healed by Conviction + Selfless Ally. AoRP means ya can mitigate dmg to allies passively, and Sent Aura handles smaller/minion dmg passively as well.
Other combos can be great, ofc, but are a bit less Celestial-focused since ya'd prob want to incorporate a shield power (or two). AoPM + Int PSS + PF + Compassion + any good direct heal is a great backbone for boosting ally performance overall, while still being able to protect them and keep them alive. Its a very good setup for general Support, and ur allies will love AoPM's buff.
Seraphim builds can work too, ofc, but I'd use them more as hybrid healer/dps builds since they can boost ur own Paranormal dmg well (and the passive heal aura can proc Honor in the specs), while still having strong bonus heal. Since Seraphim builds are more squishy, I'd add more defenses (ADs, ranked blocks, sigils, threat drops, etc) and higher Con/maxHP gearing to give ya more leeway to stay alive. You'd also prob want a ally shielding power as well, just like w/ AoPM.
As far as attacks: you'll want mostly Paranormal dmg attacks for Seraphim builds, but for AoPM and AoRP builds ya can get w/e ya think is fitting- regardless of dmg type.
For any of these build setups, you'd want an ally res (AoE Redemption, prob), which is good to pair w/ Ascension, and R3 Conviction can be ur main self-heal to keep you alive pretty easily. Rebirth or CoRG are also advised, in case ya worry about dying urself (more applicable to AoPM or Seraphim builds, imo, or for anyone pugging Rampages).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Thanks for this, you mind posting an build?, so can read of that too, not so great with walls of text
Example (read: one of numerous) of a Seraphim/Celestial build:
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Shrug It Off
Level 9: Healthy Mind
Level 12: Diplomatic
Level 15: Boundless Reserves
Level 18: Investigator
Level 21: Prodigy
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Rebuke (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Seraphim (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Compassion
Level 11: Vengeance (Rank 2, Redemption Denied)
Level 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Reverence)
Level 17: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 20: Ascension (Rank 2)
Level 23: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
Level 26: Protection Field (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Ebon Void (Rank 2, Voracious Darkness)
Level 32: Rebirth
Level 35: Shadow of Doubt (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 38:
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (2/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
Example of a AoPM/Celestial build:
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Super Stats:
Level 6: Intelligence (Primary)
Level 10: Presence (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 1: The Grimoire
Level 6: Healthy Mind
Level 9: Shrug It Off
Level 12: Diplomatic
Level 15: Acrobat
Level 18: Coordinated
Level 21: Finesse
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Celestial Conduit (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Compassion
Level 8: Aura of Primal Majesty (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Vengeance (Rank 2, Redemption Denied)
Level 14: Illumination (Brilliance)
Level 17: Conviction (Rank 2, Reverence)
Level 20: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 23: Ascension
Level 26: Protection Field (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
Level 32: Shadow of Doubt (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Eldritch Shield (Rank 2)
Level 38: Rebirth
Intelligence: Enlightened (3/3)
Intelligence: Battle of Wits (2/3)
Intelligence: Detect Vulnerability (3/3)
Intelligence: Expertise (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (2/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Mastery: Intelligence Mastery (1/1)
Example of a AoRP/Celestial build:
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Shrug It Off
Level 9: Healthy Mind
Level 12: Diplomatic
Level 15: Acrobat
Level 18: Finesse
Level 21: Coordinated
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Vengeance (Rank 2, Redemption Denied)
Level 6: Compassion
Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Iniquity (Rank 2, Justice)
Level 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Reverence)
Level 17: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 20: Ascension (Rank 2)
Level 23: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
Level 26: Mental Storm (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Ego Sleep (Plagued by Nightmares)
Level 32: Ebon Void (Rank 2, Voracious Darkness)
Level 35: Rebirth
Level 38:
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Vulnerability (2/2)
Sentinel: Torment (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Wither (2/2)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
Vindicator: Offensive Expertise (2/2)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (1/3)
Mastery: Sentinel Mastery (1/1)
Tried to mix it up a bit in terms of specs and certain powers, but many of the abilities are good to keep as a 'core' of sorts.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Intimidating
Level 9: Brilliant
Level 12: Enduring
Level 15: Diplomatic
Level 18: Shrug It Off
Level 21: Jack of All Trades
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Rebuke
Level 6: Celestial Conduit
Level 8: Expulse
Level 11: Aura of Radiant Protection
Level 14: Conviction
Level 17: Iniquity
Level 20: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 23: Force Shield
Level 26: Illumination
Level 29: Celestial Cleansing
Level 32: Ascension
Level 35: Compassion
Level 38: Redemption
Travel Powers:
Level 6:
Level 35:
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
Celestial Cleansing also isn't really that good for its cd, but if ya got no other powers for the slot then its fine.
Most of the build looks good for a healer Support, thus far.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Humm alrighty, I'll see what powers I can change around. I might just consider removing Iniquity, due to don't really enjoy the fact it takes HP away from me, as I like the basic 3 attacks, Bolts,Blast and Beam.
As for Cel Cleaning, I'll see what I can do to replace it, and might keep Illumination tho, but have to see what else I can cook up.
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Intimidating
Level 9: Brilliant
Level 12: Enduring
Level 15: Diplomatic
Level 18: Shrug It Off
Level 21: Jack of All Trades
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Rebuke
Level 6: Celestial Conduit
Level 8: Expulse
Level 11: Aura of Radiant Protection
Level 14: Conviction
Level 17: Celestial Cleansing
Level 20: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 23: Force Shield
Level 26: Illumination
Level 29: Rebirth
Level 32: Ascension
Level 35: Compassion
Level 38: Redemption
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Flight
Level 35: Teleportation
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Intimidating
Level 9: Brilliant
Level 12: Enduring
Level 15: Diplomatic
Level 18: Shrug It Off
Level 21: Jack of All Trades
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Conviction
Level 6: Iniquity
Level 8: Compassion
Level 11: Aura of Radiant Protection
Level 14: Redemption
Level 17: Ascension
Level 20: Skarn's Bane
Level 23: Force Shield
Level 26: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 29: Rebirth
Level 32: Celestial Cleansing
Level 35: Illumination
Level 38: Sigils of Radiant Sanctuary
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Flight
Level 35: Teleportation
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Sigils are good. Other powers to consider over Cleansing and/or Illumination: a cheap ST attack, Vengeance w/ adv, a block enhancer, Palliate/absolve (threat wipe), Protection Field or Mindful Reinforcement, Mental Storm (for dps/interrupts), Shadow of Doubt / Mini Drive / Ego Sleep w/ adv (-dmg debuffs), Radiant ritual, Redirect Force, Nanobot Swarm.
Prob some others I missed. I dunno what all is going to be thematic, so I'm just looking at most of the other non-melee centric powersets here.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Name: Black Seraph
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Healthy Mind
Level 9: Shrug It Off
Level 12: Diplomatic
Level 15: Physical Conditioning
Level 18: Body and Mind
Level 21: Relentless
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Compassion
Level 6: Conviction (Rank 2, Reverence)
Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Eruption (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Iniquity (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Protection Field (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 20: Brimstone (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
Level 26: Arcane Vitality
Level 29: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 32: Rebirth
Level 35: Vengeance (Rank 2, Redemption Denied)
Level 38: Telekinetic Shield (Rank 2, Telekinetic Reinforcement)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Fire Flight (Rank 2)
Level 35: Athletics
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Grandeur (3/3)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentry: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Reinforce (1/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Moment of Need (2/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
Yeah, well I don't like the idea of removing my own HP from myself to heal another, and 2ndly, the powers you picked there goes aginest the thame/role.
Anyways, the powers are set now, all I need to do is sort out the ranking, as well I'll like to bring up that "most useful, and most useless" is different to other people.
Yeah, that heal is great, it heals for alot, kinder adds the thame to beening a Celestial, take your own life blah blah. Yet my toon or even myself, if I had this power will not use it.
I'm working on reworking all my other toons powers, so I got alot more coming.
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Radiant
Level 6: Intimidating
Level 9: Brilliant
Level 12: Enduring
Level 15: Diplomatic
Level 18: Shrug It Off
Level 21: Jack of All Trades
Level 1: Radiance
Level 1: Rebuke (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 6: Celestial Conduit (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Expulse (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 17: Celestial Cleansing
Level 20: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 23: Force Shield (Rank 2, Force Sheathe)
Level 26: Illumination (Rank 2, Brilliance)
Level 29: Rebirth
Level 32: Ascension (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Compassion
Level 38: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Flight (Rank 2)
Level 35: Teleportation
Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)
Wow thats creepy, I was just thinking the same I've sadly already locked her powers now, but I'll see how it plays out so far. then I'll change them around.
As I'm storming builds today
If you are worried about it you can take iniquity with the advantage as well as the presence tree 'selfless ally' for one level and get a free heal that actually generates energy whenever you need it. That will free up one power slot for...whatever you want.
Well yeah, I am in Support Role, the build is already kinder finished now so, any changes will have to be made if im unhappy with it and got the money
I'm going to remake this Build/Role, due to a few of you pointed out a few flaws, in the build and as I'm trying to bacily trying to make her an very powerful healer toon.
Ones who can help in 5-man missions and even scale them on her own, but as usual I'll wish to stick with the Theme/Role as much as possible.
it'll be something close to this, but with a few powers swaped around, due to Thame.