Have a team of 5 with each account having over 20 hours of game time in. And still the error says newly created accounts can't make a super group.
Does it require everyone being gold in the group? If so that's bad idea for a game that allows people to play it for free. And the team leader is a LTS.
A certain level for each character?
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Have a team of 5 with each account having over 20 hours of game time in. And still the error says newly created accounts can't make a super group.
Does it require everyone being gold in the group? If so that's bad idea for a game that allows people to play it for free. And the team leader is a LTS.
The error said new accounts can't create a SG. Everyone had /played more than 20 hours on the characters except one who had a newer alt on the team. But with his characters combined playtime is also over 20 but just that one character was newer.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
It might require that each character be at 20+ hours - I've never tried it with less time on a toon than that.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Assuming everyone is a.) NOT in a New Champions 1234 SG (the default when you start) and b.) truly /timeplayed > 20 hours (because new players, enthused, may confuse that)...there is a possible glitch.
It happens once in a while, a new alt for an old account still shows up as new for unknown reasons. Example - I made a new alt on a 3 year-old account and was in New Champs, couldn't send Tells, etc.
It might be fixed by an exiting and relogging, but I'm not sure. It basically started working for me.
It's not a Free-To-Play issue, in fact, I founded a SG when we were all F2P. Try relogging, reteaming, try again perhaps?
The slash command you mean is /played? /timeplayed gives an unknown command error.
But all the characters reported over 20 except the one that is the alt which was just over 12 hours played. But that one had more than one character which the account would be over 20. That's why I'm wondering if that one was the issue since the rest had over 20.
Everyone tried changing characters but not sure if completely exiting the game and relaunching.
And wouldn't the New Champions (some number) show up on the Super Group name under the character name? And also on each super group page in game?
Also wouldn't those under 20 not be able to do zone chat? I forget the time for that to unlock since I never had to deal with it but I know there is a time requirement for that. And each could do zone chat no problem.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
time played does play a factor in sg creation *as a silver*. Try again in a bit, and hit me up in game. Worse comes to worst a few of us would be ok in getting it started for you and then passing the lead over. I'm one of em.
Everything else you said is correct, but sometimes it's glitchy as was mentioned. However, true story: not every founding member needs to be >20 hours played. Only the founder does. If you are it, that means you've probably got an odd bug going on. Level a bit more, and try again. If it doesn't work? A bunch of us would be happy to help. You don't need the sg members in the team to FOUND it, you just need invite privileges and control. Ask around in zone, you'll probably manage it rather easily.
Decorum, it's a vestige from when SGs were designed to matter more than they do right now. You're half right. It's more like the nem system in that it was designed to work in a meta we don't use, and then was neglected to death. But honestly, starting an SG isn't hard. I help with at least 5 of em a week.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
I eventually want to do one for myself, but I haven't taken the time (or worked up the courage) to have someone help me put all 42 (and counting) of my characters in.
Offer stands then, I can help you get it started dude. You can definitely get your alts invited on a need-to-use basis.
Personal SGs are so underrated, even I don't have one. It's just a bucket full of bank slots, and handy as hell. I'm not even sure why people keep hideout banks around if they can just have their own SG. Why pay Z for a feature you can get for free?
Firewatch being the exception because we kick butt.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Offer stands then, I can help you get it started dude. You can definitely get your alts invited on a need-to-use basis.
Personal SGs are so underrated, even I don't have one. It's just a bucket full of bank slots, and handy as hell. I'm not even sure why people keep hideout banks around if they can just have their own SG. Why pay Z for a feature you can get for free?
Firewatch being the exception because we kick butt.
I'll keep that in mind and get myself prepared one of these days. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I want it is to display the team name on my toons. :biggrin:
I suppose I should check and make sure it's available, as a first move.
SG requires at least 1 person to be Level 20. The person who makes the SG. Not 20 hrs. 20 hrs is to get out of the start up chat ban.
Leader of team (me) was on a level 40 toon. So that wasn't it.
But a few hours after I posted last, got together in game again and it worked. Same 5. So as some said it must have cleared up. We were going to try again after maintenance today to see if it would work if it didn't last night.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
I eventually want to do one for myself, but I haven't taken the time (or worked up the courage) to have someone help me put all 42 (and counting) of my characters in.
Getting all 42 is your job. lol
But once you get your first in, you can send offline invites to your own alts. One of the things I like about Cryptic games. At least with CO and STO. I don't play that grindfest they call Neverwinter but I would guess it is the same there too.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
If you are the leader of the SG (or in STO fleet) you can even promote up to leader all your alts too. A lot of games only let one character hold the leader rank. Another good thing with Cryptic games.
Difference is in STO, you notice a 2 week probation period where a character will be "Provisioned Leader" for 2 weeks then become full leader too. CO doesn't seem to have that. It's a nice thing to stop potential fleet take over in STO but a PITA when it's a current leader's alt.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Quick question: In STO, is there some permanent benefit granted by fleet membership, comparable to the extra costume slot in CO? I wanted to mock some of the folks posting in the STO forum by forming a fleet for my alts under the name "Cryptic Defense Fleet" (which would then lead to my personal SG being renamed "Cryptic Defense Force" - one of the posters there claims I'm the leader of this CDF, as if I'm going to lead anyone anywhere), but I don't know what incentive to give four other people who would only help be form a fleet, then be immediately dismissed.
The benefit to a personal SG, and a fleet, is that it makes it easier to share Resources and items, particularly if you have more than one account. (Also, in STO you have to purchase an Account Bank with Zen; here, I scored the free Hideout when I first went Gold, and a couple more with those Arc codes a while back.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Account bank here is 40 slots (or at least for LTS). In STO it's like 12 slots for LTS members too. So having that fleet bank is very helpful in STO.
Also STO has fleet bases, fleet embassy, fleet dilithium mine, and the fleet spire. Those things gives so many different things I'd have to write a novel to explain them all. lol
But for a single person those can take forever to build up. I'd suggest getting the mine leveled first as it gives discounts on ranking up everything.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Quick question: In STO, is there some permanent benefit granted by fleet membership, comparable to the extra costume slot in CO? I wanted to mock some of the folks posting in the STO forum by forming a fleet for my alts under the name "Cryptic Defense Fleet" (which would then lead to my personal SG being renamed "Cryptic Defense Force" - one of the posters there claims I'm the leader of this CDF, as if I'm going to lead anyone anywhere), but I don't know what incentive to give four other people who would only help be form a fleet, then be immediately dismissed.
The benefit to a personal SG, and a fleet, is that it makes it easier to share Resources and items, particularly if you have more than one account. (Also, in STO you have to purchase an Account Bank with Zen; here, I scored the free Hideout when I first went Gold, and a couple more with those Arc codes a while back.)
Want some help, none of mine are in a fleet. I can get you 3 people. I already going and 2 more I can make STO accts with.
There are some advantages to being an altaholic.
free storage except in NW, where they caught onto the trick and charge for each bank tab.
I'd help Jonsills make a fleet too. I just need to know a time and what side as in KDF or Fed. I'd use one of my alts to help create then leave. I wouldn't worry about "charging" for that. Some random strangers expect a lot of EC or something out the deal that only takes a couple of minutes if everyone is on the map already. And in that game EC is so crazy easy to get that I'd feel weird asking for it. lol
Oh and would like the time zone so I could know to get on. Right now my time is mostly CO time because I hate the past lockbox drop events. I don't even want their current lockboxes much less the ones from the past. And I expect to spend more time in STO in February because of anniversary month.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Just tell me what time works for you - I'm on Pacific time, same as the server time. And it'd be Fed; I only have two KDF toons currently, because after a while all the KDF stuff just kind of blends together and gets boring to me.
(For that matter, if you just happen to be on and spot Vazlav, Sills, Church, or Grunt, give me a holler! The "Grunt" might not be me - there are at least two others, although they're both Gorn - but the telltales are that mine is Ferengi, is flying a Risian luxury cruiser (RXS Latinum Princess), and has the global name @JRS253.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
My global is the same as my forum name except no 2 on the end. I had to do the 2 on the forum when PWE took over.
Since it's Friday any time this evening (eastern time here) or over the weekend is good for me.
Also there is a global channel that can help build up your fleet mine, base, embassy, and spire. It takes fleet marks and that global channel has people occasionally have someone want to dump marks to get fleet credits. Some players in the bigger fleets that already maxed out the holdings still need to get fleet credits to buy whatever they want so they will dump their fleet marks into smaller fleets to get the fleet credits then go back to their own fleet.
Fleet credits are not attached to the fleet. They are the currency that stays with the toon. So that's how they can still get credits when their fleet has nothing else to get.
I joined the global channel because it also has invites to other fleets holdings. You can buy fleet items such as ship equipment and personal equipment but your fleet would need provisions to cover it but you can buy their fleet level's version of the items.
Like I get fleet engines which can go Warp 12 when I don't already have the Borg Warp 14 engines from the fleet base. And ground weapons. And to get the Ody uniforms before they made them available to everyone required being invited to a Tier 3 starbase with tailor unlocked. People who had the Ody uniform before they gave them away to every gets a free variant from the Tier 3 starbase with tailor unlocked.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Just tell me what time works for you - I'm on Pacific time, same as the server time. And it'd be Fed; I only have two KDF toons currently, because after a while all the KDF stuff just kind of blends together and gets boring to me.
(For that matter, if you just happen to be on and spot Vazlav, Sills, Church, or Grunt, give me a holler! The "Grunt" might not be me - there are at least two others, although they're both Gorn - but the telltales are that mine is Ferengi, is flying a Risian luxury cruiser (RXS Latinum Princess), and has the global name @JRS253.)
what level do they need to be?so I knwo what I have to get the others to. @kittykaboomboom - Clueless is about 14. (Fed)
I think it's like SGs here - as long as there's at least 20 hours played, only the leader's level matters. And Vazlav is 52 or 53, so that's covered.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Did you go into champs building?
Was everyone not in a SG already?
Nobody was already in a SG.
The error said new accounts can't create a SG. Everyone had /played more than 20 hours on the characters except one who had a newer alt on the team. But with his characters combined playtime is also over 20 but just that one character was newer.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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It happens once in a while, a new alt for an old account still shows up as new for unknown reasons. Example - I made a new alt on a 3 year-old account and was in New Champs, couldn't send Tells, etc.
It might be fixed by an exiting and relogging, but I'm not sure. It basically started working for me.
It's not a Free-To-Play issue, in fact, I founded a SG when we were all F2P. Try relogging, reteaming, try again perhaps?
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
But all the characters reported over 20 except the one that is the alt which was just over 12 hours played. But that one had more than one character which the account would be over 20. That's why I'm wondering if that one was the issue since the rest had over 20.
Everyone tried changing characters but not sure if completely exiting the game and relaunching.
And wouldn't the New Champions (some number) show up on the Super Group name under the character name? And also on each super group page in game?
Also wouldn't those under 20 not be able to do zone chat? I forget the time for that to unlock since I never had to deal with it but I know there is a time requirement for that. And each could do zone chat no problem.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
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Everything else you said is correct, but sometimes it's glitchy as was mentioned. However, true story: not every founding member needs to be >20 hours played. Only the founder does. If you are it, that means you've probably got an odd bug going on. Level a bit more, and try again. If it doesn't work? A bunch of us would be happy to help. You don't need the sg members in the team to FOUND it, you just need invite privileges and control. Ask around in zone, you'll probably manage it rather easily.
Decorum, it's a vestige from when SGs were designed to matter more than they do right now. You're half right. It's more like the nem system in that it was designed to work in a meta we don't use, and then was neglected to death. But honestly, starting an SG isn't hard. I help with at least 5 of em a week.
RIP Caine
Personal SGs are so underrated, even I don't have one. It's just a bucket full of bank slots, and handy as hell. I'm not even sure why people keep hideout banks around if they can just have their own SG. Why pay Z for a feature you can get for free?
Firewatch being the exception because we kick butt.
RIP Caine
I'll keep that in mind and get myself prepared one of these days. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I want it is to display the team name on my toons. :biggrin:
I suppose I should check and make sure it's available, as a first move.
Leader of team (me) was on a level 40 toon. So that wasn't it.
But a few hours after I posted last, got together in game again and it worked. Same 5. So as some said it must have cleared up. We were going to try again after maintenance today to see if it would work if it didn't last night.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Getting all 42 is your job. lol
But once you get your first in, you can send offline invites to your own alts. One of the things I like about Cryptic games. At least with CO and STO. I don't play that grindfest they call Neverwinter but I would guess it is the same there too.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Champedia, how i miss thee and thy sweet features....
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Difference is in STO, you notice a 2 week probation period where a character will be "Provisioned Leader" for 2 weeks then become full leader too. CO doesn't seem to have that. It's a nice thing to stop potential fleet take over in STO but a PITA when it's a current leader's alt.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
I miss Crime Computer 2.0. It would tell you what missions were available for your level and what contact gave them.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
The benefit to a personal SG, and a fleet, is that it makes it easier to share Resources and items, particularly if you have more than one account. (Also, in STO you have to purchase an Account Bank with Zen; here, I scored the free Hideout when I first went Gold, and a couple more with those Arc codes a while back.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Account bank here is 40 slots (or at least for LTS). In STO it's like 12 slots for LTS members too. So having that fleet bank is very helpful in STO.
Also STO has fleet bases, fleet embassy, fleet dilithium mine, and the fleet spire. Those things gives so many different things I'd have to write a novel to explain them all. lol
But for a single person those can take forever to build up. I'd suggest getting the mine leveled first as it gives discounts on ranking up everything.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
Extra shared storage with tons of almost-free slots.
Want some help, none of mine are in a fleet. I can get you 3 people. I already going and 2 more I can make STO accts with.
There are some advantages to being an altaholic.
free storage except in NW, where they caught onto the trick and charge for each bank tab.
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Oh and would like the time zone so I could know to get on. Right now my time is mostly CO time because I hate the past lockbox drop events. I don't even want their current lockboxes much less the ones from the past. And I expect to spend more time in STO in February because of anniversary month.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
(For that matter, if you just happen to be on and spot Vazlav, Sills, Church, or Grunt, give me a holler! The "Grunt" might not be me - there are at least two others, although they're both Gorn - but the telltales are that mine is Ferengi, is flying a Risian luxury cruiser (RXS Latinum Princess), and has the global name @JRS253.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Since it's Friday any time this evening (eastern time here) or over the weekend is good for me.
Also there is a global channel that can help build up your fleet mine, base, embassy, and spire. It takes fleet marks and that global channel has people occasionally have someone want to dump marks to get fleet credits. Some players in the bigger fleets that already maxed out the holdings still need to get fleet credits to buy whatever they want so they will dump their fleet marks into smaller fleets to get the fleet credits then go back to their own fleet.
Fleet credits are not attached to the fleet. They are the currency that stays with the toon. So that's how they can still get credits when their fleet has nothing else to get.
I joined the global channel because it also has invites to other fleets holdings. You can buy fleet items such as ship equipment and personal equipment but your fleet would need provisions to cover it but you can buy their fleet level's version of the items.
Like I get fleet engines which can go Warp 12 when I don't already have the Borg Warp 14 engines from the fleet base. And ground weapons. And to get the Ody uniforms before they made them available to everyone required being invited to a Tier 3 starbase with tailor unlocked. People who had the Ody uniform before they gave them away to every gets a free variant from the Tier 3 starbase with tailor unlocked.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.
The appeal is, there's no other people in it :biggrin:
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
what level do they need to be?so I knwo what I have to get the others to.
@kittykaboomboom - Clueless is about 14. (Fed)
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- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I'm, on W.A. time GMT +8. usually before work for about half an hour, and after work for an hour or so., weekends most of the day.
just check for
playing on any game
space case@smurgled
oh and I have a bunch of bonus fleet credit tokens in hideout bank, to dump off.
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I add my alts in STO fleets too. It has the offline invite function.
Lifetime no longer gives a forum title. That should be updated on the Lifetime page that mentions what you get. PMing the CSR doesn't work neither.