So, for the last couple of moths, i have noticed we have a constant 250 - 350 (more or less) players online
The number varies Little along the day
Also, i recall somebody saying we got cut out of Devs because Champions "didn't made enough money"
Or do they keep it running just to milk money of these 300 and something peeps online? (yeah, i imagine not everybody pays and lots of people play without paying for extras)
But, are there any efforts to attract new players?
I don't see many ads or anything else around MMO sites
I know we had those articles before the "new content" came out on Massively, but just that don't seem to do much.
you have no idea of the costs are for marketing do you?
does it give profit above what they spent on marketing.
and what should they PR? like hey we got this game here but we dont care about it lel.
As far as an outsider can see, nope.
At best, word of mouth about Champions Online is generally positive, and is usually the... uh..,second... option people find or talk about when talking about superhero mmos.
And superhero mmos are kind of a weird niche right now: they exist, they have existed, but there's this weird thing right now where a lot of people seem unaware there are non-fantasy setting mmos out there.
So marketing it effectively is hard.
The best thing Cryptic could do is have adverts in comic books due to common interest in superheroes... Buuuutt... Both the two major comic book publishers your average Joanne Doe and Joey Average would know about have their own multiplayer games in direct competition with Champions Online.
And we probably get some bleedover from other Perfect World playerbases since they use the same account info even if memberships don't carry over for paid stuff. People tired of Star Trekking, and fantasy settings, and swords and stuff, who want to briefly put on the spandex and punch dudes inna face.
I think intercompany advertising would be best: have on Neverwinter forums the odd banner that goes 'if you liked this you might also like Champions Online: it's like superhero comics except you're a character and everything is awesome' (note to cryptic I only did Introduction to Marketing at Uni, and as such my views are of limited worth as Intro was mostly spent making fun of badly thought out advert campaigns)
no, we don't have advertising.
If you look at Interviews about the other 2 games, you are unlikely to see this one mentioned.
The only interviews about this game is given to one site.
to give you an idea of our status, our Dev team is in a different state to the other 2 games. Maybe they don't want anyone seeing that they make this game.
The forum ghouls also do advertising for us, going around saying how bad the game is and why. Then coming back and saying, "Oh look, thse people say this about the game"
The red headed stepchild is no longer in the attic, we're in the garden shed.
hmm, reading through that. i think I need to get something to eat.
Hey, there was that one article that one reviewer wrote recently where they described the game as it was three years ago... that's... you know.... nothing.
Hey, there was that one article that one reviewer wrote recently where they described the game as it was three years ago... that's... you know.... nothing.
or the European one, who said Neverwinter will have the Foundry just like Cryptic's other 2 games.
I emailed them and said, we don't have the Foundry despite people asking. He said they were going on information from 3 years ago(4 years ago now)
or the European one, who said Neverwinter will have the Foundry just like Cryptic's other 2 games.
I emailed them and said, we don't have the Foundry despite people asking. He said they were going on information from 3 years ago(4 years ago now)
Quality journalism right there.
Hard to say how effective traditional marketing is now. With the rise of YouTube and Twitch, I wouldn't be surprised if most people find out about new games from their favorite streamers and uploaders. That's how I find out about new stuff. Watching someone having fun in a game is far more persuasive than an article on some web site or a banner ad.
We would need someone impossibly popular among a larger community to vouch for little old CO. The odds of that happening are slim though... Think Markiplier would be willing to try us out if enough of us asked for it? Do we think we can behave long enough for him to help us out?
We would need someone impossibly popular among a larger community to vouch for little old CO. The odds of that happening are slim though... Think Markiplier would be willing to try us out if enough of us asked for it? Do we think we can behave long enough for him to help us out?
*Plays Bonnie Tyler's I Need A Hero*
GunZ 2 recently had some big time Twitch streamer play it. Some issues occurred during that stream that make me concerned what would happen if the same was done for CO:
1 - GunZ 2 has a god awful hybrid P2P system where one player in a match is the "host", and they will frequently get a big latency advantage in the match. This was made apparent during the steam, and commented on by several of the people playing.
2 - GunZ 2 has big latency issues in general... as luck would have it, this happened aplenty during the stream.
3 - The tutorial for the game is part of the PvE campaign... which the streamer never entered instead only doing PvP matches (which makes sense, the game is more known for it's pvp), and as a result he didn't know how a lot of things worked... even worse, he didn't know the basic's of the game's movement system which is the game's biggest selling point. Anyone watching that stream would never have realized just how much of a wall-jumping ninja you can be in the game, especially because the streamer only did closed invite-only matches, meaning none of the experienced players who would have done all that cool ninja stuff were there. He barely even used melee attacks... he made it look like just another shooter.
Rather than showing off the good parts of the game, his stream made it look like a boring game with latency issues. I would not say it was an advertising success, and we never saw a big swell of players afterwards, and I believe I have outlined why.
So, back to Champions Online. What happens when the big heroic reviewer we get to play this game on their channel encounters all the problems.... and their video ends up being a "Look how terrible this game is" video instead.... after all, we all know that those videos are often even more popular than the ones where the lets player enjoys the game.
To be honest, I sometimes wonder if the best we can hope for is a "Fate of Champions Online" video from Bro Team.
Oh wait, Brote already got in on this >.> I wonder what "Terribly Awesome" means.
Perfect World has multiple channels for their games. I remember Cashcow Online had story hour. CO doesn't even get videos showing off new cash shop items or lockbox prizes.
lets see, they join.
1. what do you mean, I can't talk in Zone for 20hrs?
2. What do you mean I have to pay for FF?
3. Does everyone normally complain like that in Zone?
3a. are they on drugs?
3b. do they normally talk about that in zone?
3c. <insert standard zone chat discussions, 5, 23, 86 and 9>
4. what do you mean the Pvp queue doesn't work?
5. so what's getting fixed in your next update? WHAT?
6. so what are you getting in your next update? WHAT?
7. what do you mean I can't do those alerts till I'm the right level?
you have a nightclub here, let's see what that is like?
Think second-generation spread. Without going outside of Champions to some guy who doesn't know the game (obviously something you're not a big fan of) you could do a good video that'll be seen and shared by quite a lot of players. People who play this game will most likely know people who don't play it. Lots of people are on social media which makes it easy to share videos. Get where it's going yet? Or do you have a better idea for finding a popular guy from a larger community who is already familiar with Champions and won't make the type of mistakes you mentioned?
Think second-generation spread. Without going outside of Champions to some guy who doesn't know the game (obviously something you're not a big fan of) you could do a good video that'll be seen and shared by quite a lot of players. People who play this game will most likely know people who don't play it. Lots of people are on social media which makes it easy to share videos. Get where it's going yet? Or do you have a better idea for finding a popular guy from a larger community who is already familiar with Champions and won't make the type of mistakes you mentioned?
As famous as Caliga thinks he is, nobody who doesn't already know about CO would care if he made a video. Hell, most of the people who play it regularly wouldn't care.
It's like me making a video to promote WoW... I mean sure, I was known for being a good tank and a complete nut case on my old server, but the number of views my promotional video would get, and the number of times it got shared, could be counted using a big card with a "0" painted on it.
All this pie in the sky talk about word of mouth and grass roots campaigns has been done before repeatedly over the years... why aren't we swimming in free advertising by now if it's such a great idea?
Prove me wrong. For the love of Grond, prove me so wrong that I blush!
You can spend all day all night on the forums here typing out super amazing reasons for why you're right and it's the greatest idea that would totally work, convincing me and sterga and chaelk and gumsoldier2599... but that doesn't bring in the new players... they're all out there... being super judgmental... watching pewdie pie... and just rarring to jump on a "this game sucks" circle **** the second somebody starts one up.
I mean geez... have you ever seen it happen? Someone who would be willing to give a game a chance being instantly and permanently convinced that the game is garbage just because they watched a video where a guy said "huh huh, this character has a texture that looks weird, this game is terrible, huh huh".. I have u.u
1. Someone popular with a large network shouldn't make a video because it'll suck.
2. No, don't just use popular players, because nobody really knows them, and he said "popular" and "larger community" anyway, so I'm going to debunk your argument with a suggestion I oppose and already said wouldn't work... wait what?
3. But please prove me wrong.
4. But don't, because it won't work anyway.
I think you like to argue on the internet to hear the pretty sounds your keyboard makes. Fine, forget I said anything, you're the smartest, best person ever!! (Your crystal ball is pretty fancy, too.)
3. Does everyone normally complain like that in Zone?
3a. are they on drugs?
3b. do they normally talk about that in zone?
3c. <insert standard zone chat discussions, 5, 23, 86 and 9>
That's hardly fair, as that's every "Zone/Broadcast/Global/whatever" in any game ever.
when I was playing Rift(before F2P)the zone chat wasn't anything like that.
Mind you, they were mostly people who had escaped from WOW and stomped on anything remotely like Barrens chat.
1. Someone popular with a large network shouldn't make a video because it'll suck.
2. No, don't just use popular players, because nobody really knows them, and he said "popular" and "larger community" anyway, so I'm going to debunk your argument with a suggestion I oppose and already said wouldn't work... wait what?
3. But please prove me wrong.
4. But don't, because it won't work anyway.
I think you like to argue on the internet to hear the pretty sounds your keyboard makes. Fine, forget I said anything, you're the smartest, best person ever!! (Your crystal ball is pretty fancy, too.)
What a stunningly well thought out and put together argument. You are completely, 100%, without-a-doubt, unquestionably correct in every single thing you said.
There. So. Now that you got to be right, do we have this amazing word-of-mouth advertising? Otherwise, I don't see what your point is.
See that's the difference...
I don't want to be right. I just am, because look around.
You want to be right... but can't seem to do the one thing that would cause that to happen.
Or maybe you just don't have enough motivation to do it because you realize that proving me wrong would just make me happy, so it's not a satisfying prospect to you u3u
What a stunningly well thought out and put together argument. You are completely, 100%, without-a-doubt, unquestionably correct in every single thing you said.
There. So. Now that you got to be right, do we have this amazing word-of-mouth advertising? Otherwise, I don't see what your point is.
See that's the difference...
I don't want to be right. I just am, because look around.
You want to be right... but can't seem to do the one thing that would cause that to happen.
Or maybe you just don't have enough motivation to do it because you realize that proving me wrong would just make me happy, so it's not a satisfying prospect to you u3u
I like that.
I offer you no rebuttal, just a little bit of snark, completely give up the "argument" to you, and you reply acting like I claimed some grand victory and convinced myself that I proved you wrong.
Stop trying to bait me, it comes off as desperate. I had a playful idea. You act like it was a manifesto based around proving you wrong.
* gets Spinny's head and Smackwells head and smacks them together several times*
*Grabs fire extinguisher and empties it on the lot of them*
One suggestion is all it takes...
Look, I want the game to be as popular as anything else... but that's not going to happen if all we're going to do is run around RenCen for the rest of our lives. We're not going to just suddenly have enough income for CO's development. It has to come from somewhere, and if anyone has the power to bring in new players it would have to be a YouTube Celebrity or someone of the like.
I'm certain we've already tried word-of-mouth advertising just among friends. I managed to get most of them to join up and even subscribe. It's not enough. We need to think significantly bigger. I hate reaching out for help, it's always been something I never felt right doing, but I hate sitting around doing nothing more. I think if anyone will give us a shot, it would in fact be Markiplier.
If you have any better ideas aside from twiddling our thumbs until the eventual Game Over screen takes up residence, I would like to know. Until then, whatever risks there are should be well worth the possibility of great reward.
What is Markiplier?
I had an idea. Maybe the Owning Game Company should have pulled it's head out of it's where the sun don't shine and put some effort to the game.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Creating a YouTube channel that actually gets decent views is a lot of work. It can take a few years to get going. Players using social media to promote and grow a player base also takes time. Pretty much boils down to being dedicated for a long time.
Players aren't the only people that can be promoting the game via social media, YouTube, and Twitch.
Pretty much. The owners of this product need to take some responsibility and get promoting it.
Yes, everybody needs to start doing the things that they're not doing and won't ever do even though doing those things is a good idea.
But no matter how many times x amount of people have told my friend to clean up his landfill of a house, he never does it... so I end up doing it because even though I'm a messy person his giga-mess somehow turns me ocd.
Oh boy, you just can't let this go. I never argued against your point, only questioned your line of reasoning. I'm completely done replying to you here.
Oh boy, you just can't let this go. I never argued against your point, only questioned your line of reasoning. I'm completely done replying to you here.
So you're saying you didn't disagree with me about what I said... but yet you still posted an argumentative post anyway. Sure, I'm the one who likes arguing for the sake of arguing
Scott Kurtz used to love CoH and he spoke against its shutdown, but getting him endeared to this game would take more than Cryptic is willing to give *cough*Foundry*cough*. I remember how Paragon Studios used to invite writers to create a story arc using their mission editor.
Reviewers with an audience like JonTron may give this game a look, the trick is getting them to do so without tearing it a new one.
Players from the community may always do so, but you can't ask them to do so when Cryptic themselves won't bother, it feels like something between a Quixotesque and a Sysyphean task. It's demotivating.
We're basically stuck in a loop where people won't look in CO's direction because we don't get nice things, and we don't get nice things because no one looks in CO's direction.
In any case, it's not something we can fix, nor something we have any say in, so worrying about it is nothing but a recipe for frustration.
At this point I think Spinnytop is just asking for you to abuse your mod powers on her Biff.
I don't really see much good for this thread to continue its existence. It's just going to spawn more negativity. Perhaps it's best this gets locked up before things get worse?
Or do they keep it running just to milk money of these 300 and something peeps online? (yeah, i imagine not everybody pays and lots of people play without paying for extras)
I see at as...we're lucky enough that they keep it around with the minimum profit they get from those "300 and something peeps online".
I would rather have a game with no development than no game at all.
At this point I think Spinnytop is just asking for you to abuse your mod powers on her Biff.
How about me quoting the both of you and then posting a cat girl maid?
Biff has never abused his moderater position before, not sure why he would start now, lol. Not really sure where you get off implying that he would either. This thread was done on page one, closing it now would hardly qualify as abuse. Stop being melodramatic.
Yes, Spinny likes arguing just to argue. Not exactly news, ya know?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Biff has never abused his moderater position before, not sure why he would start now, lol. Not really sure where you get off implying that he would either. This thread was done on page one, closing it now would hardly qualify as abuse. Stop being melodramatic.
So I'm right! Do it Biff! Edit the heck out of her posts and then lock the thread, Spinny is practically begging you to do it at this point.
does it give profit above what they spent on marketing.
and what should they PR? like hey we got this game here but we dont care about it lel.
So no, we don't have a marketing team.
TrailTurtle appears to be the sum of our marketing team.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
At best, word of mouth about Champions Online is generally positive, and is usually the... uh..,second... option people find or talk about when talking about superhero mmos.
And superhero mmos are kind of a weird niche right now: they exist, they have existed, but there's this weird thing right now where a lot of people seem unaware there are non-fantasy setting mmos out there.
So marketing it effectively is hard.
The best thing Cryptic could do is have adverts in comic books due to common interest in superheroes... Buuuutt... Both the two major comic book publishers your average Joanne Doe and Joey Average would know about have their own multiplayer games in direct competition with Champions Online.
And we probably get some bleedover from other Perfect World playerbases since they use the same account info even if memberships don't carry over for paid stuff. People tired of Star Trekking, and fantasy settings, and swords and stuff, who want to briefly put on the spandex and punch dudes inna face.
I think intercompany advertising would be best: have on Neverwinter forums the odd banner that goes 'if you liked this you might also like Champions Online: it's like superhero comics except you're a character and everything is awesome' (note to cryptic I only did Introduction to Marketing at Uni, and as such my views are of limited worth as Intro was mostly spent making fun of badly thought out advert campaigns)
If you look at Interviews about the other 2 games, you are unlikely to see this one mentioned.
The only interviews about this game is given to one site.
to give you an idea of our status, our Dev team is in a different state to the other 2 games. Maybe they don't want anyone seeing that they make this game.
The forum ghouls also do advertising for us, going around saying how bad the game is and why. Then coming back and saying, "Oh look, thse people say this about the game"
The red headed stepchild is no longer in the attic, we're in the garden shed.
hmm, reading through that. i think I need to get something to eat.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It really needs a version 2020 kickstarter, hey that's a good theme "Champions Hindsight: Do all the things we should have done the first time."
And in that case they can market this now as "Best beta test ever"
or the European one, who said Neverwinter will have the Foundry just like Cryptic's other 2 games.
I emailed them and said, we don't have the Foundry despite people asking. He said they were going on information from 3 years ago(4 years ago now)
[font="title-I'm as sane as any.."][/font]Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Quality journalism right there.
Hard to say how effective traditional marketing is now. With the rise of YouTube and Twitch, I wouldn't be surprised if most people find out about new games from their favorite streamers and uploaders. That's how I find out about new stuff. Watching someone having fun in a game is far more persuasive than an article on some web site or a banner ad.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
*Plays Bonnie Tyler's I Need A Hero*
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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GunZ 2 recently had some big time Twitch streamer play it. Some issues occurred during that stream that make me concerned what would happen if the same was done for CO:
1 - GunZ 2 has a god awful hybrid P2P system where one player in a match is the "host", and they will frequently get a big latency advantage in the match. This was made apparent during the steam, and commented on by several of the people playing.
2 - GunZ 2 has big latency issues in general... as luck would have it, this happened aplenty during the stream.
3 - The tutorial for the game is part of the PvE campaign... which the streamer never entered instead only doing PvP matches (which makes sense, the game is more known for it's pvp), and as a result he didn't know how a lot of things worked... even worse, he didn't know the basic's of the game's movement system which is the game's biggest selling point. Anyone watching that stream would never have realized just how much of a wall-jumping ninja you can be in the game, especially because the streamer only did closed invite-only matches, meaning none of the experienced players who would have done all that cool ninja stuff were there. He barely even used melee attacks... he made it look like just another shooter.
Rather than showing off the good parts of the game, his stream made it look like a boring game with latency issues. I would not say it was an advertising success, and we never saw a big swell of players afterwards, and I believe I have outlined why.
So, back to Champions Online. What happens when the big heroic reviewer we get to play this game on their channel encounters all the problems.... and their video ends up being a "Look how terrible this game is" video instead.... after all, we all know that those videos are often even more popular than the ones where the lets player enjoys the game.
To be honest, I sometimes wonder if the best we can hope for is a "Fate of Champions Online" video from Bro Team.
Oh wait, Brote already got in on this >.> I wonder what "Terribly Awesome" means.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
We need a Thundrax-Caliga team-up!
"larger community"
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
1. what do you mean, I can't talk in Zone for 20hrs?
2. What do you mean I have to pay for FF?
3. Does everyone normally complain like that in Zone?
3a. are they on drugs?
3b. do they normally talk about that in zone?
3c. <insert standard zone chat discussions, 5, 23, 86 and 9>
4. what do you mean the Pvp queue doesn't work?
5. so what's getting fixed in your next update? WHAT?
6. so what are you getting in your next update? WHAT?
7. what do you mean I can't do those alerts till I'm the right level?
you have a nightclub here, let's see what that is like?
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Think second-generation spread. Without going outside of Champions to some guy who doesn't know the game (obviously something you're not a big fan of) you could do a good video that'll be seen and shared by quite a lot of players. People who play this game will most likely know people who don't play it. Lots of people are on social media which makes it easy to share videos. Get where it's going yet? Or do you have a better idea for finding a popular guy from a larger community who is already familiar with Champions and won't make the type of mistakes you mentioned?
As famous as Caliga thinks he is, nobody who doesn't already know about CO would care if he made a video. Hell, most of the people who play it regularly wouldn't care.
It's like me making a video to promote WoW... I mean sure, I was known for being a good tank and a complete nut case on my old server, but the number of views my promotional video would get, and the number of times it got shared, could be counted using a big card with a "0" painted on it.
All this pie in the sky talk about word of mouth and grass roots campaigns has been done before repeatedly over the years... why aren't we swimming in free advertising by now if it's such a great idea?
Prove me wrong. For the love of Grond, prove me so wrong that I blush!
You can spend all day all night on the forums here typing out super amazing reasons for why you're right and it's the greatest idea that would totally work, convincing me and sterga and chaelk and gumsoldier2599... but that doesn't bring in the new players... they're all out there... being super judgmental... watching pewdie pie... and just rarring to jump on a "this game sucks" circle **** the second somebody starts one up.
I mean geez... have you ever seen it happen? Someone who would be willing to give a game a chance being instantly and permanently convinced that the game is garbage just because they watched a video where a guy said "huh huh, this character has a texture that looks weird, this game is terrible, huh huh".. I have u.u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Okay so your line of reasoning is:
1. Someone popular with a large network shouldn't make a video because it'll suck.
2. No, don't just use popular players, because nobody really knows them, and he said "popular" and "larger community" anyway, so I'm going to debunk your argument with a suggestion I oppose and already said wouldn't work... wait what?
3. But please prove me wrong.
4. But don't, because it won't work anyway.
I think you like to argue on the internet to hear the pretty sounds your keyboard makes. Fine, forget I said anything, you're the smartest, best person ever!! (Your crystal ball is pretty fancy, too.)
That's hardly fair, as that's every "Zone/Broadcast/Global/whatever" in any game ever.
Mind you, they were mostly people who had escaped from WOW and stomped on anything remotely like Barrens chat.
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What a stunningly well thought out and put together argument. You are completely, 100%, without-a-doubt, unquestionably correct in every single thing you said.
There. So. Now that you got to be right, do we have this amazing word-of-mouth advertising? Otherwise, I don't see what your point is.
See that's the difference...
I don't want to be right. I just am, because look around.
You want to be right... but can't seem to do the one thing that would cause that to happen.
Or maybe you just don't have enough motivation to do it because you realize that proving me wrong would just make me happy, so it's not a satisfying prospect to you u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I like that.
I offer you no rebuttal, just a little bit of snark, completely give up the "argument" to you, and you reply acting like I claimed some grand victory and convinced myself that I proved you wrong.
Stop trying to bait me, it comes off as desperate. I had a playful idea. You act like it was a manifesto based around proving you wrong.
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And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
*Grabs fire extinguisher and empties it on the lot of them*
One suggestion is all it takes...
Look, I want the game to be as popular as anything else... but that's not going to happen if all we're going to do is run around RenCen for the rest of our lives. We're not going to just suddenly have enough income for CO's development. It has to come from somewhere, and if anyone has the power to bring in new players it would have to be a YouTube Celebrity or someone of the like.
I'm certain we've already tried word-of-mouth advertising just among friends. I managed to get most of them to join up and even subscribe. It's not enough. We need to think significantly bigger. I hate reaching out for help, it's always been something I never felt right doing, but I hate sitting around doing nothing more. I think if anyone will give us a shot, it would in fact be Markiplier.
If you have any better ideas aside from twiddling our thumbs until the eventual Game Over screen takes up residence, I would like to know. Until then, whatever risks there are should be well worth the possibility of great reward.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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I had an idea. Maybe the Owning Game Company should have pulled it's head out of it's where the sun don't shine and put some effort to the game.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Players aren't the only people that can be promoting the game via social media, YouTube, and Twitch.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Pretty much. The owners of this product need to take some responsibility and get promoting it.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Yes, everybody needs to start doing the things that they're not doing and won't ever do even though doing those things is a good idea.
But no matter how many times x amount of people have told my friend to clean up his landfill of a house, he never does it... so I end up doing it because even though I'm a messy person his giga-mess somehow turns me ocd.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If you like it so much then why are you acting so cranky? u_u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You might be projecting.
Do we start arguing about how to argue now? u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
You started it.
You want me to pretend you're right again? u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Oh boy, you just can't let this go. I never argued against your point, only questioned your line of reasoning. I'm completely done replying to you here.
So you're saying you didn't disagree with me about what I said... but yet you still posted an argumentative post anyway. Sure, I'm the one who likes arguing for the sake of arguing
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If arguments done for the sake of arguing are such a bother, then maybe refrain from posting such snark to instigate?
Scott Kurtz used to love CoH and he spoke against its shutdown, but getting him endeared to this game would take more than Cryptic is willing to give *cough*Foundry*cough*. I remember how Paragon Studios used to invite writers to create a story arc using their mission editor.
Reviewers with an audience like JonTron may give this game a look, the trick is getting them to do so without tearing it a new one.
Players from the community may always do so, but you can't ask them to do so when Cryptic themselves won't bother, it feels like something between a Quixotesque and a Sysyphean task. It's demotivating.
We're basically stuck in a loop where people won't look in CO's direction because we don't get nice things, and we don't get nice things because no one looks in CO's direction.
In any case, it's not something we can fix, nor something we have any say in, so worrying about it is nothing but a recipe for frustration.
Yup, from here it also looks like provocation just for the sake of it.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I don't really see much good for this thread to continue its existence. It's just going to spawn more negativity. Perhaps it's best this gets locked up before things get worse?
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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I see at as...we're lucky enough that they keep it around with the minimum profit they get from those "300 and something peeps online".
I would rather have a game with no development than no game at all.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
It's sad, but... yes, many of us have experience on how maintenance mode still beats shutdown.
Yes, I can see why Biff would get upset when I make fun of Caliga.
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How about me quoting the both of you and then posting a cat girl maid?
Biff has never abused his moderater position before, not sure why he would start now, lol. Not really sure where you get off implying that he would either. This thread was done on page one, closing it now would hardly qualify as abuse. Stop being melodramatic.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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It was a snide post clearly directed towards Biff. An upset response can be expected. You can stop backpedaling now.
My response to Spinny wasn't upset or anything, I just gave it up because I didn't think it was worth any further discussion.
And I shall now abuse this ultimate power to... LOCK A THREAD!
(because it's gone pretty far off the rails)