1. MSA doesn't get enough use. Even though I can imagine I'd be cycling my cooldowns a bit more in an actual skirmish such as gravitar.
2. No challenging strikes. Is it necessary? If so, what are the best sources?
3. Epidemic costs a lot of energy though I've tested it in the graveyard and I've been doing fine.
Open for suggestions overall.
I've half a mind to drop LR and just go str con dex with claws and wotw
I'm not sure how ur reliably poisoning for Phlebotomist, though- at least outside of AoE. On single targets that means ya gotta keep using Epidemic to refresh DP when ya already will be busy w/ all of the melee moves (and a ranged spell won't proc CWK's dodge/avoid adv). R2 still boosts the healing, but also its dps and threat gen, and doesn't take a bleed or poison to optimize.
Its not really necessary if ur using a higher dps AoE w/ good reach like Epidemic.
Not a bad idea for a DPS version of the build. Ya'd prob want to drop any CripC advs then, and R1 MD becomes more potent an option w/o LR already boosting ur dodge/avoid high. I'd prob drop at least one power to add Viper's Fangs or Shred w/ adv for Shredded. DE could still be kept as another healing option, if desired (and/or keep TK for the dodge buff).
Epidemic won't be boosted by ur passive, but its still a strong enough spell at base that its not such a big setback.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I have a legion plate and all my gear is slotted with dex and rank 7 gamblers in that plate and so on.
I just don't know what to do anymore, dodge is damn restrictive.
Somebody heeelp
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Part of the issue, if I understand, is that the OP needs to define what role he feels comfortable playing in, and to what extent characters need to survive, well, content. Outside of eating retcon costs, I'd like to point to the PTS; specifically the cosmics on there as well as adventure pack content. Make good use of them. Run a combatlog parser. Figure out what an undodged hit feels like; whether you can survive a string of bad luck; what to do during that time. Die, recover, tweak some more, fight again. For science.
"A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers."
~ Plato
/end philosophical stuff
It's the unlucky combination of the following thought pattern:
1. Character concept is a monk sorceress that was nearly untouchable due to the third class,shadowdancer, in her original game. This game doesn't allow for much cross-referencing of abilities without running the risk of gimping yourself.
2. I have bought a dodge plate for some 700g or so, don't want to make it go to waste so I definitely want to go dodge on her.
3. Everything else is hell of a lot expensive, and I'm not sure I'll even find anybody that will sell me the gambler 9 x2 and possibly the rather high dex mods I need, I have those sets I've told you about to bargain for it and some tidbits. I'm not even sure the whole hassle is worth it.
4. What flowc said with the str con dex, but then won't my cooldowns suck?
Here's another version:
Skarn tap is free, applies the debuff, melts AO if I'm helping friends in alerts and it also applies challenging strike apparently.
I could re-tool it for quarry or wotw, my only concern with that version is my costs and cooldowns without int.
What exactly is the problem? Are you dying to fast, is your dps to low, do you dislike keeping the TK buff up, are you still having energy issues, do you dislike keeping up rush for energy, etc?
And you really do not need r9 mods most builds to work, r7 mods are affordable and work well enough.
Before I begin: my tone is that of fatigue and a bit of stress, I do not mean to sound negative here. Real life is allover me and I'm trying to figure out the "final build" for this character of mine who is one of my three favourites. On my last retcon, I do not plan to retcon her again.
Here goes:
I'm a fan of martial arts and mysticism. The character is a natural born sorceress (shadow bloodline) trained in the unarmed arts. My compromise is that I'm going for claws and reasoning that in a world where people run around with guns, she'll go unfriendly herself.
If I were to pick I'd make her a NightWarrior, but I realise the passive is weak, and next to useless against all but mundane mobs, AND is somewhat "bound to" Ricochet Throw which has no place in the current theme. Both of which of the above is depressing, but moving on.
Hence I want a build with Martial Arts, Claws, preferably dodge, that also uses "magic" for thematic purposes, that can solo content effectively. I also want to amount to rampages with this character.
My fighting style is typically jumping in and dishing it out, so being durable is a must, while dealing adequate damage is also important, but I do know about the DR issues regarding dps roles, and I hate being squishy.
According to my current best understanding of the game, a tanky character is the best choice for this.
I do not understand the game well enough to be able to pull this off without extensive discussion, despite having made several builds over the course of half-a-year with the help of friendly veterans such as Jim or Flowc.
I do understand the mainstream dodge tank build with CWK and Parry, but I have the following issues with that build, I'm open to having any of my arguments disproven of course.:
1. Kills stuff slower than paint dries and has trouble holding aggro compared to a defiance beast tank.
2. Because of its horrendous damage output, it's next to useless for running adventure packs or farming.
3. It has a clutter of powers that do nothing just give dodge, with little room for thematic powers.
3.a. LR which does not amount to your damage in anyway, it's a defensive passive that on its own is weak in comparison to the rest of the choices - which are not dodge.
3.b. Parry which despite being a must-have for LR to work, also lowers your damage in doing so.
3.c. CWKick which is next to useless both as a stun and as a damage dealing move, all it does is gives yet another buff for stacking dodge.
3.d. BCR which further lowers your damage.
3.e. MD which is apparently needed DESPITE you already having taken ALL those things to achieve what it solves on a cooldown.
3.f. Thundering Kicks which would be awesome if it did damage but yet again, it's just a dodge buff.
^ All of this and you aren't doing anything yet, just spamming kicks to keep your defense where Defiance gets you if you get hit six times, or thereabouts.
*I have a legion dodge plate slotted with 2x Gambler7 on her, that cannot be unbound and given to another character due to a poor design choice in the game mechanics. I do not want the armour to go to waste.
*I already have a character that is STR-con-int, LR, and has high defense and can achieve 100 dodge with buffs. I like that character, but I'd rather not make this one the very same thing if I can help it.
*If I did go that way, it would have to be str-con-dex with EM.
*I strongly dislike dexterity as a primary stat, although I am willing to try if there is a build that can sustain it. Otherwise I'd probably stick to con primary, or change to str or whatever. I don't even know anymore. *sigh*
I hope my mindset is clearer now.
thx all!
Since BCR/RR helps so much for dodge builds (esp since ya can stack the HoT, but the dmg penalty doesn't stack), I'd drop Elusive Monk if I had to pick one. STR or CON PSS means ya got some innate knock resist anyways, and dropping EM off Parry saves ya 3 adv points.
Not gonna be as sturdy as w/ a defensive passive, and ya gotta stick to the Hybrid role. But given that ya spent so much on this build, can't blame ya for taking the most versatile passive in the game (well, it and Quarry). You'll get more dmg, energy, and healing bonuses w/AoPM.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!