Alright... maybe this is useless, but I love this game too much, always will, I can't help it.
So here it goes (sorry if my english is not perfect):
-Three years ago or something like that, me and my buddies wouldn't quit this game even if someone would pay us! DC Universe Online was out since a year or less (or more, who cares), and even if it seemed to be better looking, with better PVE content, we couldn"t care less, because Cryptic found a magical recipe to keep us. There was PVE and PVP arenas, and these arenas were very popular. We could see that CO was full of players because there were 10 or 9, 8... instances of Millennium City. And just when me and my super buddies started a pvp SG (Cookies n' Blood lasted 2 weeks), they brought us the new Super stats system and the Zen Exchange, and... they changed the way we had to queue for PVP arenas (UTC and Zombie Apocalypse). Before anyone could queue alone and, enter alone. But since that update and until now, if someone wants to queue in PVP, he must wait for a total of 10 players. I just forgot to mention that the Alerts were new and Cryptic promoted them by making them obvious on screen, no one can miss it... however when I speak with new players, they don't even know that one can queue for pvp arenas.
Each year I come back to check on CO, and sadly see that nothing is moving... at all. So I make a free form (slot), whack everything in alerts and then, I go back to... DC Universe Online after 2 weeks, which is a second choice if you can call that a choice.
I had 4 accounts, each accounts had paid archetypes, paid hideout, paid costume unlocks, etc and one account was freeform. I was a dedicated fan! I could spend 100€ in 2 days for non useful stuff, and I wouldn't care, because I was happy like a fish in water!
Here is my desperate call to old players who know what I am talking about:
-To make a petition (help) to bring back PVP arenas the way they worked before and the same for Zombie Apocalypse; I mean, it is still there, so why must it be empty, I know there is Bash, and it is haunted by unkillable pvp veterans.No offense, but it must scare the
It's all about keeping the money coming in and making a profit, I just think they don't see anything in putting the work into PvP. Making costumes to sell is a much faster and easier way for them to turn a profit.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
I miss the team related pvp.
Even had my own PVP SG called Infamy.
We use to kill quenue's
Premades is probably the way to go again to get HEro games rolling.
When Metahumans Legends was bigger and more active.
The Saikashuu was still around, some are, just in Spectre now.
We would get hero games to pop.
Premades were pretty much what ruined it cause a good team would kill matches.
If there is a 10 people limit, 2 premades would get it popping.
I suggest this but alot of the old players that enjoyed hero games, are gone.
i am @modru31 in CO. I woul always be glad to help get lower tier going.
I was Dubsy on the Old Forums. I am still @Dubsy in-game. Also, lol.
Fixing PVP=just put it back as before
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
1. fix queue.
2. fix bugs in arenas- several people have the lists
3. fix powers.
4. fix exploits.
5. fix players(blunt knife optional)
6. fix rewards
7. meanwhile in the actual game.
to put it back the way it was, would require putting best gear in game in it.
That is currently in Rampages and lockboxes.
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I agree. PVP would be easier to fix than adding PVE content. It's just a matter of adjusting what's already there.
I wouldn't want to revert back to what PVP was before, however.
One thing I'd like to see is a diminishing returns effect added to Constitution. Most PVP builds I see these days put every single possible point into their Constitution secondary SS, as it's the only secondary SS that directly provides both damage and survivability. Another option would be to remove Constitution's damage bonus as a Super Stat and slightly buff the hp gain, so stacking it only provides lots of survivability.
My second option would have improved PVE tanks' survivability at the cost of their damage.
PVP should not be ignored, and I find your dismissal of legitimate PVP complaints as "pvp whiners" to be very derogatory and baseless. PVP is part of the game and there are many features woven around it. Duels, PH Arena, Perks, Hero Games, etc. With some good tweaking at the right places, I believe PVP in Champions could be great.
PVP as it should be is over. What we have now is EVE, aka Exploiters Versus Exploiters.
Call Maverick if you need a DPS help, or Combat Medic if you need a healer.
I am known for having extremely good or extremely bad luck with drops.
Not to mention that there is no duality, instead double standards.
You can make a nearly-flawless PVE build, which will suck in PVP, but if you make an OP PVP build you will ROFLSTOMP almost everything in PVE.
What we should have is powers that work according to the class of the enemy in question. They could have extra-advantage against mobs up to a specific class, then have the advantage removed against bosses with increased damage and then have the advantage increased but damage reduced against other players.
There was a game called Zone4 that was like that. Normal attacks were modified to deal less damage against players, one-hit KOs - save the E key special - were disabled and each attack, if used repeatedly, dealt less damage more and more, even if the enemy blocked.
I think just the 3rd option would drastically make PVP more reachable for "mere mortals" who don't want to use copypaste builds to do pvp.
Call Maverick if you need a DPS help, or Combat Medic if you need a healer.
I am known for having extremely good or extremely bad luck with drops.
Tell me more, please, I'm curious.
I've been desperate trying to find ways to give a better build to my pve toon without using 2gm.
Call Maverick if you need a DPS help, or Combat Medic if you need a healer.
I am known for having extremely good or extremely bad luck with drops.
Why are you pointing blame on a gamemode?
Don't blame PVP for crowd control being in an awful state. Blame Cryptic for their poor and half-assed attempt to balance the game that resulted in many abilities becoming useless in both modes. In the end, they harmed both PVP and PVE.
I can understand if you don't like PVP, but don't blame a gamemode for the actions of the developer.
That sounds similar to what CoX tried in the end, with diminishing returns and things not working the same as in PvE. It was like "fighting in mud and hitting like a girl". It was the final nail in CoX PvP's coffin.
What... CO PvP is so important because you can wear a neat customized costume in it?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Actually, CO has very nice combat mechanics and duel system. Not only does it have highly customizable heroes costumes, but a wide selection of powers to work with.
It's just a shame that the balance is so bad that only 1% of those powers are viable.
"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
What... CO PvP is so important because you can wear a neat customized costume in it?"
I think you never played in PVP arena in CO at that time so maybe you don't know what it meant to arena players. No other game ever delivered what CO gave me (I'll speak for myself):
1. The UTC cage: a very simple concept, but again, you must have been playin' it to understand
2. Freeform build PVP: NO OTHER GAME has that
3. Power diversity
4. Superheroes... (again the only option is DCUO, and it will never be as good)
5. Yeah: funny costumes, I enjoy tearing big tanks with a teleportation freak fairy
6. Since PVP is gone, the game is lame
7. You don't have to participate to pvp, what does matter it to you if we go whack ourselves in a AWESOME UTC cage match, some people don't like RP at Club Caprice (IMO it is lame, but that's just me), and PVE is...dead since...whatever...
8. I repeat: it is my favorite game of all time!
Not the selling point of the game, this is why PvP is unbalanced as it is! and any pathetic Attempt to Balance it with Past Nerf Harmed PvE Build (Hello Crowd Control, Mini Mines e.t.c e.t.c)
Also haven't you noticed how Toxic some PvP members of the community are?
Winning is ALWAYS their main Goal in PvP so they use EVERY Power possible to do so with no Originality to Feed their Ego
HELLO Two Gun Mojo, Aura of Primal Majesty, Ebon Ruin, Ego Surge+Nimble Mind, Ascension, Rimefire, Strafing Run, Particle Smash, Unbreakable + Masterful Dodge Circlejerk, Ice Grenade, Teleiosaurus Pheromones Sellout Build! Because NOTHING says THEME BUILD like that! Totally Legit Theme you guys! (and this Disgusting Frankenbuild pops in PvE Alert Pugs as well)
Before On-Alert I could see the appeal of PvP in CO Hero Games (back when there used to be Rewards) but now it's just a waste of time for me
Not the selling point of the game, this is why PvP is unbalanced as it is! and any pathetic Attempt to Balance it with Past Nerf Harmed PvE Build (Hello Crowd Control, Mini Mines e.t.c e.t.c)
Also haven't you noticed how Toxic some PvP members of the community are?
Winning is ALWAYS their main Goal in PvP so they use EVERY Power possible to do so with no Originality to Feed their Ego
HELLO Two Gun Mojo, Aura of Primal Majesty, Ebon Ruin, Ego Surge+Nimble Mind, Rimefire, Strafing Run, Particle Smash, Unbreakable + Masterful Dodge Circlejerk, Ice Grenade, Teleiosaurus Pheromones Sellout Build! Because NOTHING says THEME BUILD like that! Totally Legit Theme you guys! (and this Disgusting Frankenbuild pops in PvE Alert Pugs as well)
Before On-Alert I could see the appeal of PvP in CO Hero Games (back when there used to be Rewards) but now it's just a waste of time for me"
Lol, you seem very frustrated. Perhaps you were one of those guys we killed 15 times in a row in the arenas. No need to call us toxic. What is toxic to me is the so called RP players staying at Club Caprice 6 months without getting out, complaining about pvpers they don't have to face if they don't want to in the forum, they are the ones who flatter their egos. Pvp is virtual sport, it's an adrenaline surge. You may not like it, but PVP arenas were really FUN and they actually putted these arenas in the game from the beginning. If you don't like it, just don't play with them, it's not even a world pvp game, so you can do your pve without being bothered, was it really necessary to talk so badly about people you never see?
"Playing as EVERYTHING but Superheroes (BUT they are my Heroes) since 1 February 2011": I play this game since 2009 you see, and PVP fitted very well, we were all happy.
Nah! I haven't been in a Hero game since 2012-13, but that sounds EXACTLY the Group of PvPers I despise
Zombie Apocalypse and UTC Caged Match were actually was my favorite Hero Games, sad that the Kick Bug doesn't let me queue anymore (also No Rewards)
Yes I know that NOT everyone is Toxic, but there are some PvP "Individuals" obsessed who gives the community the Bad Name (Shall not been named)
but again there are Toxic members in PvE/RP/Forum/Farming/WTF Community as well! NOBODY IS SAFE The Vocal Minority always ruins communities
Funny that you mentioned RP because I don't even RP and I NEVER Visit Caprice except to do the Apocalypse Mission Arc for Vibora Bay, I just play for the sake of my characters and to Farm stuff
Oh well, not my cap of tea since I don't find the Apeal of PvP but I wish you good luck
The least thing I expect from DEVs to do is AT LEAST Fix the PvP Queue Kicking Bug and put some Rewards, because let's be honest it's really Pathetic that they still haven't fix that
NO I haven't been playing since 2009 but we get drop ins here on Forums form people who left because ofthe Kitchen sink patch. How it destroyed the 'fun'items.
The ones on the receiving end of Premade groups, who then bragged in Zone about pwning the victims. Discussing in ZONE how they needed more fresh meat.
The Pvp's who were trying to do even matches and getting stuck with AFKer's trying to farm acclaim.
The people doing relogs to avoid death penalties.
The ones deliberately dying in ZA to be a zombie,leaving the rest of their group in the lurch.
PvP dropped as soon as On alert started.
the best gear in game became PvE.
1. queue times fro ZA, went from 5mins, day before. 1hr on the day. who knows next week.
2. ads in zone went form selling 150k/250/ acclaim gear to selling SCR gear.
3. Bugs hit stronghold and another area, making play even worse.
4. the last year and a half, the queue system has failed to add up to 10, randomly booting people, including from teams.
Now when posted your 'I wants' kindly remember.
WE only have 12 Devs, they are in a separate state to the Devs for the other games.(probably to reduce chances of people finding out Cryptic has the game)
we have been told in Ask Cryptic, a lot of things we would like done are not going to , since there are no plans to do anything with them.
Despite everyone asking including non-pvp people. They aren't even getting the queue fixed.
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I've been doing both since I got here, as well as pve. Why is this an either/or debate? I can't be alone in having a powerbuild and umpteen theme builds. I can't be alone in being a pvper who likes rp. We're a tailor-centric game with freeform options. We're 100% built from the ground up for both. I'm not sure it makes sense to argue about which is the right option.
I've seen avianos in enough random stuff to know they're not locked in caprice. In fact, pretty solid pve builds there. I've pvped enough to be able to say without hesitation "the community isn't all like that, in fact most of the mainstays are rather chill".
PVP did not break cc. It's been in a sorry state for a long time. PVP put the final bullet in a few of the options that were left. IMO, and call me crazy here, the nature of an action mmo put the nail in the cc coffin. Why worry about holds in an alert scenario where you have 2 minutes to kill the boss? Ego storm might be the exception, but it was pretty brutal back when it was good, and might have deserved it even on pve reasons. However, CC was dead way before that. And that was way before the situation we're in now, where we have to attack the bank and the museum for people to get XP. It's not so busted in regular quests, but yeah. Mini-mines still works for those. Actually, pve caused those to be nerfed. They hit HARD back in the day. Tractor beam, etc... Boss killer.
We've also got a new team that aren't the same people responsible for what broke all of it in the first place. So... Can we stop fighting over pvp vs rp and maybe unify on getting some of this stuff fixed? It's like a room full of people wanting a lot of the same stuff, but too busy pointing fingers to agree on what's busted. Seems silly, if you ask me.
Can we all agree that power creep is a thing and a few powers have been left in the dust? A few mechanics have been nerfed and then the rest of the game moved on? I could be nuts here, but I think that's basically the issue with a lot of our under-performing powers. They never got updated for alerts like some things did. It's no surprise that people are using either the powers that were buffed, the new powers, or the stuff that gives a flat bonus like ego surge.
I'm not even gonna go into the nighthawk powers. Boomerangs and strafing run? You can tell what was dropped in and then never touched again. PVP and RP did not cause that.
RIP Caine
Well, since I play CO ever since 2009 and that includes PVP, I can easily answer to this.
1. UTC cage is merely a team deathmatch. ****loads of FPS games have team deathmatch, including cage-themed matches. UTC is 0% original.
2. Quakeworld Custom Team Fortress. You can not only choose among 200 different weapons, but you can also choose your defense, your HP, your movement speed and even the height of your jumps.
3. Perfect World classes have WAY more different powers. While you can't have someone throwing fire and lightning bolts at the same time - except for the mage, whose powers are element-based - you have many possible combinations for each class.
4. You got point here.
5. And nobody every thought of using NTTG on you? Fancy.
6. The game was always lame before PVP was gone. I remember that when the game went F2P many people complained that "CO is over now that it's free for all".
7. PVE was only prejudiced when alerts were introduced. However, you have a beautiful fallacy here. You ar implying that pvp was flawless and pve sucked, when the game was always pve-oriented and pvp was a minor part of it.
PVP was never devoid of toxic members who used copypaste exploit builds. First it was petmasters, then AoE whores, then CC lovers, and now what we have currently. I see two people fighting and it's almost like they are twins.
And before you use silly ad hominems on me instead of using actual arguments, I'm not a "frustrated player who gets beaten in pvp". I'm simply saying what I saw and see up until today. There is no one single day where one of those aforementioned toxic pvp pseudo-pros are arguing either among themselves or with someone else.
Call Maverick if you need a DPS help, or Combat Medic if you need a healer.
I am known for having extremely good or extremely bad luck with drops.
I've PvPed in CO's hero games quite a lot actually. When they were still active, it was pretty much all I did when I logged into the game. So basically daily, for a few years there. I occasionally even hop into BASH or ZA nowadays. So... you thought wrong.
But you have to live in the here and now, and face reality. Hero Games are dead, and nobody on the dev team has any interest in doing anything that benefits them directly.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
They are. Just not in Hero Games.
Feel free to get into as much RP-PVP as you feel like using private duels though, it works just fine there. No essay required.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
pvp that you can que for and it sends you to an instance where you pvp. Most of it is bugged and randomly kicks people out though. The only ones that work are the free-for-all one, and the zombie apocalypse one. The free-for-all one is basically just you volunteering to get stomped by min/max builds, and is generally won by taggers who don't even do most of the killing. The zombie one is fun though, I recommend it (it's not very active though, so you might be waiting for several hours with no pop).
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
I didn't need premades to kill everyone in that cage, call me a big mouth, but I entered cages alone sooo many times and I was killing Freeforms for a year with ATs, even my buddies were thinking that I was a freeform and I kept myself from telling them, I guess it was just natural for me, I am speaking of T2 and T3 not T4 (as an AT, then after a year I was FF). I also enjoyed premades a lot. I never wined about pvp except when I started, I admit that it was scary lol, I think I didn't enter the cage for a week, then I jumped into the fire and, I really enjoyed every aspect of it except for strongholds and bash, not as much as UTC, but still doing it, for something called "challenge". Actually I love it when I have indestructible duos like Pip and Snowball (for those who know how hard it was in T2 with those 2). I don't complain about people pwning every one, I like it, because I learn from them, I adapt myself whatever it takes. Now I won't answer anymore to people like you, always scratching to find something to contest, if it makes you happy, I tell you that: "You are sooo right"... not, but whatever. PVP is harcore in most games, maybe it's just not for your kind. I am done with this post.
What was said about some of the PVP'ers being toxic is spot on. The attitudes of some of them were deplorable and lead to the competitive environment being unnecessarily toxic. Not saying that all PVP'ers are/were like this and that Cryptic isn't partly to blame, but such attitudes certainly didn't help.
Putting all that aside a moment, there isn't a comfortable transition from PVE to PVP for absolutely everyone. Players with builds not optimized for the PVP metagame would find a tough time against players with builds that are. Pigeon-holing builds to perform well in that metagame is not something that I expect everyone to be comfortable doing either, seeing that retcons aren't exactly free, neither are they seamless processes. These factors work against PVP in this game in trying to be much more popular than it is in other games that where it's implemented better, especially if the game is designed for better implementation.
That's not to say that it's about damn time they fix the queues already.
NO posts in any of the PvP threads asking for things to be done since On Alert.
so PvP is hardcore in most games, you've played.
Pver's are a prime target for selling things too, as they try to max gear to get an advantage.
me, I like ZA, T1,t2,t3,t4. I had no problem with getting repeat killed.
I stopped doing it , due to it doing horrible things to my heartrate, causing arm tremors and uneven beats.
The game has changed, as it has changed it a lot of areas.
Get over it, as so many other people have had to get over other changes.
oh Look, the usual reponse to one of the "This is what I like in the game, fix it" .
when you find everyone is NOT agreeing with you.
Now I won't answer anymore to people like you, always scratching to find something to contest, if it makes you happy, I tell you that: "You are sooo right"... not, but whatever. PVP is hardcore in most games, maybe it's just not for your kind. I am done with this post.
You don't agree with me , so I'm gonna stop answering.
you want to do something useful for PvP, go to the Hero games section of the forums and read all the threads asking for improvements.
Then go to the suggestions section and read the ones in there.
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That is your opinion, it is one amongst many. What I find toxic, is anti pvp players coming on a pvp post and copying/paste the sentence of another player and saying that all pvpers are like that.
Some of us have been waiting for some serious attention towards PvP for years now. I wouldn't hold your breath.
By the way, this is general discussion, Hero games is further down.
here's one of mine;
I know it's not very good but at least I'm trying and making suggestions.
As I pointed out, this thread is your only posts, despite your long play time.
1. Go through the Hero Games section, ignoring the running arguments and joke threads.
see ALL the problems that need work and there are quite a lot.
My list in post12 isn't a joke. That's some of the things which need fixing.
2.Think about them and come up with reasonable, cheap, suggestions, which can be done by a very small dev team(12), on a very limited budget.
3.Write them up and put them in Suggestions, people will add their own comments, saying good and bad.
if you're not willing to have everyone comment on your posts from everyone, then I have bad news for you. Anyone can post on any threads.
Chalupaoffury and hinkypunk do Pvp, get in contact with them,for organized time to make queues.
also join the Pvp channel, not sure if it's called Pvp or COpvp
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It's not really that much of an "opinion" as it is observed fact. The nature of PvP attracts those kinds of toxic players. Note I didn't say that PvPers were toxic, just that toxic types were attracted to that kind of "one on one I'M THE BEST" stuff. Mostly trash talkers and epeen wavers.