Announcing: The Great PvP Tournament!
There will be a Grand PvP Extravaganza coming to Millennium City!
This event will take place over several different days. During this time there will be several small tournaments umbrella'd under one larger "tournament" season.
These small events will have specific rules that contestants must follow in order to compete in them. There will be prizes for each tournament as well as larger prizes for overall performance at the end of the Tournament Season. The specific rules for the overall Tournament Season and the specific events will be laid out in the
very near future.
Examples for
some of these Tournaments would be
level limits (i.e. Under 23 only),
specific passives only (i.e. offensive passives only Tournament),
Gear specific Tournaments (Samurai, Armadillo, or Cyber gear only), or
Team tournaments (which can also have further specific rules). Lastly, there will be a few "
Anything goes" events.
Only a Player's best performances at the end of the Tournament season will count towards their standings at the end of the PvP season (how many events you need to qualify is TBD). Therefore, if you miss events you will still be able to compete for first place at the end of the season, and if you wish to not participate or do poorly in a few events, you will not be eliminated.
What you can do to help RIGHT NOW
Please give us your suggestions!
> Where would you like to have the tournaments held?
> What kind of events would you like to see (or not see) and be interested competing in?
> Do you have any concerns or ideas to make things run smoothly?
> What sort of prizes would you like to see or would compel you to enter?
> Would you like to help or be involved as an observer or official of some kind?
Make a post and let us know!
As of now, the rules for the tournament and the specific rules for the events are being finalized, but this is your chance to chime in, and to spread the word! Let spread some holiday cheer with a few well placed holds and crits! :biggrin:
I could also help in any way you need me to, I'm @redsymbol in game.
Part of the idea of having multiple smaller tournaments that go towards an overall standing is so the events can be held at different times. That way, players all over the world can compete
The pros are coming.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Awesome! I will help in any way I can when I'm on.
I ran The Cosmic Key Event earlier this year, had a good turn out for all three parts, particularly the PvP part of the event.
I was helped by a PvPer (oobtree) to enforce the rules of no device using and everyone seemed to take to that pretty well.
I held the PvP tournament part of the event in the Arena part of the Powerhouse, as it can be used for team pvping outside of the five arenas.
I'd be happy to help out if you haven't already got a list of people to assist.
The link I've put in this post has a link to the 2013 event as well as the prize lists they both had if you'd like an idea of prizes you might consider.
I know that items such as Depleted Uranium Cores, Vehicles (maybe not so much now), Cosmic Keys, Resources go down quite well.
If you feel like PMing me you can do so via forums of message me in game:
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I am @RavenForce in game
I'd like to see a melee only tournament (meaning the only way you're allowed to affect the other player in any way is with a power that is tagged melee, or lunges).
Caliga approves.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Oh, and I've always thought the Mystic Foundry would be a great place to have a dueling tourney, but I don't know if you can duel inside it or not. How about a magic-only tourney in there, or the offensive passive-only category?
The problem is with offensive passives only is that night warrior hands down beats other passives PvP wise. For the small damage loss to one damage type you get the damage increase to EVERYTHING and you get two new powers (stealth and shadow strike). Even if SS isn't allowed you generally have a massive upper hand with the passive over other offensive passives. And this is coming from someone who almost always uses offensive passives in PvP, usually trying to avoid using NW.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
The beginning of the end.
All player-run pvp in Champions Online must eventually come face to face with the monumental question....... how do we make this fair?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
We've hit the scissors rock paper dilemma I think. I'd be down for this.
RIP Caine
Agreed, then again, stealth becomes a problem, because no offensive passive without stealth can compete against an offensive passive build with smoke nade/EM, unless they have perception gear, which would turn this into a vet-only event.
That said, this has made me consider posting all the variations of rules that we are considering so that people can comment and discuss them BEFORE the actual tournament. I will try to do so tomorrow (even though I should be studying for finals instead. )