Crunched through a lot of coin trying to get the costume only to discover that it's completely useless for my intended purpose for seemingly no reason. I can have an Arcane tattooed face if I choose to wear a hat, but if I want to either have hair by way of "heads and hairs" or even "full masks" then I am out of luck. Now I don't want to be insulting, but seriously guys? You didn't think there would be a demand for hair and Arcane tattoos? REALLY?!
Bumping this thread. Please Cryptic take notice of the fact that the Arcane Tattoos was MOVED to the 'Hats & Helmets' section as to where it should be in the default section when you equip it aka 'Heads & Hairs' section.
Neither is there access to the 'Pattern' or 'Detail' parts.
Female > Tights & Skin > Arcane Tattoos > Metal > None/Basic
Looks like they got leather working, but not metal.
Is it usual for costume bugs that are this trivial to fix to go ignored for 3 months?
Very normal......see Victorian Skirt broken colour. It dates back to last January
And this was a piece that was made properly and THEN broken after a few weeks.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Lol so true.
Neither is there access to the 'Pattern' or 'Detail' parts.