Basically, I'm stuck. While the obvious is, of course, a robot or construct or whatever, I'd rather go somewhat out of the box for this next AT. So, anyone have ideas for something that would fit the Automaton's powerset?
...and I swear, if anyone says Robot then the Nightmare shall eat your children and your children's children!
For an Automaton, you'll need fists that can come loose non-traumatically. There was an old comic book about a gent named Captain Marvel - no, not that one - not that one either - who could make bits of his body fly off by shouting, "SPLIT!" The cover I saw at showed him using this to attack the Bat. (As the caption on the image noted, this title was almost entirely composed of borderline copyright violations...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
For an Automaton, you'll need fists that can come loose non-traumatically. There was an old comic book about a gent named Captain Marvel - no, not that one - not that one either - who could make bits of his body fly off by shouting, "SPLIT!" The cover I saw at showed him using this to attack the Bat. (As the caption on the image noted, this title was almost entirely composed of borderline copyright violations...)
Strange as it is, my first idea was a Hoss Delgado homage.
I'm going to remake one of my characters, Scrapheap, into an automaton AT.
Basically, after all the great battles between heroes and villains finish, the government sends in a special clean-up crew to collect the bits of super technology that are damaged or discarded by the heroes and villains that used them. These lost marvels of dangerous technology are taken to a secret scrap yard, to be recycled or disposed of. Within this scrap yard, an A.I. Unit gains sentience and begins collecting pieces of scrapped tech to build himself a new body. He then becomes the superhero, Scrapheap.
Hey there, if your just looking for the concept to base the character on and like Hoss you can have my idea. You were a good cop, investigating a series of hi tech thefts when you got taken down hard. A kidnapped scientist who was being forced to work on "living technology" performs a life saving operation fusing one half of his living android's body to your devastated carcass. You and the android share one complete and total trait, a stubborn refusal to die. You help him to escape and both you, the android and the scientist share a very secret pact.
Concept wise I never chose a powerset as I had gone Silver already but simply try to match the powers to the mechanical side of the body.
Basically, I'm stuck. While the obvious is, of course, a robot or construct or whatever, I'd rather go somewhat out of the box for this next AT. So, anyone have ideas for something that would fit the Automaton's powerset?
...and I swear, if anyone says Robot then the Nightmare shall eat your children and your children's children!
You want "out of the box," I have a suggestion.
Collective human imagination has caused several different "Imaginal Realms" to coalesce out of the Astral Plane surrounding Earth. One of these is called Babylon, "the City of Man," a mosaic of all the great cities in human history, past and present, real or imagined. The PnP source book The Mystic World describes Babylon in detail, and pp. 37-38 mentions one of the unique species native to that dimension:
"This magical race is analogous to the elves of Faerie. The conurbites live TV-commercial lives of glamor and conspicuous consumption. They look mostly human; some of them sport "cyborg" machine parts, and their skin has a plastic sheen.
Like the faerie-folk, conurbites possess innate abilities. Conurbite powers usually deal with controlling or reshaping matter. Each one also has a special attack form based on an appliance, such as "morphing" a hand into an electric carving knife or a super-powerful blow dryer. The conurbite race is very new, and hasn't found its final form yet."
Since conurbites are still evolving as a species, you have leeway to customize the appearance and powers of a particular one to suit your needs. Keep in mind that Babylon is a product of the imagination, so popular concepts of robots/ androids/ cyborgs may influence their evolution.
How about mommy / daddy's little angel decides to play with their super "toys"? I wonder what this button does... *explosions*
A holy statue comes to life that rains divine light down upon their enemies.
Some jerk runs over poor Fido downtown. A random scientist decides to save the dog, giving it some upgrades. Every time Fido barks, a satillite is hacked. Upgrades not perfect.
A construction worker with the latest gear in building and demolishing in MC. Fancy arm exoskeliton allows for cutting materials to the proper size. Carving out the ground for new buildings has never been easier. *Construct Co. has issued a recall on exoarm units to repair faulty hand moduels that detatch violently.
Back to the initial topic, with a couple more suggestions.
Gadroon robot, with faulty programming or deliberately reprogrammed. The Gadroon have some pretty sophisticated artificially-intelligent robots, some with variable-configuration weaponry and other "superpowers." Such advanced ones are difficult to create, though, so the Gadroon don't have many of them. The one example provided looks like a human-size, rather robotic Gadroon. (Saying more about that could be a major spoiler.)
Lemurian golem. Not usually free-willed, but an experiment could have gotten out of control and developed not only consciousness, but conscience. Lemurian design esthetic for humanoid golems runs toward animated suits of baroquely ornate plate armor with an internal ignaetium furnace for power, standing out from most technological robots.
Maybe I should steal this as a battle cry for Captain Punchfist...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I've also got SOMETHING in mind, but it might sound too farfetched. Effectively bringing back an old hero with revamped backstory and such to replace his gauntlet (which just housed a single claw) to one which basically holds all this special tech that forms into different weapons a la Hoss Delgado.
Some of you might remember Revenant.
Problem is coloring. The dark look fits with the silent vigilante, not some guy with a chainsaw arm.
CN should have made More Skins for the Cardboard Armor.
Like Candy Dispenser, Soda Dispenser, Ice Machine, Oven, Fridge, ATM, Washing Machine etc.
So we could have Ironing Man and Washing Machine.....:biggrin:
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
well, i had an idea... probably a stupid idea but, still an idea:
What about a hightech nanotechnological (or some alien thecnology, if you prefer) liquid power armor? Like, think in something like a mix of Spiderman's simbiosis and T-1000 from Terminator. Then you could choose between a armor with a visual more organic, but metalic, or it could change for form for something more conventional, like a normal power armor.
Well, is a weird idea, but, at least is not a robot :biggrin:
well, i had an idea... probably a stupid idea but, still an idea:
What about a hightech nanotechnological (or some alien thecnology, if you prefer) liquid power armor? Like, think in something like a mix of Spiderman's simbiosis and T-1000 from Terminator. Then you could choose between a armor with a visual more organic, but metalic, or it could change for form for something more conventional, like a normal power armor.
Well, is a weird idea, but, at least is not a robot :biggrin:
I've used something similar for characters myself in the past. Relatively close to Champions Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy is the territory of a monstrous race which Mankind will one day call Xenovores. Their technology makes heavy use of semi-organic nanites in manufacturing and construction. In the official CU timeline humanity won't make formal contact with the Xenovores for a few more centuries (thankfully), but a lost canister of nanites might have fallen to Earth. These alien gadgets tend to have weird interactions with humans who come in contact with them (as per comic-book origins).
For an Automaton, you'll need fists that can come loose non-traumatically.
Well .. there's no fun in that at all.
You want to be different .. go the opposite root .. something that looses parts as traumatically as possible. No more rocket punch .. screaming blood fist! :biggrin:
Well .. there's no fun in that at all.
You want to be different .. go the opposite root .. something that looses parts as traumatically as possible. No more rocket punch .. screaming blood fist! :biggrin:
Dagnabit all to heck! Now I want to create a character called Screaming Blood Fist.... sigh.
There's a low level CU villain called Exo who doesn't use full power armor, he has only a partial exoskeleton.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Strange as it is, my first idea was a Hoss Delgado homage.
Basically, after all the great battles between heroes and villains finish, the government sends in a special clean-up crew to collect the bits of super technology that are damaged or discarded by the heroes and villains that used them. These lost marvels of dangerous technology are taken to a secret scrap yard, to be recycled or disposed of. Within this scrap yard, an A.I. Unit gains sentience and begins collecting pieces of scrapped tech to build himself a new body. He then becomes the superhero, Scrapheap.
Concept wise I never chose a powerset as I had gone Silver already but simply try to match the powers to the mechanical side of the body.
You want "out of the box," I have a suggestion.
Collective human imagination has caused several different "Imaginal Realms" to coalesce out of the Astral Plane surrounding Earth. One of these is called Babylon, "the City of Man," a mosaic of all the great cities in human history, past and present, real or imagined. The PnP source book The Mystic World describes Babylon in detail, and pp. 37-38 mentions one of the unique species native to that dimension:
"This magical race is analogous to the elves of Faerie. The conurbites live TV-commercial lives of glamor and conspicuous consumption. They look mostly human; some of them sport "cyborg" machine parts, and their skin has a plastic sheen.
Like the faerie-folk, conurbites possess innate abilities. Conurbite powers usually deal with controlling or reshaping matter. Each one also has a special attack form based on an appliance, such as "morphing" a hand into an electric carving knife or a super-powerful blow dryer. The conurbite race is very new, and hasn't found its final form yet."
Since conurbites are still evolving as a species, you have leeway to customize the appearance and powers of a particular one to suit your needs. Keep in mind that Babylon is a product of the imagination, so popular concepts of robots/ androids/ cyborgs may influence their evolution.
"Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."
Yup, I'm going to convert my Clown "Gagsworth" to the new AT. Why.. because it amuses me.
Replace "clobber" with "fist" in that sentence. :biggrin:
I don't have kids. Sucker.
How about mommy / daddy's little angel decides to play with their super "toys"? I wonder what this button does... *explosions*
A holy statue comes to life that rains divine light down upon their enemies.
Some jerk runs over poor Fido downtown. A random scientist decides to save the dog, giving it some upgrades. Every time Fido barks, a satillite is hacked. Upgrades not perfect.
A construction worker with the latest gear in building and demolishing in MC. Fancy arm exoskeliton allows for cutting materials to the proper size. Carving out the ground for new buildings has never been easier. *Construct Co. has issued a recall on exoarm units to repair faulty hand moduels that detatch violently.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Um, yeah, you might want to be careful when and where you use that expression. :rolleyes:
Gadroon robot, with faulty programming or deliberately reprogrammed. The Gadroon have some pretty sophisticated artificially-intelligent robots, some with variable-configuration weaponry and other "superpowers." Such advanced ones are difficult to create, though, so the Gadroon don't have many of them. The one example provided looks like a human-size, rather robotic Gadroon. (Saying more about that could be a major spoiler.)
Lemurian golem. Not usually free-willed, but an experiment could have gotten out of control and developed not only consciousness, but conscience. Lemurian design esthetic for humanoid golems runs toward animated suits of baroquely ornate plate armor with an internal ignaetium furnace for power, standing out from most technological robots.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I've also got SOMETHING in mind, but it might sound too farfetched. Effectively bringing back an old hero with revamped backstory and such to replace his gauntlet (which just housed a single claw) to one which basically holds all this special tech that forms into different weapons a la Hoss Delgado.
Some of you might remember Revenant.
Problem is coloring. The dark look fits with the silent vigilante, not some guy with a chainsaw arm.
I suspected that might be the case. Well, if you're acquainted with any lesbians, you might ask for an explanation. Diplomatically.
Like Candy Dispenser, Soda Dispenser, Ice Machine, Oven, Fridge, ATM, Washing Machine etc.
So we could have Ironing Man and Washing Machine.....:biggrin:
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
If it's good for Mountain Dew, it's good for you.
But seriously, it actually works in CU. A spirit from Babylon could be doing it.
What about a hightech nanotechnological (or some alien thecnology, if you prefer) liquid power armor? Like, think in something like a mix of Spiderman's simbiosis and T-1000 from Terminator. Then you could choose between a armor with a visual more organic, but metalic, or it could change for form for something more conventional, like a normal power armor.
Well, is a weird idea, but, at least is not a robot :biggrin:
I've used something similar for characters myself in the past. Relatively close to Champions Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy is the territory of a monstrous race which Mankind will one day call Xenovores. Their technology makes heavy use of semi-organic nanites in manufacturing and construction. In the official CU timeline humanity won't make formal contact with the Xenovores for a few more centuries (thankfully), but a lost canister of nanites might have fallen to Earth. These alien gadgets tend to have weird interactions with humans who come in contact with them (as per comic-book origins).
Well .. there's no fun in that at all.
You want to be different .. go the opposite root .. something that looses parts as traumatically as possible. No more rocket punch .. screaming blood fist! :biggrin:
Dagnabit all to heck! Now I want to create a character called Screaming Blood Fist.... sigh.
On the Left is Holo Hex and 90s tights in metal. On the Right is Holo Hex in leather. Which do you think looks better?