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Detect Vulnerability + DUC? Other questions as well..

thewinxfairythewinxfairy Posts: 70 Arc User
edited September 2014 in Power Discussion
hey guys!

As the title states, I'm wondering if Detect Vulnerability with a Depleted Uranium Core is viable? Currently, the tooltip says that Detect Vulnerability grants 32%ish percent penetration, if that information is needed.

Also, is 60% crit severity like super bad? I mean, I know it's low and was wondering if it's even worth spending 2 spec points on it.

Last question, since I'm going for an AoPM Force Cascade Spam/Bubble Support, will the Concentration additive bonus have a more profound effect since I'm not going with an Offensive Energy Form passive?

Thanks for the help!
Post edited by thewinxfairy on


  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    hey guys!

    As the title states, I'm wondering if Detect Vulnerability with a Depleted Uranium Core is viable? Currently, the tooltip says that Detect Vulnerability grants 32%ish percent penetration, if that information is needed.

    Both of those are not reducing resistance below 0%, and since there are not many targets in pve that have more than 32% resistance, a DUC is not very useful... except for in the two non vehicle rampage alerts.
    Also, is 60% crit severity like super bad? I mean, I know it's low and was wondering if it's even worth spending 2 spec points on it.

    With INT primary and AoPM you can easily get a fairly high crit chance, so two adv points for 10% more severity is a good investment. Also depending on what heals you want to use, crits is a very good way to improve healing. If you plan on ever getting justice gear that severity will get a bit better.
    Last question, since I'm going for an AoPM Force Cascade Spam/Bubble Support, will the Concentration additive bonus have a more profound effect since I'm not going with an Offensive Energy Form passive?

    Thanks for the help!

    That depends how much int or ego you plan on getting, and on what build you are comparing to. Energy forms with cascade does not work well, since cascade eats those. So there would not be an additive bonus from the passive. But when you compare to quarry (probably the best pick for a cascade dps build), that one adds a bonus to both int and ego too. And if you want to make a support build, you will likely focus a bit less on int or ego than a full out dps build.

    Most AoPM builds can get a little more noticeable bonus from forms in the end, than other builds, but don't count on that being a huge difference.
  • thewinxfairythewinxfairy Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks for your reply!

    Now you got me questioning whether to go Primary Int or not. I'm burnt out of farming Justice Gear tokens, but eventually I'll re-join the grind.
    Right now the target Int is 430ish with AoPM bonus, which according to the gift horse thread, grants a 17% per stack of concentration. I'm under the impression concentration stacks will have a profound impact on AoPM since the passive doesn't grant any damage bonus, hence diminishing returns taking less of a toll on AoPM builds.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Diminishing returns start at 100% or so, without AoPM I get 77% from SS alone. With AoPM you'll get higher than that, so just a few concentration stacks will push you into DR. While AoPM indeed makes forms perform a bit better, it will not nearly make up for a dps passive and role.

    And int is a good primary, particularly for AoPM, since it has specs that improve the stat bonuses.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,874 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Right now the target Int is 430ish with AoPM bonus, which according to the gift horse thread, grants a 17% per stack of concentration. I'm under the impression concentration stacks will have a profound impact on AoPM since the passive doesn't grant any damage bonus, hence diminishing returns taking less of a toll on AoPM builds.

    AoPM effectively gives additive bonus dmg like an Offense passive does, by increasing the additive dmg bonus from higher SS's (yellow text in the char sheet), and also having a smaller effect on the additive ranged/melee bonuses from higher Ego/Str (white text in the sheet).

    Main thing ur missing going from Quarry to AoPM would be the ability to use the Ranged role's 25% multiplicative dmg bonus (and better energy from end building, which may or may not matter for a FC-spam build); Quarry also has some dodge/avoidance, while AoPM gives ya a bit more health, bonus healing, and knock resist.

    Ranged Physical, which is FC's type, will get a high resist penalty from Gravi's KM (and ofc from Fire & Ice's innate high resist), so if those 2 fights in particular are a high priority, then a DUC may not be a waste w/ a build using detect Invlun (def would be in most other content, though).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • thewinxfairythewinxfairy Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    once again, thanks for the replies.
    I've been tweaking the build with different combinations of Super Stats, and it seems the more I try to make FC hit a little harder, the more I ditch my Bubbles support. Seems like it'll never leave the PTS testing. I probably should start a new thread in regards to the build itself =p
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    once again, thanks for the replies.
    I've been tweaking the build with different combinations of Super Stats, and it seems the more I try to make FC hit a little harder, the more I ditch my Bubbles support. Seems like it'll never leave the PTS testing. I probably should start a new thread in regards to the build itself =p

    Or you can just ask me in-game :wink:
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