Trying to rework my INT CON PRE healtank to heal faster, be tougher, without sacrificing damage- or even improving it.
PowerHouse (Link to this build)Name: OmniheartArchetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Presence (Primary)Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)Talents:Level 1:Level 6:Level 9:Level 12:Level 15:Level 18:Level 21:Powers:Level 1: Psi LashLevel 1: Shadow of Doubt (Rank 2, Crippling Challenge)Level 6: Mind Break (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 8: DefianceLevel 11: CompassionLevel 14: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 17: Iniquity (Rank 2, Justice)Level 20: Mental Storm (Challenging Strikes)Level 23: Molecular Self-AssemblyLevel 26: Mental Leech (Rank 2, Rank 3, Challenging Strikes)Level 29: Ego Storm (Rank 2, Malevolent Manifestation)Level 32: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)Level 35: Masterful DodgeLevel 38: Ego Sleep (Nailed to the Ground)Travel Powers:Level 6: Flight (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2)Specializations:Presence: Dominion (2/2)Presence: Grandeur (3/3)Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)Presence: Force of Will (2/2)Sentinel: Torment (2/2)Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)Sentinel: Wither (2/2)Overseer: Administer (3/3)Overseer: Ruthless (2/2)Overseer: Trapped (3/3)Overseer: Enhanced Gear (2/3)Mastery: Sentinel Mastery (1/1)
what I'm considering so far.
Telekinetic Maelstrom on the other hand vvill trigger Sentinel Mastery and it very easy to tap (Hovvever it does have problems on the lag front for a number of players thus using it can prove tricky)
Shadovv of Doubt (CC) is abit of a tricky one alone to hold threat vvith, At least I found it so. (The CC is only applied on Cast instead of on Tick). Have you tried looking into using a faster CC attack (Such as Telekinetic Assault or And this one I am not 100% on as I have not tried it yet but Ego Blast+Adv although broken I have heard it can act abit like Ice Blast through tapping But I have not looked into that idea myself so I am not quite sure myself)
Less important but one that could vvork for you, is changing Defiance for AoRP, VVith so many short cooldovvns MSA+Compassion should give enough Energy I think, and AoRP just alvvays seemed like the best Healing/Tank idea to me, But then again if you vvant to run in the tanking Role Defiance is most likely still your best choice.
But if you are in hybrid role (using Protector Specs) you can take Adv of the Healing bonus + that vvould give more damage in itself.
Also I vvould take those points out of Mental Leech and put them into Mental Storm, Mental Leech does tiny damage compared to Mental Storm, I really mean tiny. (about 15-17% of Mental Storm)
Shadovv of Doubt does about 5% more than Leech (vvhen looking at Single Target DPS).
Anyvvay I do hope this helps even alittle, Good luck
P.s. I just had a quick look over again there and..are you aimming for PvP or PvE vvith this build?
If you are Aimming at PvP Then I am sorry I never noticed :P