Shatter isn't really worth the trouble, imo- the sheer power of ice blast/hard frost and avalanche overpowers even optimally setup shatters. Firesnake could optimize the build further, but if it has to be rejected for the theme then that's fine. Ditching Shatter, ya dun really need cold snap for hard frost/tap builds, so if ya want a diff passive for better defenses ya could always pick something else. It does help ice barrier a bit, but that's not a huge deal, imo.
Also, I'd pick Focused Strikes over Modified Gear- in fact for hard frost you'd prob want to max it. 20% extra offense from items isn't really that much for most gearing setups to drop the flat crit% for. I'd also put Concentration, Conviction, and MSA earlier if leveling w/ this build.
Updated with feedback, less basic ice, still should be able to recolor to stay thematic. Brought in Stormbringer for crushing resistance then took it back out because of firesnake and rimefire. Not sure what would work better defensively as an offensive passive with these abilities.
Yup, firesnake can work colored blue or light blue- more like a 'mistsnake' then, I guess.
If you are using firesnake and rimefire, then yea Ice or Fiery Form would be the most dps. Stormbringer wouldn't be much behind, though; it'd def be the choice if you planned on fighting Gravitar heavily w/ this build.
Quarry could also be good w/ decent enough Int, but its dodge-based defenses aren't as good as they used to be.. There's also Nightwarrior for a stealthy version that's a bit better of defensively than the others, but wouldn't really make sense from a theme standpoint. Rest of the picks for slotted passives would be defense or support ones that would be better off defensively, but would much more impact ur dps as you'd have to also be in the Hybrid role over Ranged role.
I'd say just stick w/ Ice (or Fiery) Form for now, and if survival is becoming an issue then maybe consider other options down the line.
Also, I'd pick Focused Strikes over Modified Gear- in fact for hard frost you'd prob want to max it. 20% extra offense from items isn't really that much for most gearing setups to drop the flat crit% for. I'd also put Concentration, Conviction, and MSA earlier if leveling w/ this build.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Ah, but can the firesnake power be recolored blue to become a Frostsnake?
PowerHouse (Link to this build)
Name: Zero Cool
Archetype: Freeform
Super Stats:
Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)
Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
Level 15: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 1: The Glacier
Level 6: Acrobat
Level 9: Coordinated
Level 12: Healthy Mind
Level 15: Covert Ops Training
Level 18: Field Ops Training
Level 21: Survival Training
Level 1: Ice Shards
Level 1: Ice Blast (Rank 2, Hard Frost)
Level 6: Ice Form (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Concentration
Level 11: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 14: Molecular Self-Assembly
Level 17: Wall of Ice (Rank 2)
Level 20: Avalanche (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 23: Ice Shield (Rank 2)
Level 26: Fire Snake (Trail Blazer)
Level 29: Rimefire Burst (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 32: Ice Barrier (Rank 2, Rank 3, Frigid Freedom)
Level 35: Masterful Dodge
Level 38: Ice Cage (Sub-Zero Cellblock)
Travel Powers:
Level 6: Ice Slide (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Athletics (Rank 2)
Dexterity: Gear Utilization (3/3)
Dexterity: Power Swell (2/2)
Dexterity: Deadly Aim (3/3)
Dexterity: Expose Weakness (2/2)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (2/3)
Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
Vindicator: Focused Strikes (3/3)
Vindicator: Mass Destruction (2/3)
Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)
If you are using firesnake and rimefire, then yea Ice or Fiery Form would be the most dps. Stormbringer wouldn't be much behind, though; it'd def be the choice if you planned on fighting Gravitar heavily w/ this build.
Quarry could also be good w/ decent enough Int, but its dodge-based defenses aren't as good as they used to be.. There's also Nightwarrior for a stealthy version that's a bit better of defensively than the others, but wouldn't really make sense from a theme standpoint. Rest of the picks for slotted passives would be defense or support ones that would be better off defensively, but would much more impact ur dps as you'd have to also be in the Hybrid role over Ranged role.
I'd say just stick w/ Ice (or Fiery) Form for now, and if survival is becoming an issue then maybe consider other options down the line.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!