Hi, I don't have any nemesis clues in my inventory or in my bank, but the minions just aren't showing up at all to give any clues. When I do Nemcon and defeat my nem, no clues drop there, either.
My journal is also showing no nem missions. What am I missing?
Check your mission log and see if you had auto-picked a part of a nemesis mission chain. Sometimes a new nem mission is given after you finish a nem mission.
Either your luck is bad or someone else has picked up your clue instead in a Nemesis Alert and hasn't discarded it yet.
That actually is possible?
I know you get "blank" clues in Nemesis Alerts, but it prevents someone elses progress if you keep it in your bag?
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Just a quick test to this, since they fixed minions to show up now in the nem creator, edit your nemesis by giving him/her new type of minions, powers, aura, and just something enough to change of their costume that would then make you pay for the changes. It is a blunder why they don't show yet you have your nem show in NemCon and no one else has a mission nor is your nemesis in jail or anything that prevents minions or clues to drop.
Just a quick test to this, since they fixed minions to show up now in the nem creator, edit your nemesis by giving him/her new type of minions, powers, aura, and just something enough to change of their costume that would then make you pay for the changes.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Btw, I tried your suggestion and nothing.
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How a Wrestling Power Set Can Work
That actually is possible?
I know you get "blank" clues in Nemesis Alerts, but it prevents someone elses progress if you keep it in your bag?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Handle: @drgmstr
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Holy cow! It worked! Thank you!