Hi guys, been playing around with a Freeform Slot, using Night Warrior.
It's mostly ranged so far, as I found Ricochet Throw really quite good. I'm still low level, so right now I got: Boomerang Toss, Ricochet Throw, Bolas, Night Warrior, Evasive Maneuvers, Molecular Reassmbly. Currently playing as Ranged DPS.
If I'm staying Ranged DPS, is the best Superstats DEX as Primary, Int and Ego as Secondaries?
I ask because not sure if the Dodge Nerf changed the dynamics enough to make EGO Primary.
I'm also considering if it's worth developing Unarmed Martial Arts to make it a Dodge Tank, at which point I'll probably go DEX as Primary, Int and Con as Secondaries? Or is it too much to switch roles between a Night Warrior and a Dodge Tank?
DEX/Con/Int is a solid setup for both ranged and melee.
I have come to prefer EGO/Con/Rec or Dex on ranged, depending on energy issues.
As secondary superstats, I don't ever feel it would be necessary to include both Ego and Int. Reason being, as a secondary stat, the main purpose for it would be to fuel Concentration. Since Int has the added bonus of being an energy stat, I would choose it over Ego every time. Primary EGO is where it shines though, because Insight turns it into an energy stat on top of everything else, which is one of the reasons I can afford to go EGO/Con/Dex on Munitions toons, or toons that use AoPM.
I'm not a big fan of dodge, other than Masterful Dodge, so I can't really give any insight on how effective it is for a second passive dodge toon.
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Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.
Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...
Now that's interesting, I had noticed I may need 1 melee single-target attack. Y'know, I Stealth, Ricochet Throw, 1 tough guy from a mob doesn't keep over, he comes at me bro, so I got to put him down and at that point it's melee.
So DEX/Con/Int for both ranged and melee seems great for gameplay (and character reasons).
What's more, my previous and still primary Freeform -is- EGO/Con/Int, but what you mentioned is making me re-evaluate Ego/Con/Dex. In fact, he's A.R.N.I.E. in my sig, and he is a Munitions Dual Pistols toon. I'll check this out.
Very interesting. Not only did you answer the question I asked, you answered the one I hadn't.
Ego/Con/Int makes sense. On such a build, focus on Int over Ego to raise Defence with Force of Will and Crit with Sixth Sense while getting cooldown reduction at the same time.
The main thing about Pri Ego is that you need to cover severity rating - either with Legion's Piercing or Justice Precision.
Yeah, if using Ego PSS, I'd trade Int 2ndary for Dex 2ndary. To me there are a few great ranged dps SS setups for most FFs:
DEX/Int/Con or DEX/Ego/Con
MSA and Quarry would make me favor the setups w/ Int, whereas EU's that scale off Ego would make me favor Ego over Int. W/o those factors (or w/ both) ya could go either way- but they're all potentially very good.
INT/End/Con (or INT/End/Dex)
^ Also works for me (Int PSS + Prep allows End to increase ur equilibrium), but I'd only take this if using a build that had an End-scaling EU and/or was using an energy-hog as its primary attack. Although it'll have lower health or crit rate than the other setups, Enlightened means you'll get upto 30% more return from gearing any extra non-SS's on the side, to help make up for it.
Oh, and as to ur MA/dodge-based tank setup: its not really worth taking Dex PSS, imo, if you skip out on either Expose Weakness or Deadly Aim, esp since the dodge/avoid based choices aren't particularly great. At that point, if you want more dodge scaling from Dex, ya mine as well take Con PSS instead, as its version of dodge is stronger, and you'll get Adren Rush heals and knock resist w/o needing Strength as well- those can be handy for an MA tank using a Focus toggle. CON/Dex/Int would prob be the SS setup I'd use for something like that.
I have come to prefer EGO/Con/Rec or Dex on ranged, depending on energy issues.
As secondary superstats, I don't ever feel it would be necessary to include both Ego and Int. Reason being, as a secondary stat, the main purpose for it would be to fuel Concentration. Since Int has the added bonus of being an energy stat, I would choose it over Ego every time. Primary EGO is where it shines though, because Insight turns it into an energy stat on top of everything else, which is one of the reasons I can afford to go EGO/Con/Dex on Munitions toons, or toons that use AoPM.
I'm not a big fan of dodge, other than Masterful Dodge, so I can't really give any insight on how effective it is for a second passive dodge toon.
Remember: Half the people you know are below average...
Do not correct a fool, for he will hate you for it. Correct a wise man, for he will appreciate you for it.
Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...
Handle @brayv
Now that's interesting, I had noticed I may need 1 melee single-target attack. Y'know, I Stealth, Ricochet Throw, 1 tough guy from a mob doesn't keep over, he comes at me bro, so I got to put him down and at that point it's melee.
So DEX/Con/Int for both ranged and melee seems great for gameplay (and character reasons).
What's more, my previous and still primary Freeform -is- EGO/Con/Int, but what you mentioned is making me re-evaluate Ego/Con/Dex. In fact, he's A.R.N.I.E. in my sig, and he is a Munitions Dual Pistols toon. I'll check this out.
Very interesting. Not only did you answer the question I asked, you answered the one I hadn't.
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The main thing about Pri Ego is that you need to cover severity rating - either with Legion's Piercing or Justice Precision.
DEX/Int/Con or DEX/Ego/Con
MSA and Quarry would make me favor the setups w/ Int, whereas EU's that scale off Ego would make me favor Ego over Int. W/o those factors (or w/ both) ya could go either way- but they're all potentially very good.
INT/End/Con (or INT/End/Dex)
^ Also works for me (Int PSS + Prep allows End to increase ur equilibrium), but I'd only take this if using a build that had an End-scaling EU and/or was using an energy-hog as its primary attack. Although it'll have lower health or crit rate than the other setups, Enlightened means you'll get upto 30% more return from gearing any extra non-SS's on the side, to help make up for it.
Oh, and as to ur MA/dodge-based tank setup: its not really worth taking Dex PSS, imo, if you skip out on either Expose Weakness or Deadly Aim, esp since the dodge/avoid based choices aren't particularly great. At that point, if you want more dodge scaling from Dex, ya mine as well take Con PSS instead, as its version of dodge is stronger, and you'll get Adren Rush heals and knock resist w/o needing Strength as well- those can be handy for an MA tank using a Focus toggle. CON/Dex/Int would prob be the SS setup I'd use for something like that.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
The World Sojourner DPS/Energy chart was very useful in the past, btw, thx also for that.
I'm also noticing the Crit vs. Dodge Tank issue. It's like you can do one or the other, not both.
Thx, guys.
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