Yeah, if Affleck is going to do well as Batman, he needs to stop that "acting as himself" method because it hasn't worked in any film I've seen him in. The guy's terrible.
Details are rather murky, but I get a Frank Miller vibe from that suit. Zach Snyder's idea, no doubt.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Gail Simone was wondering on Twitter why Bruce Wayne was wearing Catman's outfit. She added a pic with the suit colored orange to make her point.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
The bat ears on the costume look too short. If they remedy that then I'd have no issues with the look.
I'll reserve judgement about Affleck until I actually see the movie. At least this version of Batman won't be doing the GUUURRRRR SWEAAR TO MEEEE voice right?......Well I hope so.
Precisely. How am I supposed to feel confident about Batman when the guy they picked sucks in everything he's in?
Paycheck, Goodwill Hunting, The Town, Argo and Dogma where all great. Half of the stuff he is in unwatchable while the other half is awesome . You dont have a middle ground its either rubbish or awesome.
Man of Steel was a great movie ( and shut up you guys Supes has killed Zod at least half a dozen times in the comic books. Supes doesnt have a no kill rule " ) Man of Steel 2 should be interesting as its having Batman as the antagonist it seems, most likely asked to deal with this Kryptonian "threat" because of what happened to Metropolis in the last film. Lest be honest here Supes did cause at least a 3rd of the damage there >_>
Seems they are taking risks with this new movie and thats always a good thing.
Lets just forget about Daredevil :P
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Paycheck, Goodwill Hunting, The Town, Argo and Dogma where all great. Half of the stuff he is in unwatchable while the other half is awesome . You dont have a middle ground its either rubbish or awesome.
Man of Steel was a great movie ( and shut up you guys Supes has killed Zod at least half a dozen times in the comic books. Supes doesnt have a no kill rule " ) Man of Steel 2 should be interesting as its having Batman as the antagonist it seems, most likely asked to deal with this Kryptonian "threat" because of what happened to Metropolis in the last film. Lest be honest here Supes did cause at least a 3rd of the damage there >_>
Seems they are taking risks with this new movie and thats always a good thing.
Lets just forget about Daredevil :P
The good movies Affleck was in, Affleck was not center stage. Ever notice that fact? Dogma in particular he was a side character.
As far as Man of Steel.... eh, I know what Supes has done and any person trying to deny Supes would kill is just silly. He's done it before he killed Zod in Superman 2 even. However, that is not why I don't like it. Man of Steel was just terrible. It had bad pacing, the story was all over the place, and at too many common sense moments, common sense was thrown out of the window. As a super hero beat em up towards the end of the movie, it was awesome, but as a character story, it was pathetic and totally directionless. And don't get me started on Kevin Costner as Pa Kent, because his acting he never could properly portray his emotions or context as needed shifting in the same scene.
As far as Man of Steel.... eh, I know what Supes has done and any person trying to deny Supes would kill is just silly. He's done it before he killed Zod in Superman 2 even. However, that is not why I don't like it. Man of Steel was just terrible. It had bad pacing, the story was all over the place, and at too many common sense moments, common sense was thrown out of the window. As a super hero beat em up towards the end of the movie, it was awesome, but as a character story, it was pathetic and totally directionless. And don't get me started on Kevin Costner as Pa Kent, because his acting he never could properly portray his emotions or context as needed shifting in the same scene.
While I think Man of Steel was the best Superman movie to date, which isn't saying much of course, in my opinion...I do agree with you about it's flaws.
The pacing really broke the story...and the "common sense" issue you bring up was defintiely there.
The best part was when his mother was being threatened...and he decided to take on only one Kryptonian...and leave the others back there with his mom. Makes perfect sense.
As for the Batsuit here and the vehicle...the only thing I can say is that nothing will ever top the practical and realistic batsuit and vehicle of the Nolan movies, in my opinion.
While I think Man of Steel was the best Superman movie to date, which isn't saying much of course, in my opinion...I do agree with you about it's flaws.
The pacing really broke the story...and the "common sense" issue you bring up was defintiely there.
The best part was when his mother was being threatened...and he decided to take on only one Kryptonian...and leave the others back there with his mom. Makes perfect sense.
As for the Batsuit here and the vehicle...the only thing I can say is that nothing will ever top the practical and realistic batsuit and vehicle of the Nolan movies, in my opinion.
For me it was any of the flashback scenes, particularly with Pa Kent, he sits there and tells Clark how great he is but basically tells him not to do anything to be that great person. It's an obvious sign that two competing ideas in the same script were there. Pa Kent's death could have been done better and been a real character building moment as well, but instead it felt ham-fisted in, instead of something that would grow in dynamically. In the Reeves Superman, it was because Pa Kent suffered a fatal heart attack and Clark felt powerless despite all his powers, to save him. In Man of Steel it was just a hand held up and let me die moment for no adequate reason, in a situation that Clark could have prevented and no one would have been the wiser. It just felt too forced.
The same could be said about the character of Lois Lane. They start her out as this strong, independent woman, but she quickly falls into the dumbass in distress scenario almost within the same scenes even, and the movie just could not figure out what role she would be. She shifted from strong to in distress to strong again sometimes in the scope of the same scene, and at best she was there to just spout exposition that we, the audience, had already figured out at that point and comes off more insulting than developing a character.
Then there is Perry White. I love Laurence Fishbourne, he has a screen presence. But like pa Kent, his character shifted tones too fast in the same scenes creating a character that just made no sense because you had no idea what role he was suppose to actually play. He would be antagonistic one moment and nurturing the next. Again I say this is a pure sign that two people were just competing for ideas of how things were to be handled instead of coming to a proper solution for the story and direction.
Bartleby was a side character?? I don't think that phrase means the same thing to you as it does to most of us.
I haven't seen Argo yet, but given that his character was based on the man who wrote the book about the operation, I doubt he could properly be referred to as a "side character" either. (In fact, SAFTA would seem to side against you on this one; Affleck was nominated for "Best Lead Actor" for his role as Tony Mendez.)
I also haven't seen The Town, but judging from the IMDb page on it, looks like his character was pretty central there as well. (His nominations for that film were mostly for directing and screenwriting; there were nominations for the entire ensemble of actors, but the only one getting an individual nod was Jeremy Renner for Best Supporting Actor.)
In addition, your original contention was that Affleck "sucks in everything he's in". By changing that to "when he's a central player", you're rather moving the goalposts - and apparently still in error.
Me, I'm just remembering the furor when Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton was cast in Burton's Batman - and how a few years later, fans were insisting he had to keep playing the role because he was so good at it. I'll reserve judgment until I see Affleck under the cowl for myself.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Gail Simone was wondering on Twitter why Bruce Wayne was wearing Catman's outfit. She added a pic with the suit colored orange to make her point.
The only point that was made is that Catman's outfit is basically Batman coloured orange. I'm pretty sure Catman wasn't the inspiration behind the outfit.
I think it's obvious what the real inspiration is.......
Me, I'm just remembering the furor when Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton was cast in Burton's Batman - and how a few years later, fans were insisting he had to keep playing the role because he was so good at it. I'll reserve judgment until I see Affleck under the cowl for myself.
Bartleby was a side character?? I don't think that phrase means the same thing to you as it does to most of us.
The main character was the Fiorentino playing the scion. Affleck and Damon's characters were there to deliver the stories conflict and compound the over all theme of can God be wrong?
I haven't seen Argo yet, but given that his character was based on the man who wrote the book about the operation, I doubt he could properly be referred to as a "side character" either. (In fact, SAFTA would seem to side against you on this one; Affleck was nominated for "Best Lead Actor" for his role as Tony Mendez.)
I also haven't seen The Town, but judging from the IMDb page on it, looks like his character was pretty central there as well. (His nominations for that film were mostly for directing and screenwriting; there were nominations for the entire ensemble of actors, but the only one getting an individual nod was Jeremy Renner for Best Supporting Actor.)
In addition, your original contention was that Affleck "sucks in everything he's in". By changing that to "when he's a central player", you're rather moving the goalposts - and apparently still in error.
And many contend, myself included, that Emmy nominations aren't exactly gauges to be used as proof. Especially considering there are many candidates who actually deserved to be nominated that never have been. And many who have been nominated that baffle the minds (like Affleck).
Me, I'm just remembering the furor when Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton was cast in Burton's Batman - and how a few years later, fans were insisting he had to keep playing the role because he was so good at it. I'll reserve judgment until I see Affleck under the cowl for myself.
I never cared for Keaton as Batman/Bruce Wayne either and still never will. Not that Burton's Batman was anything to do with Batman.
Opinions will differ....essays on how much you can't stand Ben Affleck's acting will not stop me from watching the film and making up my own mind....and I suspect that goes for all of the folks that read this thread.
I like the texture of the suit. It's like the skin of some terrible mythical beast rather than obviously tights or armor. I could imagine how this would be used to frighten someone and cast doubts about Batman's humanity. I've always liked the stories where batman cultivates rumors that he's more than a man, that he may have supernatural powers. He'd need that advantage.
I hope he can turn his head. It looks like they've returned to a seamless cowl, but hopefully they've found a way to make it flexible enough for natural movement while concealing it.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
In addition, your original contention was that Affleck "sucks in everything he's in". By changing that to "when he's a central player", you're rather moving the goalposts - and apparently still in error.
Actually it was me that said he sucks in everything that he's been in, and I will hold to that contention. While movies he's been in may have been good, I've found that's largely independent of his performance which still leaves much to desired. He still has that same dry, wooden performance he always does that makes me want to reach into the screen and strangle him.
Oh, and frankly, award shows frequently baffle me when they nominate bad actors like Affleck.
Me, I'm just remembering the furor when Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton was cast in Burton's Batman - and how a few years later, fans were insisting he had to keep playing the role because he was so good at it. I'll reserve judgment until I see Affleck under the cowl for myself.
Except Keaton is actually a good actor. Affleck is not.
The costume is very reminiscence of Miller's Dark Knight Return. Snyder seems to have a thing for Miller's books.
It's actually refreshing to see something without armor plates.
Now, Snyder knows how to make comic books into movies.
Watchmen and Man of Steel were just fine, the 300 may be liked or not, but it's a fairly accurate movie adaptation of the source.
My scepticism with Affleck remains, but maybe the director can handle the movie even when the main lead is not the best one.
Batman's ears are too small and this Batman looks so depressed...
We just had and angry in yo face Batman with the Noland films now we will have a depressed Batman...
But as long as there will be no nipples then i am OK with it
A dead Mom, a might not be dead but EVIL Dad, a nutcase of a long lost bro, two dead sons and future son that will hate his face, a best freind that has only one lung but still continues to smoke cigars , several dead sidekicks, two dead girlfreinds, another girlfreind that keeps breaking into his places and stealing his s%$t and that super computer that he invented keeps trying to kill him.
I think he has earned the right to be depressed.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Ben Affleck is kinda "meh" in my book.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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The Batmobile looks like some variant of the tumbler with past vehicles.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I'll reserve judgement about Affleck until I actually see the movie. At least this version of Batman won't be doing the GUUURRRRR SWEAAR TO MEEEE voice right?......Well I hope so.
The problem with that argument is that Ben isn't a good actor while Heath was.
Its looks like an Updated version of The Dark Knight Returns outfit.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Precisely. How am I supposed to feel confident about Batman when the guy they picked sucks in everything he's in?
Paycheck, Goodwill Hunting, The Town, Argo and Dogma where all great. Half of the stuff he is in unwatchable while the other half is awesome . You dont have a middle ground its either rubbish or awesome.
Man of Steel was a great movie ( and shut up you guys Supes has killed Zod at least half a dozen times in the comic books. Supes doesnt have a no kill rule
Seems they are taking risks with this new movie and thats always a good thing.
Lets just forget about Daredevil :P
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
The good movies Affleck was in, Affleck was not center stage. Ever notice that fact? Dogma in particular he was a side character.
As far as Man of Steel.... eh, I know what Supes has done and any person trying to deny Supes would kill is just silly. He's done it before he killed Zod in Superman 2 even. However, that is not why I don't like it. Man of Steel was just terrible. It had bad pacing, the story was all over the place, and at too many common sense moments, common sense was thrown out of the window. As a super hero beat em up towards the end of the movie, it was awesome, but as a character story, it was pathetic and totally directionless. And don't get me started on Kevin Costner as Pa Kent, because his acting he never could properly portray his emotions or context as needed shifting in the same scene.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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While I think Man of Steel was the best Superman movie to date, which isn't saying much of course, in my opinion...I do agree with you about it's flaws.
The pacing really broke the story...and the "common sense" issue you bring up was defintiely there.
The best part was when his mother was being threatened...and he decided to take on only one Kryptonian...and leave the others back there with his mom. Makes perfect sense.
As for the Batsuit here and the vehicle...the only thing I can say is that nothing will ever top the practical and realistic batsuit and vehicle of the Nolan movies, in my opinion.
"Nearly all men can withstand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
-Abraham Lincoln-
For me it was any of the flashback scenes, particularly with Pa Kent, he sits there and tells Clark how great he is but basically tells him not to do anything to be that great person. It's an obvious sign that two competing ideas in the same script were there. Pa Kent's death could have been done better and been a real character building moment as well, but instead it felt ham-fisted in, instead of something that would grow in dynamically. In the Reeves Superman, it was because Pa Kent suffered a fatal heart attack and Clark felt powerless despite all his powers, to save him. In Man of Steel it was just a hand held up and let me die moment for no adequate reason, in a situation that Clark could have prevented and no one would have been the wiser. It just felt too forced.
The same could be said about the character of Lois Lane. They start her out as this strong, independent woman, but she quickly falls into the dumbass in distress scenario almost within the same scenes even, and the movie just could not figure out what role she would be. She shifted from strong to in distress to strong again sometimes in the scope of the same scene, and at best she was there to just spout exposition that we, the audience, had already figured out at that point and comes off more insulting than developing a character.
Then there is Perry White. I love Laurence Fishbourne, he has a screen presence. But like pa Kent, his character shifted tones too fast in the same scenes creating a character that just made no sense because you had no idea what role he was suppose to actually play. He would be antagonistic one moment and nurturing the next. Again I say this is a pure sign that two people were just competing for ideas of how things were to be handled instead of coming to a proper solution for the story and direction.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I haven't seen Argo yet, but given that his character was based on the man who wrote the book about the operation, I doubt he could properly be referred to as a "side character" either. (In fact, SAFTA would seem to side against you on this one; Affleck was nominated for "Best Lead Actor" for his role as Tony Mendez.)
I also haven't seen The Town, but judging from the IMDb page on it, looks like his character was pretty central there as well. (His nominations for that film were mostly for directing and screenwriting; there were nominations for the entire ensemble of actors, but the only one getting an individual nod was Jeremy Renner for Best Supporting Actor.)
In addition, your original contention was that Affleck "sucks in everything he's in". By changing that to "when he's a central player", you're rather moving the goalposts - and apparently still in error.
Me, I'm just remembering the furor when Michael "Mr. Mom" Keaton was cast in Burton's Batman - and how a few years later, fans were insisting he had to keep playing the role because he was so good at it. I'll reserve judgment until I see Affleck under the cowl for myself.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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The only point that was made is that Catman's outfit is basically Batman coloured orange. I'm pretty sure Catman wasn't the inspiration behind the outfit.
I think it's obvious what the real inspiration is.......
I'll go with this.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
No that was Elektra.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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And many contend, myself included, that Emmy nominations aren't exactly gauges to be used as proof. Especially considering there are many candidates who actually deserved to be nominated that never have been. And many who have been nominated that baffle the minds (like Affleck).
I never cared for Keaton as Batman/Bruce Wayne either and still never will. Not that Burton's Batman was anything to do with Batman.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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I think your opinion was nauseam.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I hope he can turn his head. It looks like they've returned to a seamless cowl, but hopefully they've found a way to make it flexible enough for natural movement while concealing it.
The poster formerly known as Lightwave!
Actually it was me that said he sucks in everything that he's been in, and I will hold to that contention. While movies he's been in may have been good, I've found that's largely independent of his performance which still leaves much to desired. He still has that same dry, wooden performance he always does that makes me want to reach into the screen and strangle him.
Oh, and frankly, award shows frequently baffle me when they nominate bad actors like Affleck.
Except Keaton is actually a good actor. Affleck is not.
It's actually refreshing to see something without armor plates.
Now, Snyder knows how to make comic books into movies.
Watchmen and Man of Steel were just fine, the 300 may be liked or not, but it's a fairly accurate movie adaptation of the source.
My scepticism with Affleck remains, but maybe the director can handle the movie even when the main lead is not the best one.
"Hey Rabin. Get in the Bat Ca. We gotta get to Havad Yad to see Commissioner Gadden.."
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
If he channels his Dogma angel into Batman all should be well.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
<.< >.>
Ha! The one where he's pushing the swing is hilarious. Boo for it reminding me of Gigli though.
Priceless :biggrin:
We just had and angry in yo face Batman with the Noland films now we will have a depressed Batman...
But as long as there will be no nipples then i am OK with it
A dead Mom, a might not be dead but EVIL Dad, a nutcase of a long lost bro, two dead sons and future son that will hate his face, a best freind that has only one lung but still continues to smoke cigars , several dead sidekicks, two dead girlfreinds, another girlfreind that keeps breaking into his places and stealing his s%$t and that super computer that he invented keeps trying to kill him.
I think he has earned the right to be depressed.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Lol'd :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Or the right to be considered an idiot considering most of those things he could have prevented.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It would certainly be more appropriate to his acting ability.
Maybe if he was a four cylinder.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Another reason to be depressed :P
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..