As Criswell said in Plan Nine from Outer Space:"we are all interested in the future because that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives." So here's an advance look at one of the big threads we'll soon be having in this forum.
On PTS is a system to give rewards for opening multiple lockbox types. When news hits Live, here's what will happen:
There will be a great deal of outrage as the community's hatred of lockboxes is stoked again, and there will be a lot of posts about how lockboxes killed the game.
Someone will make hyperbolic claims that they've produced thirty different lockboxes and no content.
Someone will then point out that they haven't come close to thirty lockboxes, and there has been content.
Someone will then reply that when they talk about content they mean *real* content, and not the content that was mentioned by the poster.
Someone, probably me, will make as vague a statement as I can about something substantial being in the pipeline, not giving the few specifics that I might know out of respect for the devs. Someone else will speak up, and probably politely, accuse me of being full of crap. With my delicate Canadian feelings butthurt, I will unwisely take this as a personal betrayal, sulk, and quietly await Cryptic to vindicate me, knowing that it's probably not going to be for awhile and Cryptic will not make a major announcement just because people on the boards are unhappy (again).
Someone will say deservedly nice things about the xenohybrid costume that is the first reward. This will likely be ignored, or be more fuel for the fire.
This argument will get circular for awhile. Somewhere in there, someone will point out Cryptic needs to make money to pay for the game. Someone will then state that they would make money by essentially (a) doing things that either haven't generated a lot of revenue in the past, and/or (b) which would only appeal to their style of play.
Someone will then proclaim that when the holy messiah of gaming comes out, City of Titans, the gaming apocalypse will finally arrive, the sea will come in and wash the filth that is Champions Online into the lake of flaming oblivion occupied by dead MMOs, while CoX looks down from gaming heaven and smiles in approval. Someone will then respond by wishing City of Titans luck when it launches in the year 8096. This will be followed by more snipes, and the CoX fan withdrawing until the next time they can make a passive-aggressive mention of CoT (grenerating more rudely expressed snarks of skepticism in response), and use it as a some kinda weird threat, just as flamers have done with every "CO killer" MMO that has come out since CO launched (Ai'on, Going Rogue, Cataclysm, DCUO, SWTOR, GW2, etc..) Someone will then mention this game's declining server pop, making me depressed once again. the words "maintenance mode" will be bandied around as I retreat into a bottle of tequila and get drunk while having a not-really IC conversation with the Succubus Queen of Caprice.
The thread will get circular again, with increased personal flaming. Someone might post a link to an interesting article on monetization in gaming. Someone might start making stupid jokes or post an obnoxious meme gif. People will repeat the same arguments until the thread finally dies.
also forgot,
people complaining about how it is biased against new players or F2P players who have less money and access to old lockboxes.
the people complaining about how this will drive the Q exchange prices up further and how Cryptic should do something about the prices.
someone else will complain about how the company penalizes F2p players
someone will reply with then they should start paying instead of freeloading.
just add them onto your list, you can't think of everything.. mind you the OP was a good effort.
Have a bonus bottle of tequila
Of course, people will come to the thread, agree with you, and then make their own statement that essentially disagrees with you and confirms your predictions.
I mean, this is a great thread, Thundrax, and you're totally right; but really, I can't wait for City of Titans to launch next year. It will definitely be a much better game.
Of course, people will come to the thread, agree with you, and then make their own statement that essentially disagrees with you and confirms your predictions.
I mean, this is a great thread, Thundrax, and you're totally right; but really, I can't wait for City of Titans to launch next year. It will definitely be a much better game.
I hope CoT is released in the next couple of years, and I hope it's great. The team is passionate and seem like nice folks, and it's great to see passion rewarded. But I've been following this business since the days of Zork, and there's one I thing I do know: when it comes to computer game development, there is no such thing as "definitely". (Or for that matter "on time" ).
I'll wait to see at least a solid alpha before I get my hopes up. However, I don't begrudge anyone their excitement over an upcoming title. For me, the ones I'm most looking forward to are Star Citizen and Wasteland 2. And I do look forward to what CN does here.
I hope CoT is released in the next couple of years, and I hope it's great. The team is passionate and seem like nice folks, and it's great to see passion rewarded. But I've been following this business since the days of Zork, and there's one I thing I do know: when it comes to computer game development, there is no such thing as "definitely". (Or for that matter "on time" ).
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
I'll wait to see at least a solid alpha before I get my hopes up. However, I don't begrudge anyone their excitement over an upcoming title. For me, the ones I'm most looking forward to are Star Citizen and Wasteland 2. And I do look forward to what CN does here.
As funny as your post was Mr Canada... it pales in comparison to the comedic genius that is the hard lockbox push you're indirectly commenting on.
Also you forgot to mention that someone is going to photoshop a Pokemon picture to say "Gotta Unlock Em' All!"... if they're talented, they'll photoshop a JigglyPuff to look like a lock box and call it "LocklyBox".
People tend to repeat their actions~
It's part of what makes us human and a living being. It is just like the old saying, "History repeats itself".
Although, it kinda makes one wonder how many repetitions it will take until we get fed up...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
I believe those particular members you're referencing moved onto another project.
Kind of disappointed that this isn't true.
Would have been a solid win had Biff locked this thread the moment he spotted it instead of posting a reply.
{ shakes fist at Smackwell for ruining canadascott win }
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
That certain MA scrapper has their own game to work on now if that's a concern to you.
This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
Uh, no, as Thundrax has already said, those particular individuals split off to form their own project. They haven't had anything to do with CoT since, well, early 2013.
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
Valiance Online already has one up.
I think there are three separate projects going, Valiance, CoT, and the Heroes and Villainas. So Far it looks like Valiance Online is the furthest along and I think they are being backed by Valve/Steam's Greenlight program now.
Cue people coming in, not getting the joke and then derailing the thread into exactly what this thread is making fun of them for.
A set of message boards I frequent once had annual awards for the people who post there. One award was "Biggest Drama Queen". The winner of this was very upset and showed it guessed it...acting like a big drama queen. It was hilarious!
I think there are three separate projects going, Valiance, CoT, and the Heroes and Villainas. So Far it looks like Valiance Online is the furthest along and I think they are being backed by Valve/Steam's Greenlight program now.
Ironically, Valiance is the only one that's shown anything, and I never heard of them until recently; Heroes and Villains they showed a quick movie of a supposed watch tower thing I created over a decade ago in my 3DS Max class, and well, CoT hasn't shown anything yet. Cot might be passionate, but having passion is one thing, doing something with that passion is another.
having passion is one thing, doing something with that passion is another.
I've got a term I'm using to describe the various contenders for the next CoX that display this behavior. Champsturbation. "I SWEAR GUIZE WE MAKIN GAME AND TOTALLY IT HAS SIDEKICKS AND NEMESIS AND SUPERGROUP BASES AND EVERYONE GETS A PONY MAILED TO THEM FOR TRYING BETA" "Well, do you have a coder and any good backstory?" "FREE. PONIES."
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008. RIP Caine
Valiance is the only one showing signs of progress.
Its creators are supposed to have previous experiences with Unity engine, so they aren't exacty new to making games. It gives this project at least basic credibility.
I've got a term I'm using to describe the various contenders for the next CoX that display this behavior. Champsturbation. "I SWEAR GUIZE WE MAKIN GAME AND TOTALLY IT HAS SIDEKICKS AND NEMESIS AND SUPERGROUP BASES AND EVERYONE GETS A PONY MAILED TO THEM FOR TRYING BETA" "Well, do you have a coder and any good backstory?" "FREE. PONIES."
Pretty much. The delusion quotient is high with these projects.
Pretty much. The delusion quotient is high with these projects.
hope and delusion are only truly distinguished in retrospect. but the alternative is status quo.
incidentally, i didnt see it by checking their site, but is valiance going to have offline compatibility as well? that is a big deal for me. i know cot is working towards that
Snark never dies.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Razira's Primus Database Page
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:eek:Thundrax Wins! Flawless Victory! Fatality! :eek:
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Seriously, some of the worst connection and ticket submitting issues I've seen lately.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
(Actually, it was a pretty damned good game and I'd like to see a sequel.)
people complaining about how it is biased against new players or F2P players who have less money and access to old lockboxes.
the people complaining about how this will drive the Q exchange prices up further and how Cryptic should do something about the prices.
someone else will complain about how the company penalizes F2p players
someone will reply with then they should start paying instead of freeloading.
just add them onto your list, you can't think of everything.. mind you the OP was a good effort.
Have a bonus bottle of tequila
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I mean, this is a great thread, Thundrax, and you're totally right; but really, I can't wait for City of Titans to launch next year. It will definitely be a much better game.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I hope CoT is released in the next couple of years, and I hope it's great. The team is passionate and seem like nice folks, and it's great to see passion rewarded. But I've been following this business since the days of Zork, and there's one I thing I do know: when it comes to computer game development, there is no such thing as "definitely". (Or for that matter "on time"
I'll wait to see at least a solid alpha before I get my hopes up. However, I don't begrudge anyone their excitement over an upcoming title. For me, the ones I'm most looking forward to are Star Citizen and Wasteland 2. And I do look forward to what CN does here.
Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you. Some of the people heading that game up were the most loathed members of the community. To a point where most people believed they needed psychological help.
Valiance Online already has one up.
Also you forgot to mention that someone is going to photoshop a Pokemon picture to say "Gotta Unlock Em' All!"... if they're talented, they'll photoshop a JigglyPuff to look like a lock box and call it "LocklyBox".
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It's part of what makes us human and a living being. It is just like the old saying, "History repeats itself".
Although, it kinda makes one wonder how many repetitions it will take until we get fed up...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
I believe those particular members you're referencing moved onto another project.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
It looks the mega-destroid reward nerf is stealing its thunder.
Funny, people never reacted like this to similar posts made in the past. Wonder what changed.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
because Thundrax owns the cool category. Also your typing comes off way more passive aggressive than playful and good humored.
My thoughts exactly, TMZ.
Kind of disappointed that this isn't true.
Would have been a solid win had Biff locked this thread the moment he spotted it instead of posting a reply.
{ shakes fist at Smackwell for ruining canadascott win }
Heh...two wins in one thread XD
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I never made a thread like this. Too lazy.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
That certain MA scrapper has their own game to work on now if that's a concern to you.
Uh, no, as Thundrax has already said, those particular individuals split off to form their own project. They haven't had anything to do with CoT since, well, early 2013.
I'm sorry, I left the [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] off of my post.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I think there are three separate projects going, Valiance, CoT, and the Heroes and Villainas. So Far it looks like Valiance Online is the furthest along and I think they are being backed by Valve/Steam's Greenlight program now.
nuf said!
/approve :biggrin::biggrin::cool:
Arc is crap.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
A set of message boards I frequent once had annual awards for the people who post there. One award was "Biggest Drama Queen". The winner of this was very upset and showed it guessed it...acting like a big drama queen. It was hilarious!
Ironically, Valiance is the only one that's shown anything, and I never heard of them until recently; Heroes and Villains they showed a quick movie of a supposed watch tower thing I created over a decade ago in my 3DS Max class, and well, CoT hasn't shown anything yet. Cot might be passionate, but having passion is one thing, doing something with that passion is another.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I've got a term I'm using to describe the various contenders for the next CoX that display this behavior. Champsturbation. "I SWEAR GUIZE WE MAKIN GAME AND TOTALLY IT HAS SIDEKICKS AND NEMESIS AND SUPERGROUP BASES AND EVERYONE GETS A PONY MAILED TO THEM FOR TRYING BETA" "Well, do you have a coder and any good backstory?" "FREE. PONIES."
RIP Caine
Its creators are supposed to have previous experiences with Unity engine, so they aren't exacty new to making games. It gives this project at least basic credibility.
And... That's pretty much the only one.
Pretty much. The delusion quotient is high with these projects.
hope and delusion are only truly distinguished in retrospect. but the alternative is status quo.
incidentally, i didnt see it by checking their site, but is valiance going to have offline compatibility as well? that is a big deal for me. i know cot is working towards that