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Costume Contest - Champions Online Art [DEADLINE MAY1st]

clogan2clogan2 Posts: 27 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Fan Base Alpha

The UNOFFICIAL DeviantART group "Champions Online Art" is going to be hosting a Costume Contest in the upcoming month! The costume contest is divided into only 2 categories:
Heroes and Villains

The Costume contest basically covers the general categories of the most famous mythologies. Heroes and Villains. The best costumes out of these two categories will be chosen; Heroes section will cover the Anti-Heroes/Vigilante types whereas Villains will also include your Anti-Villain characters. So there is not much of a contest there, you have to decide who your character is.

But of course it doesn't end there... You have to write down who your character is and if it is of importance, why they're wearing that costume. A backstory pretty much. That will be taken into consideration as well.


There are going to be only 2 winners, one from each category. 1 Hero and 1 Villain. And they'll all be getting an art commission of their choice from me.

(INCASE you want to know whether or not i have the chops, here you go: Charles Logan @Facebook and CharlesLogan @DeviantART]


Since this is a dA group event, you're going to submit your entries through deviantART! So if you haven't joined dA yet, here you go! DeviantART

  • All the submissions will be in the turnaround/reference form.
  • No more than one entry per category. So you can't put 3 heroes and 4 villains. It's hero and/or villain. That's it.
  • All the submissions SHOULD have the backstory/bio of the character since that'll be taken into consideration when choosing as well.
  • These characters have to be from Champions Online or from the Hero Games sessions of the players... Obviously

If the post isn't clear enough, you can write in this thread and I'll explain further!

And here's the link to the Champions Online ART dA group so you can start submitting your entries! Click right here!

@cartun in-game!

Charles Logan
Illustrator / Performer / Musician

On DeviantART
On Facebook
Post edited by clogan2 on


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