I find it funny they seem to be trying hard to write X3 out of the entire continuity, and looks like semi retconning X-Men First class as well. Not that those are bad choices, though glad they kept those actors that did play the young Charles and Eric. I still found First class to be abysmal, not X3 bad, but still not that good either.
I'm just pleased that we're finally getting the Sentinels. People have been wanting the Sentinels since the first movie. X3 as it should have happened should have been about the Sentinels (not that abomination with Scarlet Phoenix--see what I did there?).
Since I actually have Days of future past and it was good story. I really don't think much of the retcon of the main character just to boost sales.
Bryan Singer has that "Brett Ratner ruins everything he touches" attitude, and who would blame him? He might have been OK with the time traveler swap just to minimize The Last Stand's connections to DoFP. Kitty's first film appearance was The Last Stand, so he'd have a hard time justifying a lead character that was introduced in a film he was trying to retcon away.
But I'll never underestimate the studio's power to mary-sue Hughverine into any situation they can think of. :biggrin:
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Also, mind you, that seems like a silly reason to prejudge a movie by.
The special effects, acting, and music could still be good despite the plot, I'll give it that.
But when a movie/book/game enters time travel territory, all of the tension is immediately nullified because:
1. The main character has an infinite amount of retries to solve the plot.
2. Multiple timelines means multiple universes are created. Of which at least one will have a "good ending".
People complain a lot about Wolverine being overpowered and I fully agree with those sentiments. But time travel results in the same thing:
- A movie starring Wolverine is boring because he is virtually indestructible and will always come out on top.
- A movie which is about travelling back in time to change the future is equally boring because the main character could be a mentally impaired hamster and still save the day because a time travel plot creates a pseudo-indestructible environment.
You must have missed a number of stories where time travel actually makes things worse, then. Not all time travel plots are the same. Granted, this is a comic book movie, so the prospects of "fixing things" and getting a happy ending is highly likely, but in the original comic story, it's left as a hanging question on whether they actually averted that timeline or merely delayed it.
It depends on the version of time travel to which you subscribe, scorp. Some propose a single, malleable timeline - Fritz Lieber's Change War stories, for instance. (My personal favorite is "Try and Change the Past", in which the timeline isn't quite so malleable as the hero had hoped...) Marvel wavers between the single malleable timeline and each version happening somewhere in the multiverse, depending on the story they want to tell.
Then again, they can't even settle on how the "unstable molecules" in some superhero costumes work - I think expecting a coherent theory of time travel from them is a bit much...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Still no sign of Summers U_U You cant have Xmen without Captain overemotional egotist.
I like Wolverine but he has had FIVE freaking movies. They should give other X-men the limelight now and then.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Still no sign of Summers U_U You cant have Xmen without Captain overemotional egotist.
I like Wolverine but he has had FIVE freaking movies. They should give other X-men the limelight now and then.
Magneto and Prof. Xavier are constants, so as long as Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are able to play them, they'll be able anchor any X-Men movie you want to make. (And James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender aren't bad understudies, either. I just hope McAvoy isn't too attached to the '70s shaggy hair.)
But look at who else has played X-Men in the movies. The only ones with Q Ratings worth a damn are Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry. You all saw Berry sleepwalk through the first film and botch Joss Whedon's jokes, right? Meanwhile, Jackman built his movie career on Wolverine, getting everything right except the height thing.
So yeah, we're kinda stuck with Hughverine for the X-Men team at least.
I guess they'll have to start over with X-Factor-- wait, they've kinda screwed up Alex's timeline in First Class. X-Force? No, they'd need a whole other movie to explain Cable's family tree. Alpha Flight? If they can sell Rocket Raccoon and Groot, they can sell Canadians, right?
You know what? Fox should sell the whole bloody thing back to Marvel so they can reboot it. And hope their Wolverine isn't another breakout star.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Magneto and Prof. Xavier are constants, so as long as Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are able to play them, they'll be able anchor any X-Men movie you want to make. (And James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender aren't bad understudies, either. I just hope McAvoy isn't too attached to the '70s shaggy hair.)
But look at who else has played X-Men in the movies. The only ones with Q Ratings worth a damn are Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry. You all saw Berry sleepwalk through the first film and botch Joss Whedon's jokes, right? Meanwhile, Jackman built his movie career on Wolverine, getting everything right except the height thing.
So yeah, we're kinda stuck with Hughverine for the X-Men team at least.
I guess they'll have to start over with X-Factor-- wait, they've kinda screwed up Alex's timeline in First Class. X-Force? No, they'd need a whole other movie to explain Cable's family tree. Alpha Flight? If they can sell Rocket Raccoon and Groot, they can sell Canadians, right?
You know what? Fox should sell the whole bloody thing back to Marvel so they can reboot it. And hope their Wolverine isn't another breakout star.
Yeah, it's ironic that Marvel is better at their movie continuity than FOX.
Well, they've had a few good TV shows and movies here and there, but it was kind of a jape at Marvel's comics continuity that I was making.
Because FOX is doing whatever they can to keep the franchise and pretty much told Marvel FU on keeping in with the actual Marvel movie continuity, why the XMen and Spider Man franchises are completely separate from Avengers.
Because FOX is doing whatever they can to keep the franchise and pretty much told Marvel FU on keeping in with the actual Marvel movie continuity, why the XMen and Spider Man franchises are completely separate from Avengers.
Because FOX is doing whatever they can to keep the franchise and pretty much told Marvel FU on keeping in with the actual Marvel movie continuity, why the XMen and Spider Man franchises are completely separate from Avengers.
Ohhh.... tell me something I don't know.
I'm pretty sure Marvel's worst nightmare is Sony continually rebooting Spider-Man every 10 years for the sole purpose of keeping the rights from reverting back. At least Fox is keeping the X-Men stories moving forward. (Now if they could just get The Fantastic Four right once...)
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I'm pretty sure Marvel's worst nightmare is Sony continually rebooting Spider-Man every 10 years for the sole purpose of keeping the rights from reverting back. At least Fox is keeping the X-Men stories moving forward. (Now if they could just get The Fantastic Four right once...)
Moving forward? Let's see after X3 travesty they've had... 3 prequel movies... so far I see moving backward and trying to write several of the stories out of continuity. First Class tried to remove X3 and Origins Wolverine from continuity... and did anyone really see the Wolverine movie?
First Class tried to remove X3 and Origins Wolverine from continuity... and did anyone really see the Wolverine movie?
Addition by subtraction, as far as I'm concerned.
Give Bryan Singer and Fox credit. First Class was a clever solution to the reboot problem because Fox could call it a prequel on release, then redefine it as a reboot if Singer didn't come back and Matthew Vaughn decided to go in his own direction. And that wouldn't be a sure thing. After all, Singer dropped the X-Men series to try and extend the Christopher Reeve Superman continuity almost 20 years after Superman IV. You think Vaughn would say "No, thanks. I think I can do this without Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart." only a few years after their last appearances?
With Days of Future Past, Singer manages to springboard off First Class by tying it back to the first two films, pretend Ratner's awful Last Stand never happened, and marginalize the Wolverine solo movies, all in one fell swoop. And don't think Fox isn't learning from Marvel's converging and diverging stories in The Avengers and their various solo movies. I think DoFP was an intentional choice as the follow-up to First Class, because they could use wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey hand-waving to accomplish the retcons they need to re-stabilize the series. Now, they can bring back Jean and Scott, recast and properly develop some of the characters Ratner wasted as cannon fodder in Last Stand, and move on from the looming specter of box-office poison Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. (Let's face it, it'll be a stuntman dubbed by Nolan North. Search your feelings.)
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I think the X-movieverse could do with a reboot and then move onto a continuing storyline. Do some recasting with a younger cast as well.
Riiight... Considering Halle Berry in X3 demanded more screen time for horrible acting chops, I dunno what could be done there other than giving Marvel the rights and letting them do it. God only knows how much they paid Jackman this time for reprising Wolverine... again. I am just hoping beyond hope that Berry's character dies in this movie cause I can't stand her as a person or actress.
I'm okay with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. At least he has some acting skills, and the make-up/costuming does a good job making him look the part.
But I completely and totally agree with the thought that they should ditch Halle Berry. Though I'd say her being Catwoman was a MUCH worse fiasco. I won't watch that movie unless I'm paid a HUGE chunk of cash in advance for the mental suffering I'd incur.
It should have been about Shadowcat and her little dragon buddy U__U
*edit* After all Lockheed is one of the most awesomely backstabbing two-faced anti-villians in ANY comic universe. Also the author of the teaching aid Knowing Your Alien Races And How To Kill Them. Gotta respect that.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm okay with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. At least he has some acting skills, and the make-up/costuming does a good job making him look the part.
I'm in agreement. Despite being a rather tall Wolverine, he's done the part quite well. And I thought The Wolverine was a vast improvement over X3 and Origins. Not as good as X2, mind you, but I certainly enjoyed it (it did have the benefit of being based on an actual Wolverine comic arc after all).
I'm in agreement. Despite being a rather tall Wolverine, he's done the part quite well. And I thought The Wolverine was a vast improvement over X3 and Origins. Not as good as X2, mind you, but I certainly enjoyed it (it did have the benefit of being based on an actual Wolverine comic arc after all).
Well, Hugh Jackman is tall, but figure 5ft 3in male who can look the part and act, would be hard to find. Not to mention, he may be 5ft 3in in the main universe, in Ultimates he looks tallers, and he's generally drawn to be just as tall as every other male.
Well, Hugh Jackman is tall, but figure 5ft 3in male who can look the part and act, would be hard to find. Not to mention, he may be 5ft 3in in the main universe, in Ultimates he looks tallers, and he's generally drawn to be just as tall as every other male.
And why no one takes Ultimates seriously And let's be really serious, they've used technical trickery before to make a tall person look short before. Why they couldn't do it in the X movies is just laziness in the end.
You would think after being wrong so many times with these absolute statements that most individuals capable of learning would eventually stop making them.
You would think after being wrong so many times with these absolute statements that most individuals capable of learning would eventually stop making them.
Yes, but you continue to make such statements. but then again, since you are incapable of understanding jokes, sarcasm, or intelligent remarks, seems to be the most baffling why posting in an attempt to look smart. Especially since you always try to cut out the entirety of the post to make yourself look smarter.
I find it funny they seem to be trying hard to write X3 out of the entire continuity, and looks like semi retconning X-Men First class as well. Not that those are bad choices, though glad they kept those actors that did play the young Charles and Eric. I still found First class to be abysmal, not X3 bad, but still not that good either.
Wut.... O__O
First class was awesomejuice , ok they could have had less of the annoying kids and more of Magneto tearing ***** up. Also Kevin Bacon was great at being evil XD
That film was all about the bad guys so I loved it by default \o/
.... and move on from the looming specter of box-office poison Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. (Let's face it, it'll be a stuntman dubbed by Nolan North. Search your feelings.)
Nolan North is only 43 I'm pretty sure he could handle doing Deadpool live action himself and with the fan base that version of Deadpool has will probably happen anyway .
>_> Forgot I already posted in this thread...how odd.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I am gonna pretend this Quicksilver turns into the one from Avengers...it's the only way to pretend he doesn't look stupid forever.
Um, you have seen Age of Ultron Quicksilver's bleached hair/swarthy black stubble combo, right? You may have to wait a few more movies before he stops looking stupid.
Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Um, you have seen Age of Ultron Quicksilver's bleached hair/swarthy black stubble combo, right? You may have to wait a few more movies before he stops looking stupid.
He could be wearing clown shoes and still look better than the DoFP one.
I am pretty sure the post credit scene for Winter Soldier explain a little why he isn't clean shaved and styled hair. He is clearly in a battle and in casuals, I doubt this is his final costume. In reality someone with superspeed would have the worse hair imaginable (regardless of color) it would be in a state of fro-ness always.
I don't think it looks bad. Better than being the Burger King kid.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Apparently Avengers has a picture of Quicksilver up now. I still vote Kid Vid
Bryan Singer has that "Brett Ratner ruins everything he touches" attitude, and who would blame him? He might have been OK with the time traveler swap just to minimize The Last Stand's connections to DoFP. Kitty's first film appearance was The Last Stand, so he'd have a hard time justifying a lead character that was introduced in a film he was trying to retcon away.
But I'll never underestimate the studio's power to mary-sue Hughverine into any situation they can think of. :biggrin:
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Count me out.
I don't care how good that movie could be, I have a personal hatred of alternate timeline/universe stuff.
What would you have expected? It is based on the X-Men story-arc of the same name.
Also, mind you, that seems like a silly reason to prejudge a movie by.
The special effects, acting, and music could still be good despite the plot, I'll give it that.
But when a movie/book/game enters time travel territory, all of the tension is immediately nullified because:
1. The main character has an infinite amount of retries to solve the plot.
2. Multiple timelines means multiple universes are created. Of which at least one will have a "good ending".
People complain a lot about Wolverine being overpowered and I fully agree with those sentiments. But time travel results in the same thing:
- A movie starring Wolverine is boring because he is virtually indestructible and will always come out on top.
- A movie which is about travelling back in time to change the future is equally boring because the main character could be a mentally impaired hamster and still save the day because a time travel plot creates a pseudo-indestructible environment.
Then again, they can't even settle on how the "unstable molecules" in some superhero costumes work - I think expecting a coherent theory of time travel from them is a bit much...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I like Wolverine but he has had FIVE freaking movies. They should give other X-men the limelight now and then.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Magneto and Prof. Xavier are constants, so as long as Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are able to play them, they'll be able anchor any X-Men movie you want to make. (And James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender aren't bad understudies, either. I just hope McAvoy isn't too attached to the '70s shaggy hair.)
But look at who else has played X-Men in the movies. The only ones with Q Ratings worth a damn are Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry. You all saw Berry sleepwalk through the first film and botch Joss Whedon's jokes, right? Meanwhile, Jackman built his movie career on Wolverine, getting everything right except the height thing.
So yeah, we're kinda stuck with Hughverine for the X-Men team at least.
I guess they'll have to start over with X-Factor-- wait, they've kinda screwed up Alex's timeline in First Class. X-Force? No, they'd need a whole other movie to explain Cable's family tree. Alpha Flight? If they can sell Rocket Raccoon and Groot, they can sell Canadians, right?
You know what? Fox should sell the whole bloody thing back to Marvel so they can reboot it. And hope their Wolverine isn't another breakout star.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
The real question is why it's Wolverine and not Kitty Pryde, as in the original story.
Yeah, it's ironic that Marvel is better at their movie continuity than FOX.
I think I got my stories confused
You mean FOX that can't even do anything right other than ruin franchises? FOX that hired Sara Palin? You mean that FOX?
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Well, they've had a few good TV shows and movies here and there, but it was kind of a jape at Marvel's comics continuity that I was making.
Because FOX is doing whatever they can to keep the franchise and pretty much told Marvel FU on keeping in with the actual Marvel movie continuity, why the XMen and Spider Man franchises are completely separate from Avengers.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Ohhh.... tell me something I don't know.
I'm pretty sure Marvel's worst nightmare is Sony continually rebooting Spider-Man every 10 years for the sole purpose of keeping the rights from reverting back. At least Fox is keeping the X-Men stories moving forward. (Now if they could just get The Fantastic Four right once...)
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Moving forward? Let's see after X3 travesty they've had... 3 prequel movies... so far I see moving backward and trying to write several of the stories out of continuity. First Class tried to remove X3 and Origins Wolverine from continuity... and did anyone really see the Wolverine movie?
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Addition by subtraction, as far as I'm concerned.
Give Bryan Singer and Fox credit. First Class was a clever solution to the reboot problem because Fox could call it a prequel on release, then redefine it as a reboot if Singer didn't come back and Matthew Vaughn decided to go in his own direction. And that wouldn't be a sure thing. After all, Singer dropped the X-Men series to try and extend the Christopher Reeve Superman continuity almost 20 years after Superman IV. You think Vaughn would say "No, thanks. I think I can do this without Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart." only a few years after their last appearances?
With Days of Future Past, Singer manages to springboard off First Class by tying it back to the first two films, pretend Ratner's awful Last Stand never happened, and marginalize the Wolverine solo movies, all in one fell swoop. And don't think Fox isn't learning from Marvel's converging and diverging stories in The Avengers and their various solo movies. I think DoFP was an intentional choice as the follow-up to First Class, because they could use wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey hand-waving to accomplish the retcons they need to re-stabilize the series. Now, they can bring back Jean and Scott, recast and properly develop some of the characters Ratner wasted as cannon fodder in Last Stand, and move on from the looming specter of box-office poison Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool. (Let's face it, it'll be a stuntman dubbed by Nolan North. Search your feelings.)
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I think the X-movieverse could do with a reboot and then move onto a continuing storyline. Do some recasting with a younger cast as well.
Riiight... Considering Halle Berry in X3 demanded more screen time for horrible acting chops, I dunno what could be done there other than giving Marvel the rights and letting them do it. God only knows how much they paid Jackman this time for reprising Wolverine... again. I am just hoping beyond hope that Berry's character dies in this movie cause I can't stand her as a person or actress.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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But I completely and totally agree with the thought that they should ditch Halle Berry. Though I'd say her being Catwoman was a MUCH worse fiasco. I won't watch that movie unless I'm paid a HUGE chunk of cash in advance for the mental suffering I'd incur.
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*edit* After all Lockheed is one of the most awesomely backstabbing two-faced anti-villians in ANY comic universe. Also the author of the teaching aid Knowing Your Alien Races And How To Kill Them. Gotta respect that.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm in agreement. Despite being a rather tall Wolverine, he's done the part quite well. And I thought The Wolverine was a vast improvement over X3 and Origins. Not as good as X2, mind you, but I certainly enjoyed it (it did have the benefit of being based on an actual Wolverine comic arc after all).
Well, Hugh Jackman is tall, but figure 5ft 3in male who can look the part and act, would be hard to find. Not to mention, he may be 5ft 3in in the main universe, in Ultimates he looks tallers, and he's generally drawn to be just as tall as every other male.
And why no one takes Ultimates seriously
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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You would think after being wrong so many times with these absolute statements that most individuals capable of learning would eventually stop making them.
Yes, but you continue to make such statements.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Wut.... O__O
First class was awesomejuice , ok they could have had less of the annoying kids and more of Magneto tearing ***** up. Also Kevin Bacon was great at being evil XD
That film was all about the bad guys so I loved it by default \o/
Nolan North is only 43 I'm pretty sure he could handle doing Deadpool live action himself and with the fan base that version of Deadpool has will probably happen anyway .
>_> Forgot I already posted in this thread...how odd.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I am gonna pretend this Quicksilver turns into the one from Avengers...it's the only way to pretend he doesn't look stupid forever.
Um, you have seen Age of Ultron Quicksilver's bleached hair/swarthy black stubble combo, right? You may have to wait a few more movies before he stops looking stupid.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
He could be wearing clown shoes and still look better than the DoFP one.
I am pretty sure the post credit scene for Winter Soldier explain a little why he isn't clean shaved and styled hair. He is clearly in a battle and in casuals, I doubt this is his final costume. In reality someone with superspeed would have the worse hair imaginable (regardless of color) it would be in a state of fro-ness always.
I don't think it looks bad. Better than being the Burger King kid.