I think archers must be one of the most difficult archetypes to makes, justifying why they have a bow in a modern setting is kind of tough. Anyway I finally finished my first one and its made me curious as to what other people have come up with.
I'll kick off with...
Richard of York![richardofyork.png](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/6730/richardofyork.png)
The old English warrior who gave battle in vain, though he was killed during the war of the roses his spirit lives on lends strength to whoever most embodies his virtues and wields the mystic Rainbow. (don't know how well known it is outside of the UK but: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain is a mnemonic for the colours of the rainbow)
EDIT: Oh, as if I spelled 'your' wrong...
She started out as a parody concept: What if the Power Rangers (the Pink one, in this case) had been typical 90's superhores?
Cazadora Esmeralda:
She started archery as a hobby when she was just a kid, and as she grew and decided to become a heroine the bow and arrow became her primary weapon. She uses the confiscated technology from villains to improve her own equipment. The High Tech version there is a Stealth suit, not only lets her become completely invisible, but also comes with a nice HUD display to improve her already amazing aim. Interestingly, she only uses 1 trick arrow, a sonic one to stun criminals, and all the others are normal arrows.
This is an old character made waaaaaaay back when Freedom Force came out. She has been retconned a few times and she is also a latina, transexual and lesbian character because screw cisgender white and straight stereotype
Cyber Talon
A former heroine turned villainess. She suffered heavy damage on all the left side of her body, losing her arm and leg, and needing cybernetic implants on her torso, as well as replacing her left eye. She blame this on the carelessness that other heroes have when using their powers, so now she hunts heroes... for a price.
Originally she was a character I made on City of Villains, the story was quite similar, except that she was a former "Wyvern"
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Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
*EDIT: Image Uploaded! this is how he looks like
Pretty much a made-up costume just to try Marksman AT (i'm silver), the main concept behind him is "Nightwing never met Batman"; in other words, what if a teenage / young adult became hero on his own will:biggrin:
Atm i'm still thinking on his bio's details, but i see him as an olimpic level archer who gave up his athletic career to pursue another as a scientific researcher; a little time after he graduates an "evil squad of doom" (Argent, Viper, PSI or whatever faction has the biggest interest on his research... once i decide what he's investigating :redface:) raids his laboratory at random University (Still don't know if there's anything like that in-game, might end up making him work for Harmon Labs) killing his fellow scientists and stealing key elements of his research; given the dangerous potential of the investigation and the death of his friends, he chooses to combine his awesome markmanship skills and scientific knowledge to hunt the bad guys down and get his revenge:rolleyes:
I'm sorry for the lazy writing and the sorta generic origin story, but like i said i only created him to play the Marksman AT and this is pretty much what i thought so far (any advice is welcome)
PS. Arrow Angel is awesome and Immortal looks badass
60% of the time, it works every time...since August 2009.
White Shaft
Bamboo Archer
The Red Serpent
(I know its not relevent at all but i also would like to share my rainbow toon cause u also did @diplomacyman)
[Richard of York
The old English warrior who gave battle in vain, though he was killed during the war of the roses his spirit lives on lends strength to whoever most embodies his virtues and wields the mystic Rainbow. (don't know how well known it is outside of the UK but: Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain is a mnemonic for the colours of the rainbow]
My rainbow toon is...
Come and check out my toons here!! http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=221551
And for my artworks, check it out here!!http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=223681
@dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
Display normal Internet behavior. Come and make fun (yes, make fun) of my PRIMUS page.
He's based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arash
Guy is avatar of ancient hero.
Purple and gold are old Persian royal colors (and I mean real Persian, not later muslim override).
Arash is a pious Zoroastrian and comes from a very old Persian bloodline. After islamic revolution his family left Iran.
Archery is one of the key elements of Iranian culture and his family was also entrusted with keeping bow of the legendary hero.
It's unclear if this bloodline comes from the real Arash, but every time when male descendant comes to the age he is given Arash's bow and becomes a willing host for the ancient spirt - keeping his own will, memories and personality, but also being granted with archery and martial prowess of all previous generations.
Technically keepers of the bow are normal humans, but the bow itself is empowered by Ahuramazda - while it not strikes harder than normal bow of this kind, it's a divine gift - it cannot be destroyed or separated from its owner, it can also bypass things like physical armor and strike even against non-material opponents.
Arash's family tradition says that they were chosen by Ahuramazda to fight forces of evil, thus keeping Aryman away from the world.
Great concept, i really liked it; i love characters inspired in mithology and ancient religions -especially if they come from non grecolatin sources, makes them more original IMHO - you just inspired me to create my own ancient warrior -though it might not be an archer, i'll see what i can come up with...
For her Background see here: http://union.virtueverse.net/wiki/Marksmaid
Unfortunately it describes only her background. Put in short, she is an agent of the huntress, the ancient Roman goddess Diana.
Unfortunately there is always something on her back, so I can't fit a quiver into her costume, but here goes her normal look:
And that's the one for Monster Island, the most archery-looking, despite the somewhat hindering shoulder pads:
This is a variant of her costume I am not actually using anymore, but you can see her with her bow, in combat:
Characters on Primus DB (and their Nemeses):
Marksmaid | Tenebris (Xalara) | Virtue | Dawnblaze (Sister Nightfall) | Rhinegold: Julie & Magdalena
Lucky Takeda, Marksman AT, who is basically a collection of different species that don't get used on any other character, handwaved as shapeshifting imparted on her by her bow, which allows her to access the forms and skills of those who have wielded the bow and those who will use the bow in the future. It's a flimsy explanation at best, but it works for me and gives me free reign to make her any race I want! This is her alien bounty hunter form and, personally, one of my favorite costumes for her.
Val Kairi, sharkgirl archer, turned into a sharkgirl by heinous experiments conducted by Evil Mean Bad Guys(TM), now works for UNTIL in order to prevent what happened to her from happening to anyone else. Also seen cosplaying as Devana Hawke to make Dr. Kaufmann mad.
Here is my latest toon....The Huntsman!
Regular outfit....
Golden Age outfit in next post......
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The new back and belt quivers from the new archer costume set are a great addition to his wardrobe:biggrin:
This is his typical costume, I'll post his updated Golden Age outfit when I've finished tweaking it.................
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Although he was originally a modern archer, I just had to do a new look using some of the new pieces. I wanted him to use more than just the archer set, so I mixed in various other pieces and gave him a more armoured look, albeit mainly on his left so as not to restrict him pulling back the bowstring or reaching for arrows. The idea is he can exchange fire, with the side facing the enemy being armoured to protect him.
Sooo stupid.
Love what you did with the bow/gun hand combination!
Haha, awesome. Arrow storm must look like a forest has suddenly sprouted. One more thing, just how big is her quiver exactly?
Don't have a backstory for this one yet. He uses the Compound Bow - I haven't gotten a shot yet with the bow out.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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She is an action movie star who does all of her own stunts whose corrupt senator ex boyfriend tried to have her killed when she witnessed one of his shady dealings.
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
I don't want to nit pick, but you might want to remove the thigh quiver from the left leg since you already have the belt quiver on that side. Avoid all that clipping
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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What? Were supposed to post Archers.
Exray's Primus Page
Pfft....I had a Bowgun before it was cool......back in the x-treeeeeeme 90s :biggrin:
Although, if I'm exteeeeeemely honest, I have to say that I saw someone else pull of this combo first and that inspired me to make this outfit....it may have been GenX.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
and out of fun i even took the time to wanna draw it out too
Finally got around to it
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
It's usually the smallest details that I get hung up on with my own costumes
My Characters on PRIMUS
Toons and costumes thread
Leader of Super Serious Brooding Vigilantes
A not-that-bright pawn shop employee finds a mystical bracelet dedicated to Eros in a box of junk. Unfortunately, his ill-informed mental vision of Eros seemed more Pan-like, affecting the ensuing transformation.
Here's Meillandine the Pixie, at the measuring tape by the Tailor in RenCen, with an AF Champion Blank for scale:
I'll grab a picture of her with her bow out later.
And with the new set.
You're a lunatic with a mad man's dream of a milk proof robot!
There's a measuring tape? Thanks! I have a use for this since the height numbers in the creator aren't "true" due to size changes in leg length. It'll help with the Primus Database stuff I'm slowly developing.
A defiant mystical hunter from prehistoric times, protected by his tatoos that make him impervious to damage.
He hunts with the companionship of a brown bear.
My Characters
Here is Desert Arrow, a persian archer that commands the sandy desert winds.
My Characters
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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