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Champions: Offline

Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
edited January 2014 in Champions Online Discussion
Foreword: This is not a doom and gloom thread. Please keep that kind of talk elsewhere.

Long ago, when Guild Wars first launched, one of the things that the playerbase was informally told was that should Guild Wars fold, ANet would allow the game to be playable in an offline method. While that might unsettle some, for me, it inspired confidence in ANet's attitude toward the players when it was still fledging. That in the event of failure with their experimental online game, if it didn't do well, your investment would not be totally thrown away. While I somewhat doubt that holds true anymore, at the time it was worth a lot.

Now, shortly after Champions launched, that idea came back to me. This is not something spurred on by the recent news of Atari's attempts to shed Cryptic. Rather, now just seems like an opportune time to bring it up.

While Champions has been crafted as an online game, it seems that from a gameplay standpoint, it would transition nicely to a single player and multiplayer standpoint. After witnessing how well a game like Borderlands does in a single player and multiplayer setting, it really reinforces this notion for me. The elements are there, the world has some life to it (especially Vibora Bay). While the sense of community would be diminished, Champions has always been heavily solo-friendly and even, debatably, solo-centric outside of the final lairs.

Of course, I know nothing about the server architecture and what would be required to make the game function in a single player/multiplayer means. If it is possible, though, how well would this be received? The Costume Creator alone is reason enough for many people to want it. I think it'd do well, if it were technically feasible to run it in a small server, personal server, or single player mode.

TLDR: If it were technically possible, would you enjoy Champions in a single/multiplayer/small server scenario?
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  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Nope. The thing with me is, after playing a game for years online with thousands of other people, suddenly going from "Bustling city of heroes!" to "Last man on earth" would give the entire game an eerie and unsettling feeling.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I knew during open beta that CO was the perfect game for me, and the only thing that I had to worry about is future patches messing up parts I like, or the game shutting down its servers. Basically I've been wanting Champions: Offline since mid-august 2009. The ability to control the patch version, and knowing I could play the game in the indefinitely far future, are the main reasons. On top of that, the possibilities for modding would be a huge bonus.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I can see positives and negatives.

    Positives: Done right, a modding community could make Champions Offline incredible. I mean the game is already incredibly flexible - imagine what a dedicated mod team could do with it? One that obviously wouldn't be restrained by things like "profitable", 'good taste' or even 'logical' >.>

    I also spend enough time costuming that that, by itself, would probably have me keeping it installed for a long, long time to come.

    Negatives: Two big ones:

    1) CO's content is by and large MMO-Standard. That is, "go here, kill this". That is OK enough if you've got people to chat with while you do it; or when the game is new... but for a fully single player game? Yeah that would get farking old. It's not like it's a sandbox style game where there's tons of ways to alter the world - you'd have to mod in all that kind of stuff if you wanted it.

    So in order for COffline to work for me, there'd need to be beefy mission creation tools and plenty of people willing to use them. (Think original NWN community for example.)

    2) I like most of the CO playerbase who I've talked to. I admit, I've not grouped a lot or anything; but I like the idea that I could if I wanted to. It'd also be kind of sad not having anyone to admire my costumes <;_;> Yes, I am that vain dammit. So while I wouldn't call other people essential to my enjoyment of the game, it's a significant factor when combined with A.

    That said, I'd honestly, totally pay Cryptic 50 bucks for a standalone game with a similar level of customization built around single player campaigns in the Champions universe. Like a 20-40 hour RPG basically, with some content creation and mod tools <. .>b That would be awesome. (I'm actually thinking kind of like "Freedom Force"... but better <@_@&gt;b)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    10 Chars...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I would still play if it came to that too.

    But I agree with Avalance, it would be eerie.... *unlesssss :rolleyes:

    I suppose you could have the game boost the number of npc bots spawned in your vicinity to make the city feel 'bustled' :rolleyes:

    even better .. have bot skins be 'player submitted' for download, like SPORE does with it's creatures .... that would be sweet as heck. could have random 'suited' heroes doing thier bot-thing around you .... could save favorites... :D

    ... ya I know ... wishful thinking.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I've been thinking along these lines ever since launch. The MMO aspect of CO is nice, but I usually spend more time casually playing it like an offline console game in small 1-2 hour shifts. Few MMOs could really work as well as a single-player game, but CO's superhero sandbox really shines for single-player opportunities and downloadable content sales. Unfortunately, I don't realistically see this happening in the near future--if at all--as it would require a complete overhaul of client/server synchronization and possibly open the door for numerous exploitations.

    A few people have commented that the game might seem a little eerie and unsettling without having other players around. But personally, I think my immersion into the gameplay experience would sometimes be improved tremendously without the mass quantities of copyright copycats, prostitute costumes, and zone chat spam covering everything from real-world politics to Grond jokes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Posts: 1,156,071 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I love the multiplayer aspect of the game. There is nothing cooler than swooping in to save another hero who is in over their head or bashing a supervillain with your friends. However, I wouldn't mind an offline component either. Something where I could play with my inventory or the costume creator. I'm also dreading the day the servers finally go down, and I would like to see something of my experience live on beyond that day.

    In summary, love online. Offline is better than no game at all.
  • sonofdeadmc9377sonofdeadmc9377 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i think someone should make a offline mode for champions online it would be good for if you are having trouble with the internet or something
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,739 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Please don't post in threads that haven't been posted to in over 30 days. If you want to continue the discussion, please start a new thread.
This discussion has been closed.