There's a bunch of interesting places that I can't bring lower level characters to, and at least one place (Queen City) that I can no longer get to that I could before. this makes it harder to team with my friends and do fun things together. Can you please just open the doors to all the zones and drop the restrictions?
Why not just do the prerequisite quests in order to access the instance? Although, that'll be hard w/o the CO wiki but it's not impossible. Vibora Bay Crisis is a very interesting questline to undergo. I think you can get the quest when you're lvl 35+?
Also, the quests are there for a reason. CO wasn't made just for RPing, it is also for gaming. The developers(of the past) took their time to make sure the players get interested in the quests. So far, Vibora Bay has the most interesting quests...for me anyway.
Just do the prerequisite quests. Trust me it's worth it.
If you don't want to, then you can just wait for a "A Day at the Mall" alert and go to the Powerhouse after the mission is over. Another way to get your friends to VB is to have Summon-Team-Pack. if you have access to Vibora Bay of course...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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There's a bunch of interesting places that I can't bring lower level characters to, and at least one place (Queen City) that I can no longer get to that I could before. this makes it harder to team with my friends and do fun things together. Can you please just open the doors to all the zones and drop the restrictions?
^This. Thousands times this
It makes no sense in an MMO. And let's not talk about story progression, because it is the least important part of CO. Besides, what story?
No successful MMOs have level clocked zones. It's only player choice if to risk entering higher level zone, or not.
Neither Neverwinter has level locked zones.
Just get rid of this unneeded annoyance. It only hurts CO appeal for newer players - game world seems very limited.
And when we are at it - REMOVE crisis requirement for entering Vibora Bay.
This crisis is fun to play only ONCE. It should NOT be forced on every character.
It's too long, too boring when replayed for bazilion times, its replay serves no purpose - just annoyance.
Just do the prerequisite quests. Trust me it's worth it.
OP joined in 2012. It's very likely they've already played VBA and don't find it worthy playing again and again and again. Bad design is a bad design.
Just because you like this questline enough to enjoy it every time, it doesn't mean that every other player HAS to like suffering this ordeal only to unlock Vibora.
It's very user unfriendly and should be finally removed. Vibora Bay is the only open world zone locked behind crisis.
All other maps were finally made open. Now it's time for Vibor Bay.
Honestly, a big part of the problem is that RIGHT NOW, the world isn't as "open" as you say. I can't bring a 25 to Lemuria to team with me, for instance.
But yeah, the thing is that if I want to pal around with new characters, I have to go back to MC - which inexplicably has nothing in it that I can do at upper levels in it, to the annoyance of my urban-oriented characters. And because MC is low level, it means I have to do their stuff. Nor can we compromise and hang out with friend #2 doing Canada stuff that I don't do all the time, because Friend #1's low level alt is too low to get into Canada. Bah.
Initially I didn't like this idea, but I think that it'd be nice for players to be able to explore more of the different areas even if they'll realize they are under leveled when they get there. They could also party up and sidekick with others. All around it would just make the game more enjoyable and flexible for people.
Also, the quests are there for a reason. CO wasn't made just for RPing, it is also for gaming. The developers(of the past) took their time to make sure the players get interested in the quests. So far, Vibora Bay has the most interesting quests...for me anyway.
Just do the prerequisite quests. Trust me it's worth it.
If you don't want to, then you can just wait for a "A Day at the Mall" alert and go to the Powerhouse after the mission is over. Another way to get your friends to VB is to have Summon-Team-Pack. if you have access to Vibora Bay of course...
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
^This. Thousands times this
It makes no sense in an MMO. And let's not talk about story progression, because it is the least important part of CO. Besides, what story?
No successful MMOs have level clocked zones. It's only player choice if to risk entering higher level zone, or not.
Neither Neverwinter has level locked zones.
Just get rid of this unneeded annoyance. It only hurts CO appeal for newer players - game world seems very limited.
And when we are at it - REMOVE crisis requirement for entering Vibora Bay.
This crisis is fun to play only ONCE. It should NOT be forced on every character.
It's too long, too boring when replayed for bazilion times, its replay serves no purpose - just annoyance.
OP joined in 2012. It's very likely they've already played VBA and don't find it worthy playing again and again and again. Bad design is a bad design.
Just because you like this questline enough to enjoy it every time, it doesn't mean that every other player HAS to like suffering this ordeal only to unlock Vibora.
It's very user unfriendly and should be finally removed. Vibora Bay is the only open world zone locked behind crisis.
All other maps were finally made open. Now it's time for Vibor Bay.
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But yeah, the thing is that if I want to pal around with new characters, I have to go back to MC - which inexplicably has nothing in it that I can do at upper levels in it, to the annoyance of my urban-oriented characters. And because MC is low level, it means I have to do their stuff. Nor can we compromise and hang out with friend #2 doing Canada stuff that I don't do all the time, because Friend #1's low level alt is too low to get into Canada. Bah.
I agree that level gating should just be done away with.
You could simply have a level range listed in the name of the zone when you go over to the superjet.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Wait? Whaaaa..?
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