So I have a character, Nick, who's a sorcerer. A friend recently showed me her character's different costumes for the different zones (Desert, Canada, MI, Vibora..) and I thought the idea was cool, so I tried my hand at a similar set. Desert Mage was easy, just go with a gunslinger. Canadian Mage was more of an artic one, but it too was quite simple..
Then i got to Monster Island and thought it'd be simple as well. Concept was a Jungle dwelling spell caster and what would be easier than Shaman-like look? Game practically throws pieces for it at you. Problem.
@_@ I can't come up with a definite look I liked.
Anyone mind helping me out?
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Tribalish bodypaint.
Use the Sovereign Sons shaman/tribal pieces.
Skull headwear.
Voodoo your hoodoo...
Or 'become the jungle'....
Dress in junglecamo.
Use grassy and leafy pieces.
To blend in.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Dunno why, the look just didn't appeal to me ._.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber