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Stealth Sight Mechanic is now broken

nesn00000nesn00000 Posts: 151 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Gameplay Bugs
This is more of a PVP issue but netherless it should be fixed.

One of the major reason why PVP died is because after the On Alert Pass the changes to the gear broke a players ability to obtain stealth sight.

Old gear you could obtain secondary utility pieces that added +15 to a stat or + 7 too two diff stats pluss 100% perception.

The new gear only offers a +# to perception, even if you MOD rank 9 perception MODS into perception Gear from the PVP vendor you still cannot obtain stealth sight at +300 int levels. Obviously whomever did the gear pass did not TEST perception at all when making the gear.

You have to use the old gear pluss the new gear to obtain stealth sight which sucks because many new players cannot obtain the old gear.

Please please please introduce back into the game some secondary pieces that have pluss %100 perception so new players can enjoy the pvp system.
Post edited by nesn00000 on


  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Perception isn't the issue. I have 647 INT and still can't see through stealth.

    The minimap radius is what you need to see through teleport/stealth etc.

    Devs should get rid of all the PvP mods.
  • nesn00000nesn00000 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    gamehobo wrote: »
    Perception isn't the issue. I have 647 INT and still can't see through stealth.

    The minimap radius is what you need to see through teleport/stealth etc.

    Devs should get rid of all the PvP mods.

    Percentage to the perception buff IS THE ISSUE. You've probably based your incorrect statement without using one of these pieces because like my post say's, you don't have access to this gear because its legacy gear, so in a way you are correct except even with the mini map mod and you STILL will not have stealth sight even with 800 INT, My PVP SG Altered Egos did extensive testing on this.

    So once again, THE ONLY WAY to obtain stealth sight is to have LEGACY secondary utility gear that offers you a 100% to perception + the Primary Utility Piece that offers +120 SOMETHING to perception and around 200 to 250 int, the only other gear now that drops in the game that still has that buff percentage buff is from Takofanes and there is one on the Auction House for 700 Gold.

    Players should not have to use legacy gear to obtain stealthsight, this mechanic WAS NOT BROKEN until the gear pass happened. IT IS IMPOSSIABLE to obtain stealth sight with ANY AND ALL PVPS MODS PERIOD. It won't make a difference how much int you have or how many PVP mods you use. Unless you have legacy gear YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE THROUGH STEALTH.
  • xeirosxeiros Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The amount of Stealth Sight a character receives per point of Intelligence is laughably bad. One old legacy 100% piece blows 200 Intelligence out of the water. At best you'd need about 300 Int and one legacy secondary in order to see through just the 1,000 perception stealth of powers like Teleport and the sleight of mind advantage of Evasive Maneuvers.

    If the boosted perception is lowered or they increase the number even further, it will be for nothing. Remember that smoke grenade is minus 12 hundred at rank 3. Smoke Grenade, a power that can easily be stacked on itself multiple times by the same toon. You can't win. You can no longer triple stack perception gear.

    Here's The reason why the new stealth sight gear is so terrible. 127 Perception for example. What does that mean exactly. It's simple. !27 Perception is the equivalent of 127 Intelligences worth of stealth sight. Yeah. To the other poster in this thread. No. Minimap radius has nothing, I repeat nothing at all to do with a characters ability to see through perception stealth. It never has. It simply does exactly what it states and nothing more.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    The minimap radius seems to be the stat that allows seeing stealth, not the Stealth Sight. I put it on and can see through teleport
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You need both stealth sight and minimap radius.

    Crush never did quite understand how this worked and was under the impression that minimap was only related to the minimap.

    In it's current state, it's generally impractical to implement perception unless the build is already heavy int and resorting to legacy gear.

    I would have changed the title of the thread - it isn't broken, but there's no way to get the perception levels from before without resorting to legacy.

    AT wise, it's basically made perception impossible for all but a select few builds.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hey now, the new perception gear is perfect!

    It helps you see that PvP in this game is a waste of time.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • nesn00000nesn00000 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Hey now, the new perception gear is perfect!

    It helps you see that PvP in this game is a waste of time.

    It's not a waste of time, many people enjoy pvp in CO. And if Stealth sight is fixed for newer players many more will enjoy pvp too. But In your case, someone whom has pvp'ed for almost three years and still can't beat a AT with a free form build, yea I can see how it would be a waste of time for "YOU."

    Alot of people used to look up to you Brou even myself but now you're just a troll.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    nesn00000 wrote: »
    It's not a waste of time, many people enjoy pvp in CO. And if Stealth sight is fixed for newer players many more will enjoy pvp too. But In your case, someone whom has pvp'ed for almost three years and still can't beat a AT with a free form build, yea I can see how it would be a waste of time for "YOU."

    Alot of people used to look up to you Brou even myself but now you're just a troll.

    I didn't know ATs had been around since the Roper era.

    Whatever, dude. Good luck. This is a problem for everyone, but if you look at the acclaim rewards you'll see where this little part of the game sits on the planning board. That is why I say it is a waste of time. I don't blame it on the players.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I remember when pvp acclaim gear was the best gear in the game. *sigh*

    There was a time that pvp was the only reason I played this game. That time has passed.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
    RIP Caine
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,122 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Um not to be annoying or anything but my Impulse has only 197 INT and she can see through some stealth both in PvP and PvE. Granted my sight is limited to seeing the name of the player or their orange bar, this is after about 5 secs or so, I am going to be working today to get better gear for her and increase her Int value.

    Most people also who use smoke grenade use Escape Artist which disallows targeting for 10 secs or so. I know that this isnt the issue here but I thought I'd post my thoughts.

    To be fair stealth mechanic isnt only thing broken in game, as this section denotes. But I have noticed that AoRP stops my Mind AT from blocking in PvP only. I have tested this with friends without Crippling Challenge being applied.

    Holds mechanics are also completely decimated. Maintained holds have been destroyed so much that they have no real viability in PvP and very limited viability in PvE, unlike before. The only holds I believe to be worth/hold any value anymore are charged holds such as Ego Sleep.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,122 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I will let you into a secret though :p.

    There is one device which used to be available which gave perfect stealth but gave untargetability for a brief time against players with high int.

    Invisibility Ray (Sonic Pacification Device) :biggrin:
  • nesn00000nesn00000 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Perfect World, this is a real issue now that your rolling out yet more stealth powers on PTS without providng players the gear needed to see through stealth. YOU ARE CREATING an inbalance in the game that can be used to completly undermine your own efforts to balance powers.

    ON PTS there is a new stealth toggle when used with Smoke nade and EM can completly beat out any attempts to see through stealth .

    KUSH BROKE STEALH GEAR with his complete lack of understanding of how the mechanics work when you remove 100% perception gear and replace it with +### percetion gear which is NOT THE SAME.

    You must introduce BACK INTO THE GAME Perception gear to balance this.
  • nesn00000nesn00000 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I will let you into a secret though :p.

    There is one device which used to be available which gave perfect stealth but gave untargetability for a brief time against players with high int.

    Invisibility Ray (Sonic Pacification Device) :biggrin:

    That is a placate, not stealth, back in the day placate was on several items such as magicians dust which was heavily nerfed after it became rampant in pvp.

    Sonic device locks you out of using all other powers until the 5-6 second activation time as ended, its really worthless vs other players other than means of escape.

    Placate is not the same as Peception Debuffing.
  • cyberzubzeroicyberzubzeroi Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    hey ,is that old gear with 100% now fixet???....
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,618 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I just got a Malvan Emblem and put an R5 Perception Core in it giving me a total of 27% Stealth Sight and +267 Perception. As long as I have at least 250 Int, my EB active and the enemy targeted they will never disappear.

    BTW those custom cores are being thematically removed from the game.
  • cyberzubzeroicyberzubzeroi Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    my english is bad sorry---
    but if u escape in a battle with teleport
    the player with 100%<<< old gear perception, he see u of radar 100% or too direct
    and teleport is 1000 stealth aggression or ?
    with ur gears u can not find teleport players or @crypticbuxom :)

    that old gear is not bad
    I can not get it as new player
    I dont no, why its not get a nerf
    is it for the old players as gift to lets look the new players bad in PvP ;)) I dont no
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,618 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    They're easier to see than players using EM + adv. =) Teleport is a weak stealth.
  • stergiosmanstergiosman Posts: 717 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    They're easier to see than players using EM + adv. =) Teleport is a weak stealth.

    Not at r3...
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,618 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Anyone who is wasting points to put that TP at R3 isn't much of a threat in PvP in general.
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