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Mega Destroid event is broken

nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
edited October 2013 in Missions and Content
Did anyone else know the new event is broken?
Post edited by nextnametaken on


  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Returns crap for energy
    21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards deals 1 (1) Cold Damage to Mega-Destroid.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.

    [21:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Ice Shards gives 1 Energy to you.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Demo_record causes crash to desktop at the event.
    Gets you stuck in "connecting to account server" on relaunch.
    With the sounds of machine guns or chopper blades repeating.

    Messed up my computer, task manager won't even launch.
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Try a level 6 energy builder against the level 40 test dummies. Same thing happens. Seems to be dependent on the damage done with the energy builder.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Try a level 6 energy builder against the level 40 test dummies. Same thing happens. Seems to be dependent on the damage done with the energy builder.

    Well I'm level 34 and glacier powers are energy hogs.
    So this event comes down to "Spend on your energy builder, which is a waste of points on all other content?"
    Or "Don't play archtypes"
  • fudgemonstafudgemonsta Posts: 1,591 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well I'm level 34 and glacier powers are energy hogs.
    So this event comes down to "Spend on your energy builder, which is a waste of points on all other content?"
    Or "Don't play archtypes"

    There is a lot of ways to maintain energy. Also pretty sure that it would be better at level 40, but, I haven't logged on today yet to test.

    Deliciously nutritious!
  • colonelmarikcolonelmarik Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well, I'm not wasting my time with this. Twice, one of the megas charged up his big attack. Each time, I hit field surge (R2) and blocked with my Force Shield (R3). My character, at L39, has about 7k health. Each time, the attack did over 100k damage - THROUGH my block and my shield.

    Not wasting my time with yet more amazing oneshot foes.
    Once, I was simply called Mojo. Now, I'm forced into a new name, but don't be fooled, I'm the original STO Mojo!

    Crafting, Exploration and Interaction as it should be:
  • rebelscum58rebelscum58 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Did they at least fix the bug from last year where there was a chance you'd get de-leveled all the way to level 1, permanently?
  • sapphiechusapphiechu Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Returns crap for energy (snip)

    My level-37 freeform (Scarletta - just can't stop changing things in her costume set, but is usually doing Alerts in white armor and rocket boots), after trying and failing to zip in, blast with 2-Gun Mojo for a bit, and zipping out again before the big, blue, blast wave hit her, was sniping constantly. Not ONCE did her energy bar drop below her equilibrium. As I'm still getting used to the nuts and bolts of freeform building, I might well have lots of energy builders attached, but I also know REC is on of her super-stats (although not primary), so it's entirely possible that her natural recovery is taking up the slack on the use of Sniper's Rifle.

    I'm just impressed (considering my utter noobness of six weeks playing C.O.) that my character wasn't at the bottom of the list for damage done after the fight was over. :biggrin:

    Would have LIKED to have seen something a little more substantial than three ordinary upgrade parts and a blue bracer that was inferior to the stuff I was wearing, but hey, that's what the auction house is for, anyway? :confused:
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well, I'm not wasting my time with this. Twice, one of the megas charged up his big attack. Each time, I hit field surge (R2) and blocked with my Force Shield (R3). My character, at L39, has about 7k health. Each time, the attack did over 100k damage - THROUGH my block and my shield.

    Not wasting my time with yet more amazing oneshot foes.

    ^ This is extremely odd.

    The base damage these things deal is no higher than 25k.

    I take 5k to PFF unblock and non dodge and with block (r1 force shield) I can survive better.

    However my toon is level 40.

    Electric Form toons should be taking about 17k or less base particle damage from the Mega Destroid Wave attack (provided their Energy Resistance is at 25% or higher and provided it actually works like that). My Electric Form toons Joule and BioWasp both take around 13k base on tooltip. On dodge Joule takes 5.7k.

    I don't know of any passive which increases the particle damage taken...so you must be reading more than 1 attack and putting both values together.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ^ This is extremely odd.

    The base damage these things deal is no higher than 25k.
    Every time I was killed it was over 61,000 damage, instantly.
    Trying to build energy off blocking and taking damage was useless because no damage
    ever happened during the fight except the insta-kill shot, until the little droids spawn and I could pull their aggro.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Every time I was killed it was over 61,000 damage, instantly.
    Trying to build energy off blocking and taking damage was useless because no damage
    ever happened during the fight except the insta-kill shot, until the little droids spawn and I could pull their aggro.

    *raises eyebrow*


    Unless they have been buffed?

    I've been one shotted for 13k on Joule when I stupidly agro'd one where no one else was fighting them.

    But the base value for me wasn't that harsh.
  • gfnotaku1gfnotaku1 Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Has anyone else reported energy building problems from the Mega Ds? It clearly shows me doing damage and getting energy, but only 1. BIG problem especially for Glaciers and other low equilibrium ATs/Builds.

    EDIT: ...derp. Forgot to read the first few posts XD

    Also, there's a simple way of avoiding death. It's an ancient art passed down from Chinese Mystics.

    Just run away when they go to AoE Smash and then return the second the animation hits. Also, there's a certain range the AoE has where you're unaffected that some ranged attacks (Ice Blast!) are able to hit from.
    This post is brought to you by:
    Villain-Mart, the only shopping franchise that caters to that diabolic need. This week at Villain-Mart, save 2 dollars on smoke machines when you shop with your CrimeCard and get buy-one-get-one-free on henchmen and scientists. Villain-Mart! You might be criminal, but our prices aren't!
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    only been killed by that a few times, strangely enough I've been killed less often on my quarry muni dps than on my invuln toon. maybe its because this event screws melee in a really bad way.

    I'm using glacier invulnerability which absorbs 0(130) damage on the kill shot.
    So I added some ranks to unbreakable and got that Ice Block thing whatever is.
    Useless. No way they can take 61,000 damage.
    Then in PVE I'm not taking damage anyway so those powers are worthless and there's no ranks left to put into damage output to shorten fight times with this archtype, no wonder its taken since November 2012 to get her to level 35.
    gfnotaku1 wrote: »
    Just run away when they go to AoE Smash and then return the second the animation hits. Also, there's a certain range the AoE has where you're unaffected that some ranged attacks (Ice Blast!) are able to hit from.
    Yeah sure that'd work great if I wasn't murdered when they are in the start up pose of the animation.
    That is, they get into a sorta jump crouch, I'm dead, then there is a blue blast wave, the destroid goes into the air, then lands on the ground, and by then I'm already respawning.
    There's no indication they are doing the attack before the attack.
    Its Pose, Murder, Explosion, Animation.

    There are times I take no damage at all, blast wave after blast wave, then its a row of suicide runs with no way of knowing why I'm dying now when I wasn't dying before.
  • gfnotaku1gfnotaku1 Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    only been killed by that a few times, strangely enough I've been killed less often on my quarry muni dps than on my invuln toon. maybe its because this event screws melee in a really bad way.
    I'm using glacier invulnerability which absorbs 0(130) damage on the kill shot.
    So I added some ranks to unbreakable and got that Ice Block thing whatever is.
    Useless. No way they can take 61,000 damage.
    Then in PVE I'm not taking damage anyway so those powers are worthless and there's no ranks left to put into damage output to shorten fight times with this archtype, no wonder its taken since November 2012 to get her to level 35.

    Yeah sure that'd work great if I wasn't murdered when they are in the start up pose of the animation.
    That is, they get into a sorta jump crouch, I'm dead, then there is a blue blast wave, the destroid goes into the air, then lands on the ground, and by then I'm already respawning.
    There's no indication they are doing the attack before the attack.
    Its Pose, Murder, Explosion, Animation.

    There are times I take no damage at all, blast wave after blast wave, then its a row of suicide runs with no way of knowing why I'm dying now when I wasn't dying before.

    2 things.

    1. They taught you this in the tutorial. It's called the Comic Buildup warning. RIGHT next to the enemy's portrait that you're targeting an Icon will appear when they're charging an attack. When it's a red Circle, you GTFO immediately because it's their super AoE. Most travel powers can get you out before it hits at R2 (r1 if it's the faster ones like Super Speed or Rocket Flight). Pairs of destroids like to use it in succession so if you dodge one, you'll dodge the other that comes seconds later.

    2. At ranged, the best way to attack them without fear of being hit by the AoE is RIGHT at the range where you actually CAN attack them. So a little within 100ft for Ice/Fire/Force/Wind Blast and other powers with such a range.

    The Mega Ds are supposed to be the penultimate fight that tests our heroes' abilities and quick thinking. It's not supposed to be a fight like any other, but a true challenge. My only complaint about this event is that we don't get a cool cutscene upon failing where Destroyer basically proclaims his victory and Destroids march throughout the city... Or something better upon success.
    This post is brought to you by:
    Villain-Mart, the only shopping franchise that caters to that diabolic need. This week at Villain-Mart, save 2 dollars on smoke machines when you shop with your CrimeCard and get buy-one-get-one-free on henchmen and scientists. Villain-Mart! You might be criminal, but our prices aren't!
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    1. I spend the most of whole fight watching my blue energy bar, because it barely fills and I swear it depletes while using my energy builder, but then maybe I might be tapping a power reflexively.

    If I'm not watching the energy I'm watching what the current target is.
    If I want energy I have to target smaller bots, there goes any hope of seeing big bots icon.

    2. Attacking at max range is 50 feet away from energy, maybe I get off 2 blast attacks with a base charge, and then I'm not gaining any power at all, and 100 feet from any pick up orbs.

    It has made no difference the distance I've been for the instant death, because I can't fight at 100 feet.

    Dude I teamed last night had a panic attack and rage quit because he was killed at around 100 feet , twice in a row after spawning half a dozen pets.

    The only real difference in survival has been the number of other players in the area, which likely has to do with lots of stuns or something going on, that my ice, and my team mates just aint doin.

    Also seems that AoE attacks will cause a big blast.
    So yeah I just tap 2 key for 20 minutes and win the day.
  • kallethenkallethen Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The only real difference in survival has been the number of other players in the area, which likely has to do with lots of stuns or something going on, that my ice, and my team mates just aint doin.

    Their AoE is subject to a maximum number of targets like our AoE attacks are, I believe. So, yes, there is safety in numbers.
    100% of the world is crazy, 95% are in denial.

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  • shilarshilar Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Personally, even with my 40s, I'm gonna avoid the Mega Ds. This is beyond stupid, much like the Cybermind alert (instead of a real mission). If you do an invasion, wouldn't you, y'know... INVADE THE WHOLE CITY? Instead of 6 in a close-knit group, 6 scattered throughout (and at various levels to allow the lowbies a chance). If this is what to expect, maybe I should save my money on the C-store...
    Travel Power/Costume suggestions.

    Example of Comet Flight: Here.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,212 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kallethen wrote: »
    Their AoE is subject to a maximum number of targets like our AoE attacks are, I believe. So, yes, there is safety in numbers.

    This was the biggest help to me and everyone I fought along side.

    As for the post above and six bots in a parking lot.
    I would love to see them make it an alert on the scale suggested by the trailer that they cooked up four years ago.

    In its own zone with destroyable buildings and exploding cars, tanks and other fun effects.

    Wow look at that Mega Destroid in the video, actually attacking instead of dancing
    like an electrocuted monkey with flaming fleas up its rear.
  • gfnotaku1gfnotaku1 Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This was the biggest help to me and everyone I fought along side.

    As for the post above and six bots in a parking lot.
    I would love to see them make it an alert on the scale suggested by the trailer that they cooked up four years ago.

    In its own zone with destroyable buildings and exploding cars, tanks and other fun effects.

    Wow look at that Mega Destroid in the video, actually attacking instead of dancing
    like an electrocuted monkey with flaming fleas up its rear.

    ..trailers being bigger and more grand than the actual game itself? Oh my... it's almost like they wanted to add hype for it. God knows that OTHER game was more truthful with how gameplay was.

    This post is brought to you by:
    Villain-Mart, the only shopping franchise that caters to that diabolic need. This week at Villain-Mart, save 2 dollars on smoke machines when you shop with your CrimeCard and get buy-one-get-one-free on henchmen and scientists. Villain-Mart! You might be criminal, but our prices aren't!
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