I think making daily missions to complete a certain number of open missions would be a great idea! :biggrin:
it could reward silver champions recognition or questionite, maybe a choice between the two, or even globals, perhaps 20g for completing 3 open missions, repeatable only once per day? the open missions required could perhaps change per player depending on their level, to make sure people don't farm jailbreak for their wins, and perhaps each open mission should count only once daily for the mission objective.
Making dailies for open world and instance content according to Cryptic is a bad idea. That's why there are no more featured AP/Comics in the Overview window in game anymore.
Myself? Neat idea. Doubt it would get done, and little reason to do them really. A lot of the OM's break, and some are much easier to do then others if they went with 'Any OM works.'
Example? Fighting the Lemurians in that park in MC. You can do that in about three minutes, tops.
Probably because it would encourage more instances to be created... and that takes up valuable space/processing power that could be used for STO and NWO. The whole point of Alerts was to reduce the load CO used relative to STO and NWO (consolidating the diminishing player base seems to be a bonus side effect).
Grind for the Grind God! Tokens for the Token Throne!
Yeah, it's not a bad idea but it suffers from the fact that Cryptic cannot keep most OMs actually running and some of them have either very very short respawn times(War on Peace) or only work for the 1st 15m-6h after maintenance(Biselle and Undead on Arrival).
Want to see something amusing, look through all the old patch notes and see how many times Biselle has been "Fixed" and then go there and see that it isn't. Ok, it's not amusing....it's kinda sad.
Also, if a project like this were to work then it would be a good idea to....I dunno....PUT THE UNIQUE/FUN REWARDS BACK IN THE OM LOOT TABLES? Just saying here. :cool:
Also, if a project like this were to work then it would be a good idea to....I dunno....PUT THE UNIQUE/FUN REWARDS BACK IN THE OM LOOT TABLES?
And the removal of these rewards has successfully removed the reason to do them beyond the first time.
Another mark that leads a logical thinker to believe that they discourage playing open content and going to places that would require the server to reload private instances. Add that to other reasons why they won't keep all custom alerts up at the same time.
When they removed unique rewards from PvP the instances stopped loading up so much. The gain? More server space for their other games.
When they removed unique rewards from specific mobs, bosses and open missions, their phases and instances stopped loading up so much. The gain? Even MORE server space for their other games.
When these unique drops didn't have to be loaded into players inventories taking up permanent spaces on their characters, YES, more server space (and memory) for their other games.
On Alert has put a stopper on traffic is all. Adding MORE reasons to play regular content goes against everything they've done since On Alert.
Says Buxom? Says logic.
If Cryptic North works to undo the damage that On Alert mentality has done to this game, then I'm all for adding more reasons to play regular content and even NEW regular content.
Another mark that leads a logical thinker to believe that they discourage playing open content and going to places that would require the server to reload private instances... The gain? Even MORE server space for their other games.
This. If you needed any other proof, there used to be more OMs in the game, but several were removed with On Alert. The Canadian and southwest crisis zones each used to have one (the Canadian one involved scanning Steelhead troopers to find which ones were secretly zombies, and when the quota was reached, the zombies attacked the base en masse; I don't remember what the southwest one was about, but I think it was something about defeating a quota of grondlings to proc an irradiate attack). This caused players to remain in the crisis zones much longer than was necessary to complete mission content, and there were a lot of people grinding the OMs for specific drops. You never see more than one instance of each of the crisis zones today, but back then there were always at least a half dozen of each.
According to Cryptic, said buxom.
Myself? Neat idea. Doubt it would get done, and little reason to do them really. A lot of the OM's break, and some are much easier to do then others if they went with 'Any OM works.'
Example? Fighting the Lemurians in that park in MC. You can do that in about three minutes, tops.
Deliciously nutritious!
Probably because it would encourage more instances to be created... and that takes up valuable space/processing power that could be used for STO and NWO. The whole point of Alerts was to reduce the load CO used relative to STO and NWO (consolidating the diminishing player base seems to be a bonus side effect).
Want to see something amusing, look through all the old patch notes and see how many times Biselle has been "Fixed" and then go there and see that it isn't. Ok, it's not amusing....it's kinda sad.
Also, if a project like this were to work then it would be a good idea to....I dunno....PUT THE UNIQUE/FUN REWARDS BACK IN THE OM LOOT TABLES? Just saying here. :cool:
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
I attempted it an hour ago in two different zones. Both failed to go past the sniper point.
Experiences differ. Which is another issue in and of itself.
Deliciously nutritious!
And the removal of these rewards has successfully removed the reason to do them beyond the first time.
Another mark that leads a logical thinker to believe that they discourage playing open content and going to places that would require the server to reload private instances. Add that to other reasons why they won't keep all custom alerts up at the same time.
When they removed unique rewards from PvP the instances stopped loading up so much. The gain? More server space for their other games.
When they removed unique rewards from specific mobs, bosses and open missions, their phases and instances stopped loading up so much. The gain? Even MORE server space for their other games.
When these unique drops didn't have to be loaded into players inventories taking up permanent spaces on their characters, YES, more server space (and memory) for their other games.
On Alert has put a stopper on traffic is all. Adding MORE reasons to play regular content goes against everything they've done since On Alert.
Says Buxom? Says logic.
If Cryptic North works to undo the damage that On Alert mentality has done to this game, then I'm all for adding more reasons to play regular content and even NEW regular content.
This. If you needed any other proof, there used to be more OMs in the game, but several were removed with On Alert. The Canadian and southwest crisis zones each used to have one (the Canadian one involved scanning Steelhead troopers to find which ones were secretly zombies, and when the quota was reached, the zombies attacked the base en masse; I don't remember what the southwest one was about, but I think it was something about defeating a quota of grondlings to proc an irradiate attack). This caused players to remain in the crisis zones much longer than was necessary to complete mission content, and there were a lot of people grinding the OMs for specific drops. You never see more than one instance of each of the crisis zones today, but back then there were always at least a half dozen of each.