Let me introduce myself, in-game I am aukshtaitis, but most people knows me as AUK or AUKY. I have finally decided to start a thread and show costumes of all my characters. There are few costumes from my junkyard (costumes which are not used by any of my characters).
Your use of muted colours is very well done and there's just enough contrast so that it doesn't all blend into a dark figure.
I'm just curious, do you actively favour browns and dark greens?
I ask because in many of the costumes I create I usually pick a few colours to work with as the theme but still tend to try and work some gold in (not always consciously).
Yep, I use a lot of brown, dark green, sand brown because it gives dark look and it doesn't hide costume piece patterns. Plus, I use those colours because most of my costumes are dark themed. Just recently I started to use blue, light blue and white colours combos :biggrin:
Yeah they're cool. Sometimes it kinda felt like you tried to throw all the most rare and expensive pieces together when it wasn't needed (nearly all of your characters have a costume that include the epic halo, the valerian shoulders etc..), but you undeniably know how to work with colors.
Come and check out my toons here!! http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=221551
And for my artworks, check it out here!!http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=223681
Your use of muted colours is very well done and there's just enough contrast so that it doesn't all blend into a dark figure.
I'm just curious, do you actively favour browns and dark greens?
I ask because in many of the costumes I create I usually pick a few colours to work with as the theme but still tend to try and work some gold in (not always consciously).
Champions Online has the best character creator - check out some of my creations in Killi's Consolidated Costume List !
@NASHER7542 also known as JIM, Mr Cuddles and Tysaur
(°∇° ) #megalodon2015
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods