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How important is the support role for healing?

anima58anima58 Posts: 4 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Power Discussion
Can a Hybrid + PRE geared character heal enough to act as a primary healer?


This is the Build i had in mind, its meant to be a DPS but could turn into a healer with Gear+Role switch.

I thought of using Seraphim but it locks me out of Dps role, so i'd rather not use it but if Support role is needed to get the job done i guess ill pick Seraphim.
Post edited by anima58 on


  • holloweaverholloweaver Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You can try AoPM+Compassion with INT+PRE ?
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I would say that it may take a little more than a gear and role switch to make that build a healer. But that is by the by.

    You lack PRE, which is the healing stat by default, however a similar level of healing can be achieved by REC.

    Compassion is the Healing increase Form which is usually found on healers.

    A support passive such as AoRP, AoPM, Seraphim or AoED would be in order.

    Support Role grants a sizeable increase to healing, so I'd say it would be very important. However it is possible to be a decent healer using Hybrid Role and relatively high PRE and super stats thanks to the bonus healing from super stats that Hybrid Role provides.

    Also none of your specs seem to lean towards healing in any way.
  • anima58anima58 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Also none of your specs seem to lean towards healing in any way.

    Well yeah this is a Dps spec.
    I just wanted to know if it was possible to heal with it by making a few changes, like Bonus healing and PRE on gear, while keeping SS on a decent bonus heal value without changing the passive.

    Looks like thats not possible without a Support passive.

    Mainly asking because i would of liked for this to be a dps toon that can heal rather than a healer that can dps.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Without healing role, support passive, or really focused specs, your healing amounts will be pretty low.

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  • carrionbaggagecarrionbaggage Posts: 736 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    You could consider dropping Celestial Conduit or Arcane Vitality for Iniquity. That would put you at a bit more risk (you'd have to manage your self-heals carefully), but it would give you much higher single-target health-per-second. With Hybrid Role and stacked +Healing gear, you could be a pretty competent healer.
  • ajanusajanus Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You can do anything you want, however, Support Role offers threat reduction...Hybrid does not. Which means, unless your tank is completely competent, your dps will be close to 0 and the only person that will be getting your heals...is you.

    Remember: Half the people you know are below average...

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    Don't be like the Qularr. They would not last one round in the Interstellar Galactic Arena...

    Handle @brayv
  • anima58anima58 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Allright i changed the Passive to Seraphim figured i can live without the dps role bonus dmg if it allows me to use the build like i want to.

    Now with Seraphim, support role, PRE and Bonus healing gear i can heal while doing decent dmg in hybrid role.

    Thank you guys for fast replies and help.
    You could consider dropping Celestial Conduit

    Conduit is in there for tap spamming.

    Since i dont apply fear Conduit tap does more dmg to single targets than ebon ruin tap, especially since i still use ebon ruin to lower their resistance to my other abilities.

    Its also decent single target healing if tapped as well. especially since i still use ebon ruin to lower their resistance to my other abilities.
  • carrionbaggagecarrionbaggage Posts: 736 Community Moderator
    edited August 2013
    anima58 wrote: »
    Conduit is in there for tap spamming.

    Huh, I never noticed how much more efficient Conduit is with tap spam. Expensive, but interesting. Thanks for mentioning that.
  • anima58anima58 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Huh, I never noticed how much more efficient Conduit is with tap spam. Expensive, but interesting. Thanks for mentioning that.

    theres more to that, if you hold it until right before the charge bar pops up u get the first tick along with the initial hit.

    The funny thing is that if you use it this way you skip the start up animation as well, as you're allready midair, not sure if this loses any dps but its more cost effective this way, only getting the timing down and getting used to it in general is a bit tricky.
  • despairsrequiemdespairsrequiem Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    if you were to compare the "roles" to a character choice in a video game, lets say super smash brothers, then hybrid would be your mario, its well balanced in all things, but can never excel in either. if you go melee or ranged based specs, then your naturally amped towards ranged damage or melee (respectively) obviously in that event however the balance will have shifted, and essentially your borrowing this power from the removal of your defensive capabilities (often also shown in the builds playstyle) Now same goes for the Tank/defensive role. if you decide to "bunker down" then your going to lose attack damage, as well as healing efficiency. so the short answer to your question is, depending on your build you'll notice a HUGE change in your efficiencies if you go the route of support, naturally your healing potential will skyrocket, however; you'll lose offensive capability as well as a tad bit of defensive. The thing is, pick a role that best matches what your character is going to be doing (thus why its called a role) if your going to be supporting other players/pets or whatever, and thats the role you wish to walk then obviously its best to pick a role named after such. if your going to be the guy who walks through an explosion while "back in black" by ac dc is playing go defensive tank role. if your going to be the hero who gets his high living on the edge and charges in with a kill or be killed mentality, get one of the two offensive roles depending on if your doing said charging with your literal fists/swords or hypothetically charging, via a gun or whatever have you. if you feel as though your going to be a combo of 2 or more of these concepts then be/stay in hybrid. NOTE however; there is a saying that goes, Jack of all trades....master of none. This also applies to the hybrid role.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you choose Support Role, you can get

    Base Healing increased by 25%
    Super Stats increases healing (target 30%)

    Without taking any PRE mods or Sentinel's Brooch.
    Those two bonus effects very huge. Not just allies healing but for your own self heal.

    Even with Sentinel's Brooch 7, it works only as +29 % Bonus Healing and PRE mods scales similar.
    So I think you should go for Support Role if you want to Heal.
  • secondalksecondalk Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Actually. It's a good question to ask if it's your own healing or others' healing you are worried about. Additionally, whether or not you care to take agro.

    Hybrid Role is a popular alternative to Tank Role because of the agro generated from both increased damage and healing.

    What is important about support is the threat reduction.
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