LoL, so my friends and I were having an intellectual conversation about how Superman would go about dealing with both Batman and Lex Luthor if they have Kryptonite at their desposal(which obviously they will.) From this conversation sprung a little meme that I believe fits this setting pretty well, so I decided to share it with you guys.:biggrin:
Superman: Who are you?
Batman: I'm Batman!
Superman: What's that green rock your holding?
Batman: This part of your home planet, I've named it Kryptonite.
Superman: What do you plan on doing with it?
Batman: According to my research this will drain you of all your powers, rendering you completely vulnerable.
Superman: Oh, I see...
Superman: LASER EYE'S!!!
Batman: :eek:
This topic has sense brought us much amusement. So here's a little taste to start things off!
You want me to smile? I don't care I'm not going to smile. Why are you waving that ridiculously hilarious stuffed giraffe around!?! NO! You... won't... make... me... smile!
Feels like forced memes.
Better then ponies I guess. Pew pew, lasers are fun.
Deliciously nutritious!
Superman couldn't deal with Batman and Lex Luthor if they teamed up. Why? Neither one of them are stupid enough to base a Kryptonite strategy on 'walk toward the demigod with rock'. Kryptonite bullets, or Kryptonite-edged Batarangs would be the least stupid way they would go about it. Rest assured that if two or even one of these masterminds got together to do this, Superman would never see it coming.
Or you could be a 7 year old with a super soaker and liquid kryptonite. Approach clark kent in his usual "can I get your autograph superman?" banter that happens whenever he lands. Have all the kids yell surprise and happy birthday, even though it isn't even his birthday, but in order to get all the kids to go along with the water guns, you have to tell them that. They spray him with the liquid kryptonite which is only a few shades of green, they jump up and down all excited and happy to greet superman with his happy birthday wishes. Superman goes down, kids start crying. Move all of the children out of the way in your mock "medical superman emergency response team" Tell the children it will be alright. Put him in the back of your hospital van since he will be weakened and unable to struggle much. Inject him with kryptonite fluids. Dead superman.
And it only cost you a hospital van, some EMT costumes, and some super soakers.
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On the other hand, he was once shoot with a Kryptonite bullet.
You can't dodge what you can't see. You don't have to walk up on the guy and point blank shoot him. A sniper shot from a distance (and don't say he'd hear the bullet, because the round travels faster than the speed of sound. He'd hear the gunshot after he was hit).
This wouldn't be a thing if it... hadn't happened more than once.
Baddy: Ha I've got you now Stuporman here is my kryptonite knife
Superman: Blowing noises
FX: Clunk
Baddy: Oh sh*t my hand fell off
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Batman and Luthor are in it too and they didn't fare that well (In fact you could say that Batman was the"damsell in distress" there )
Now when Luthor and Batman,using nothing else than their brain will beat someone that has godlike powers, then you could compare them to Superman, maybe
note the synopsis of chapter 9 is incorect it should read :
Superman sees a little Batman hanging on a cross like a pendant to the joker neck begging him to kill the joker and realize what the joker weakness is. He then taunt him telling him that, no matter what, he, the Joker needs the Batman.
When the Joker too realize that with all his power he cannot erase Batman from his mind he breaks
down and , no , he doesn't knell down in defeat before Superman and Batman like, erroneously, it is said in that sinopsy
For Supes, the technique involved hiring a stuntman to stand on a ledge at the Daily Planet building and threaten to jump. Supes, being Supes, flew up to try to talk him down - giving the sniper a half-block away plenty of time to aim the kryptonite bullet right at him... (IIRC, it wasn't a headshot only because Clark heard the bullet coming at him and ducked. It hit him in the chest instead.)
Fortunately, Bruce was also prepared to perform surgery on a Kryptonian, because his plans didn't involve killing anyone.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Oh wait, you said Lazar EYES!
I Completely misread that..................................
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
A pre-weakened Superman I could see being injured or killed by a Kryptonite bullet, but out of the blue at full strength? No way. Even Lex in the Superman Returns movie didn't stick his Kryptonite shiv in Supes' flank until he was already weakened to the point he was sweating.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
We all know he's got the hots for Wonder Woman. Convince her to buy him a drink and spike it with Kryptonite roofies.
Formerly known as kittyclawz.
In-game handle: @Miss.Kittyclawz
Superman also has long distance vision, x-ray vision and is known to have reflexes and perception faster than the speed of thought.
I seen some really insane **** in my lifetime but that .....yeah.
Git Gud M8!
Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.