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FATAL ERR0R Playtest - 6PM PDT

trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
edited August 2013 in Super News Network
Later today, we'll be having a playtest on PTS of the finale of the story arc, FATAL ERR0R: Cybermind! Our heroes have learned the truth of who was behind hacking SOCRATES, and now it's time to confront Cybermind himself.

This is a Level 40 Alert, for five players. CM TrailTurtle will be streaming the playtest, running through the alert and taking player feedback. We'll be giving away 2 Iris Irregular AFs, plus an additional AF for every fifteen people watching the livestream.

Start time: 6 PM PDT
This will be on PTS

Subscribers can get on PTS through this page: http://co.perfectworld.com/community/pts
Everyone can watch the stream and win AFs: http://www.twitch.tv/perfectworld_community

... in addition, if you followed the Child's Play livestream a while back, you know that TrailTurtle promised to grow a beard as one of the stretch goals. The beard is not yet complete, but it is in progress, and you can point and laugh during the stream. :biggrin:

Hope to see you there at six!
Post edited by Unknown User on


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