The last ring you kinda hafta slow down and ease into. If you just blast through it ( which is natural ) chances are it will fail you. It sucks, and I hate it because it goes against everything a race is supposed to be, but yeah, try slowing down at the finish for now if you keep failing.
Stupid bug is stupid.
Yep, but more specifically it's that you have to come in LOW over that landing platform after the last ring. I've done it at max speed in a Hawkwing (with a Flight R6 mod AND the afterburner going full-tilt) and at max speed with Jet Boots R3.
So remember,
tip: skip like a rock off the platform if you're coming in at full speed through the last gate. And if you miss or overshoot any gate: FAIL.
Got it?
What's in the unidentified artifact? (and why is it misspelled as "Unudentified", omg spell check please?!)
And for
- This event definitely is increasing demand for vehicles and vehicle mods (particularly the Flight Computer one)
- The event occurs in the Zone! It's accessible to everyone! (no need to wait for a queue either)
- The gates look cool
- The speed boost effect looks cool
- It's something quite different and fun
- The race course is good (but I can think of some even better ones), and it shows of some of the amazing geometry in the city that most players never even check out.
Any other notes of praise to add? Or bugs to report?
I do hope that something is done to make this more inclusive of ground bound characters.
'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
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Ironically enough, I did the race twice, got bored of it, and haven't done it since...doubt I'll be doing it again, since I have no interest in farming up a faster vehicle to "progress".
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
This was not my experience at all. I blast through at full speed ever time hitting the ring at the closest to the center as possible and completely overshooting the platform at the bottom. Only once out of a dozen times did it not count, and at the time I was lagging quite a bit. I had a hiccup just before hitting the ring, and it didn't count me going through.
If I remember correctly, you recently chided someone for posting false information before checking facts. Suggest you might do the same?
Are you picking up the mission? The unidentified artifact is what you turn in to Sapphire to get your reward for the race.
I agree, the race is awesome, partly because it's just good quick fun, and part because it's something so different for this game.
And yeah, I suggested a few years ago that it would be awesome to have obstacle courses and race courses throughout Millennium City; different courses for different travel powers. Like having some courses for swinging, different ones for superspeed, and others for superjump, etc.
The idea came from playing Rooftop Races on Crackdown. So much fun because it breaks up the gameplay for a fun side mission.
The 10 minute timer is rarely a problem when you have a few instances up. Patch Launch day had 5 instances up. Very rarely had to wait more than 4 minutes for a race to pop. I just wish they'd let you start late, since I have a fast vehicle and can easily complete it like almost a minute late.
He's asking what's in the box. My guess is it's some sort of device that scanned our heroes as they raced so the Malvans could get some sort of an idea of our potential and field appropriate opponents against us once the gladiatorial combat comes around.
I'm open to being entirely wrong about it. For all we know it's a can of beans stuck in a pantry behind a speed lock and Malvans being Malvans they got us to unlock the door for them.
I don't get why there would be something inside of it. It's like someone finding the Rosetta Stone and saying "yeah but what's inside it?"
It's not a box. It's an artifact. It's given to you supposedly by the Malvans for completing the race.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
The icon looks similar to a Kinetic Krunch, a wrapped piece of candy, so it's not a huge leap to think it might have something inside of it. The 'unidentified' part of unidentified artifact leaves it open to interpretation. It may not be a box in the traditional sense but it could still contain something. We just don't know.
Well, when I see "artifact" I don't immediately think box. I'm sure there's artifact boxes out there in the world, but generally artifacts aren't really containers.
Whilst I agree with you, we are so used to getting crappy lockboxes, we expect everything we receive in game to be one
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
And Questionte and thats all? o.O
It's time for me to go back PvP...
This is one poorly designed/tested event I will gladly ignore.
Chance at one of three costume pieces (helmet, gloves, boots)
Chance at a rank 4-ish vehicle mod
Some Questionite
Some Resources.
UNTIL recognition.
InB4 edited for content.
RIP Caine
I have a lot of trouble with those turns around the buildings, i honestly have no idea how people do those turns in vehicles, probably just me . So it is a nice little race i have to say cryptic, too bad it is temporary, it's like a fun little open mission that anyone can do, well if you have a vehicle or flight power that is. If anyone can't find the start point all you have to do is fly straight up from the middle of ren center until you see a helicopter near a ring.
I can also report that after so many runs, I can complete the race w/ a R2 flight power, so it's definitely doable, (at least by anyone level 20 and above w/ a R2 TP).
The 10-minute cooldown on races isn't bad, either - I just cycle through instances of MC until I find one that's close to starting.
I must say that I really love the costume pieces, but would it be possible to get the 1st gladiator helmet w/o the facemask, or *just* the facemask from both of them? I'd also love to see all the pieces give all the material options.
Overall, while the race certainly doesn't appeal to everybody, it's nice to see something more being offered. I hope the devs add a ground-based race in the near future - possibly w/ some ramps and jumps as well. I wonder if the game could handle us doing loops.
As for general tips, here's what I have to say:
1. Start the race just a little back from the 1st ring, so you get the boost applied to you properly.
2. Learn the track - there's a few very sharp turns about halfway through, and if you're in a vehicle that doesn't turn tightly, you can hit a building and lose precious time.
3. Most vehicles seem to handle better if you turn w/ the mouse instead of the keys. This is somewhat counter to the very tight handling that normal TPs exhibit, so it takes a little getting used to.
4. Most vehicles don't stop on a dime when you stop pressing forward - this drift can be used to your advantage to aid in turning.
5. You can run the race even w/o the timer officially starting - you won't get completion credit, but this will allow you to get in some practice.
6. If you fail, don't give up - learn the track, practice, and park yourself at a location where you can see others run the parts you are having trouble with.
7. Most importantly... HAVE FUN! If the race isn't your thing, take a break and try something else.
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The building turns are tricky, but you just have to know how to approach them. Due to inertia and momentum, I turn early, and also strafe to the opposite direction of the turn. This usually gets me right into the ring and facing the right way right after it.
Would be fun to do this if we had crash mechanics though. Those turns would be really tricky to take.
Oh, i may try strafing then, i generally just hit auto run and use right click to turn, which causes me to make some panic turns and end up kissing buildings. Having crash mechanics sounds fun, would be hilarious to see people failing turns and exploding or something :biggrin:.
Interestingly, I suggested a race set up like this like a year ago on Suggestions Box, pre-vehicles ever being thought possible. They're listening to us!
Now this is pod racing!
Handle: @drgmstr
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A quick control thrust, and you're back in the race, man.
It was awesome--had plenty of time to spare, beat a couple vehicles--teleport is super-maneuverable, even with speed boosts.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Seriously, I haven't really played except to log on, get disappointed and bored, and log back off for about, oh, four or five-ish months. I decided to poke around today and saw the race and got all excited. I had lots of zen laying around, so I bought a bike and modded it and raced.
Seriously, I haven't had this much fun since I started to the game. It's new, it's fresh, and I love racing, so, YEAH! I did five or six races not even caring if I could get the prize again because I just enjoyed doing it. That was it.
THis is the way the whole game should be. We don't need a whole new map(though it would be nice), we don't need more alerts. We DO NOT need more alerts. We just need little things to mix it up, something creative, something different, something that's not "Defeat 25 of X" or "go here and defeat X baddie and come back".
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
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